First, I would like to thank the editors of The Fifth Estate for asking me to contribute. Folk music and the new music, called Folk-rock are my own areas of endeavor, and I hope I will be able to add …
First, I would like to thank the editors of The Fifth Estate for asking me to contribute. Folk music and the new music, called Folk-rock are my own areas of endeavor, and I hope I will be able to add …
FE Note: This is a response to “More Minneapolis Anarchy,” the letters beginning on page 15 of this issue.
As we were completing work on our current issue, we received a letter for publication from the Wooden Shoe collective in Philadelphia regarding the vandalism of their bookstore last October. At that time the premises were entered with a key, …
Letters, page 2 Issue intro, page 3 The Logic of the Telescope Against the wisdom of Hawaii’s Native People STEVE KIRK page 4 Seattle Far-Right Shooter’s Trial Ends in Hung Jury: How can we get justice in an unjust system? …
One irony of the deep ecology discussion is that almost at the same time that some deep ecologists were taking an explicit position for the abolition of agriculture as the prime cause of the widening spiral of civilization and ecological …
THE ENEMY: If Hoover really did have RFK’s authorization to tap Martin Luther King’s phone why doesn’t he produce the signed memo that says so. James Bennett, director of Federal prisons for almost 30 years, has now written a book …
Reversion to 1911 would constitute a perfect first step for a 21st century neo-Luddite movement. Living in 1911 means using technology and culture only up to that point and no further, or as little as possible.
On December 9th the Irish Supreme Court set aside the death penalty for anarchists Noel and Marie Murray, charged with shooting an off-duty policeman during a bank robbery. That’s the good news, but there’s not much to feel victorious about, …
Over the past year, ruling elites in Russia and Ukraine—often in collaboration with fascist gangs—intensified active repression of those who dare to express dissident points of view on a wide range of topics, from workers’ demands for back pay, to …
Attacking what they call “terrorists” and “idealistic persons” who would take “positive steps” to overthrow society, the British government’s elite Special Branch and Anti-terrorist Squad (ATS) have conducted a series of raids designed to create an atmosphere of conspiracy and …
a review of Government Repression, Prisoner Support. Sacramento Prisoner Support, 2012, 157pp., P & L Printing, Denver CO $10, order through
Most everyone knows that the small encircled, lower case letter “c” indicates that a piece of work is copyrighted, and that it designates legal protection of creative work and intellectual property. Perhaps the key word for this discussion is the …
Rolf Dietrich is fighting a one man war with the City of Plymouth—and winning.
The X-Files, the science fiction television series that aired from 1993 to 2002, featured fictional FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully concerned with unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena and aliens. Its popularity was such that it made many young …
The shocking prison treatment of the Fort Hood Three, the three GIs who refused to go to Vietnam, has improved slightly as a result of the publicity of their situation and a flood of letters to government and Army authorities. …
Fifth Estate, #393, Spring 2015, Vol. 50, No. 1
“When you’re taking on a bulldozer, you don’t worry about the flies buzzing around your head.” —Dave Foreman, editor, Earth First!, Yule 1987 edition Words have consequences and, knowing their power, Dave Foreman uses them skillfully and manipulatively.
“Oil is industrial capitalism’s ‘crack.’” —anti-war placard
Eldridge Cleaver has a rap about how immigration screwed up the unity of the American working class. How the English immigrants came and kicked the Indians off the land and then had to import black people to do the work, …
June 28-July 5 – Earth First! Round River Rendezvous Annual gathering of the Earth First! Movement. Contact:,, 1-800-MY-YAHOO mailbox # 922-487-3887, 224 West Side Drive, Verona Island, ME 04416