(in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure) THURS. DEC. 25 Many places closed, better call ahead. Happy birthday; baby Jesus!! FRI. DEC. 26 FLOCK YOU with Chicago’s Flock & Detroit’s own Stooges and Savage Grace, plus Magic Veil trippy lights at the …
(in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure) THURS. DEC. 25 Many places closed, better call ahead. Happy birthday; baby Jesus!! FRI. DEC. 26 FLOCK YOU with Chicago’s Flock & Detroit’s own Stooges and Savage Grace, plus Magic Veil trippy lights at the …
“Welcome to the Republic of Darkness and Unemployment” — Baghdad graffiti It’s hard to be gleeful about the deteriorating situation in Iraq even when realizing that everything the anti-war movement predicted about Bush’s invasion for oil and empire has come …
Texas Anarchist Howdy, Fifth Estate! There is some serious stuff happening here in Austin. A liberated Learning Collective has been established. Part of it is a how-to course to teach would-be publishers to use the L LC press to produce …
The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831-6800. Visitors are welcome, but our …
Burning Man began with a wooden effigy and a single match on a beach in San Francisco in the late 1980s. When the police came and closed down the beach burning of the Man it was John Law and Michael …
England’s Green Anarchist magazine is now available as single issues or in bulk from Autonome Distribution, PO Box 79119, New Orleans LA 70179. In GA the Earth First! Journal meets Class War and puts forth an anti-civilization perspective as uncompromising …
a review of All-American Anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement, Carlotta R. Anderson, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1998, 324 pp., $34.95
Call Ollie Friends: Remember the 1-800 numbers game? It costs lots of money. It costs them lots of money and it’s free! Col. Oliver North Defense Fund now has a 1-800 number. Just dial 1-800—521-0200 and pledge lots of money …
The author of the following article, Joe Jacobs, was an English comrade and one-time member of London Solidarity (one of the two organizations mentioned in the discussion) who, we learned, died shortly after sending us this manuscript. Though we’ve devoted …
There is a common notion of the art world, a shared idea of what it is and what it is about. However, that also comes with a popular misconception: the perception of the art world as one, univocal concept when …
INFORMED SOURCES, a novel by Willard Bain: Doubleday, 1969, 144 pp., $2.95. “Power is the ability to define phenomena and make them act in a desired manner.” —Huey P. Newton, Minister of Defense, Black Panther Party Willard Bain’s book was …
Fifth Estate contributor Marie Mason was sentenced to nearly 22 years in prison on February 5 in a Lansing, Michigan federal courtroom, after pleading guilty to two acts of eco-sabotage.
a review of The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord Newly translated & annotated by Ken Knabb, Bureau of Public Secrets, 2014, 150 pages. $15. bopsecrets.org
The Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris contains many tombs honoring artists and rebels, but the most striking of them all is the monument to the gay English playwright and anarchist Oscar Wilde. [1]
“Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson. Three old men shuffling the pack, dealing out the cards: The Rhineland, Danzig, the Polish Corridor, the Ruhr, self-determination of small nations, the Saar, League of Nations, mandates, the Mespot, Freedom of the Seas, Trans-Jordania, …
Previous to this era, opponents of capitalism, particularly marxists, but also anarchists, saw the internal contradictions inherent in the political economy as the basis of the system’s overthrow; the working class was to be the agency of revolution. Other marxist …
Operation Rescue Founder Pied by Biotic Baking Brigade Agents of the Biotic Baking Brigade-NYC cell pied Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry, who was speaking on behalf of his new anti-abortion group, the Society for Truth and Justice.
I begin with two insights. Global systems theorist, Immanuel Wallerstein, argues that throughout capitalist history the working class has been divided into a proletariat, which makes a living solely through waged labor, and a semi-proletariat which in its contemporary incarnation, …
Just as today’s most obsessive notion is that of the material reality of time, self-existent time was the first lie of social life. As with nature, time did not exist before the individual became separate from it. Reification of this …
Reviewed by Allan Antliff unless otherwise noted The Uncontrollables vs the Grotesque Frame-Up Against Anarchists in Italy: Dossier, 1997 documents the Italian government’s efforts to target Italy’s anarchist movement using the confession of an activist’s former lover. The government is …