Time Magazine wrote in its eulogy of Chou En-lai that he never forgave John Foster Dulles for refusing to shake hands with him at the 1954 Geneva Conference. That was where he engineered the famous “compromise” in which he convinced …
Time Magazine wrote in its eulogy of Chou En-lai that he never forgave John Foster Dulles for refusing to shake hands with him at the 1954 Geneva Conference. That was where he engineered the famous “compromise” in which he convinced …
As groupies of the linear and electric media sniff at Janice Joplin’s empty whiskey bottles for the slightest whiff of a story, WKNR-FM of Detroit has taken rock coverage even farther down the ladder of respectability until it resembles Confidential …
SAT., SEPT. 30 PLAY: Pantageize, APA repertory company, Michel de Gheldero’s “farce to make you sad” Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, Ann Arbor, 8:00 p.m. 9/30 SUN., OCT. 1 PLAY: Same as 9/30 2:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. adm. 10/1
a review of World War 3 Illustrated Assorted Authors & Artists AK Press akpress.org ww3.nyc
a review of Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1883; Kindle edition, 2017. Also, free online
The following are some random comments and recommendations on the upcoming August 2 primary election races.
The Midwest “Underground” Press Conference originally scheduled for Saturday, May 20, at WSU has been called off until further notice due to the machinations of Dean J. Don Marsh of Wayne State University, who refused the WSU Artists’ Society classroom …
QUESTION: Is there such a thing as sexual allergy? I have been dating a recently divorced woman, but we have had intercourse only once. Here’s why: Shortly after we shared one of the most explosive, mutually exciting and uninhibited amorous …
AD RATES: 50 cents per line. Call 962-9334 with your message or stop by 937 Plum St.
On Sunday, September 3, the Detroit Free Press ran a five page feature entitled, “The 43 Who Died.” It was an in depth investigation into each riot connected death carried out by three competent Free Press staff reporters.
in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure WED. JULY 23 HELP KEEP SONNY’S DADDY OUT OF JAIL. Legal Self Defense Benefit at the Grande Ballroom. MC5, Stooges, and Tate Blues Band. All proceeds to go to the John Sinclair Defense Fund 7 …
A woman wrote in recently and asked for the addresses of several radical and underground papers. This made us realize that our paper may be the only one of its kind that is known to many of our readers. Since …
*Articles with Asterisk have extended versions on our web site. 4 Anarchists & Sex Work Aaron Lakoff 6 Wholly Shit – Church Reviews Stephane 7 Grand Jury Resister Freed
Though we do not accept commercial advertising, this Unclassified ad space is free for our readers’ use. We do not accept ads over the telephone, so please send your ads in writing to our office at: 4403 Second Ave., Detroit …
(by the Demolitions Editor) “Send a boy to do a man’s job and naturally you can expect those involved to start falling apart when they get caught.” This is the opinion of one of the defense attorneys for those accused …
Yesterday we were in your station. it was not what we had in mind, that morning—to be pulled over at gunpoint & shoved upagainstthecar / motherfucker. surrounded by five or six cars with pigs jumping out of each pigcar like …
Name: Please choose the best answer for the following questions. 1) Before becoming governor of California in 1967, Ronald Reagan
We welcome submissions of art and photography. Send high resolution images to fe@fifthestate.org. The Fifth Estate is an all-volunteer project. Images that appear in our pages are separate statements on subjects addressed in articles. P. 5 Paul Signac, “Portrait of …
in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure THURS. JAN. 8 FROM SOCIAL DISEASES to the common cold, Open City will cure it, at their free medical clinic. 4425 Second at Canfield. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call first or come in for an apt 831-2770. …
To the Editor, As the yearly retreat to the diploma mills nears I thought your readers would like to know of the continued existence of some essentially less repressive alternatives.