Editors’ Note: this interview with poet Allen Ginsberg took place at 10 a.m. on October 15 while driving from Detroit’s inner city to Macomb College, where he was reading. Ginsberg was in the area doing a series of readings for …
Editors’ Note: this interview with poet Allen Ginsberg took place at 10 a.m. on October 15 while driving from Detroit’s inner city to Macomb College, where he was reading. Ginsberg was in the area doing a series of readings for …
In Cooperation with Detroit Adventure THURS. SEPT. 18 WOODLAND INDIANS: Their Arts and Crafts. An exciting lecture dealing with this fascinating topic with Donald Sebastion, at the Historical Museum. 3:30 pm. DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA in concert with Sixten Ehrling conducting. …
Editor’s note: Investigation of the murder of John Leroy reported in the last issue of the Fifth Estate is continuing. (See “Who Killed John Leroy?” FE #36, August 15-31, 1967.) News editor Frank H. Joyce has talked with two of …
The S.F. Oracle recently sent a missive to the Fifth Estate office asking us to warn those who are traveling west to bring: (besides their flowers and bananas) money for food and rent, sleeping bags and rucksacks, extra food (brown …
FE Note: This is a response to “More Minneapolis Anarchy,” the letters beginning on page 15 of this issue.
Letters, page 2 Issue intro, page 3 The Logic of the Telescope Against the wisdom of Hawaii’s Native People STEVE KIRK page 4 Seattle Far-Right Shooter’s Trial Ends in Hung Jury: How can we get justice in an unjust system? …
Do you have trouble getting the FIFTH ESTATE? You can find it at the Merit Book Center, 14365 Harper; Bookworld, Woodward at Warren; the news stand at Campus Martius and Woodward; Debs Hall, 3737 Woodward; Detroit Committee to End the …
On Tuesday evening, June 4, just one hour before the polls closed in the California primary, I was being interviewed in Washington, D.C. by John Hightower over television station WEAN.
To begin with, I was never much of a McCarthy supporter. I was naturally on his side, signing petitions and stopping friends in the suburbs who thought the Northwest side was too far to go for such things. But to …
Buster Brown Bob Brubaker Angela Di Sante Alan Franklin Ralph Franklin Jim Gilman Blue Jesus E.B. Maple Richard Rollins Primitivo Solis Larry Talbert Mr. Venom Marilyn Werbe Peter Werbe John Zerzan Suzie The Fifth Estate Newspaper (ISSN 0015-0800) is published …
Related: see The Promise of the ’80s in this issue. We perhaps owe John Zerzan a debt of gratitude for the research that has gone into his essay The Promise of the ’80s, for it graphically demonstrates to us what …
Millard Berry Guyora Binder Alan Franklin Ralph Franklin Pat Halley Kathy Horak Pat Kazenko Bob Nirkind E.B. Maple Pat O’Bryan Pete Rachleff Algirdas Ratnikas Dennis Rosenblum Marilyn Werbe Peter Werbe John Zerzan
The Crusader keeps wondering how long people are going to go on eating up images instead of music.
Thinking about punk rock gives one the strange sensation of witnessing a phenomenon and trying to make intellectual sense of it rather than being immersed in it. That of course ages you immediately. No matter what your “sympathies” are toward …
Now you can hear what guitar playing sounded like when Eddie Lang was big back in the Twenties. If you play another cut you can hear what Pete Johnson and Joe Turner sounded like back in the Thirties. You can …
Detroit is full of openings! Last weekend: Uncle Russ’s Gran-de Ballroom broke into the open with the MC5 and the High Society’s light show, both of which were just as they have to be—TOO MUCH. (William Blake: “Enough! or Too …
Tomega Therion Ruby Lips Bob Brubaker T. Fulano Primitivo Solis Coquilles St. Jacques Larry Talbert David Watson Don Kirkland Angela Di Sante Alan Franklin Ralph Franklin John Zerzan Buster Brown George Bradford The Fifth Estate Newspaper (ISSN 0015-0800) is published …
Ammunition Books shares space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and can be found at 4403 Second Avenue, Detroit, Mich. 48201 (telephone-313-831-6800). Our hours vary, but we are generally open on Monday and Thursday afternoons (from 1pm to 5pm) and at …
Senator Morse addressed over 1,000 people at a recent Anniversary dinner for the Michigan Civil Liberties Union. Sharing the platform with him were Detroit Congressman John Conyers, WSU President William R. Keast and Lt. Governor William G. Milliken. Senator Morse’s …
The Artists’ Workshop was formed over two years ago by a group of WORKING artists—mainly poets & musicians—who found that by banding together they could accomplish a great deal in terms of getting themselves together and getting their work to …