This newspaper, WSU’s South End, and the Inner City Voice are going to sponsor a revolutionary newspaper conference on April 11, 12, and 13. It will be held on the Wayne University campus. The need for such a conference rises …
This newspaper, WSU’s South End, and the Inner City Voice are going to sponsor a revolutionary newspaper conference on April 11, 12, and 13. It will be held on the Wayne University campus. The need for such a conference rises …
“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom…of the press.” —First Amendment, United States Constitution “It’s a free country, but it’s their thing.” —John Sinclair, Detroit House of Correction, July, 1966
The Fifth Estate: I have read your newspaper many times and for the most part, found it very enlightening. You have helped answer many of my questions, and set me on the right foot on some important issues. Now, …
The response to last issue’s “Contest of Contests” [FE #289, January 24, 1978] was underwhelming to say the least, but we did receive enough entries to fill the first three winning spots (in fact, exactly that number). The contest was …
FILM. “King of Hearts” at the Studio North. Student rates Mon. & Tues. ce FILM “A Man For All Seasons” at the Studio New Center. Student rates Mon. & Tues. ce CANTERBURY HOUSE. 330 Maynard, Ann Arbor. Skip James performs …
As I write this time I’m recovering from a tonsillectomy and therefore haven’t done much cooking or eating. Vernors ginger ale seems to have healing powers that only Detroiters are aware of. Vernors and milk is also my number one …
“We are going to inherit the earth. There is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie may blast and burn its own world before it finally leaves the stage of history. We are not afraid of ruins. We who …
Millard Berry Alan Franklin Ralph Franklin Pat Halley Kathy Horak Rick London Tina Nachalo Bob Nirkind E.B. Maple Pat O’Bryan Algirdas Ratnikas Marilyn Werbe Peter Werbe John Zerzan The Fifth Estate Newspaper, a non-profit Michigan corporation is published monthly at …
FIFTH ESTATE, #299, October 22, 1979, vol. 14, no. 4 Alan Franklin Ralph Franklin E. B. Maple Tina Nachalo Mr. Venom Primitivo Solis Marilyn Werbe Peter Werbe John Zerzan Brenda Sabbagh Larry Talbert The Fifth Estate Newspaper (ISSN-0015-0800) is published …
The most important event of the last few weeks was a concert by the Joseph Jarman quartet from Chicago. This was Joseph’s second concert in Detroit. The first one, on March 18 in the Lower DeRoy Auditorium at WSU, was …
Merchants continue to use guns on young people in the Fitzgerald community on Detroit’s Northwest side and are being supported by your local police.
The Stooges, a Trans-Love band from Ann Arbor, will be in New York City for an end-of-the-month recording session at the Elektra studios. Produced by John Cale of Velvet Underground fame, the group expects Elektra to release their first single …
John Cassavetes’ “Faces,” currently at the Studio North, is the best American American movie since “Bonnie & Clyde” or “The Graduate.” By that I mean that this movie could not have been made outside of the United States and still …
To the Editor: Letter to the Peace Movement. Pick one— What fear is there, or manipulation of the truth is there on your part that blocks you from telling the people what’s happening? The war is only a byproduct. …
Through the efforts of many the Detroit music scene is growing in fantastic leaps and bounds. Not only are the local bands getting it extremely together—the MC-5, the Rationals, Scot Richard Case, Billy C. and the Sunshine, the Up, and …
To the Editor: The U.S. Congress is a disreputable club. It’s easy to find fault with anybody who’s a member. But if you are going to pan a congressman, why pick on the best one in sight?
John Watson, editor of the WSU student newspaper, was acquitted March 7 of charges that he assaulted Joe Weaver, of WJBK-TV. Watson had been charged with striking the TV-2 “commentator” on Feb. 10 when Weaver attempted to interview Watson at …
Millard Berry Alan Franklin Ralph Franklin Pat Halley Maynard G. Krebs Angela DiSante Pat O’Bryan Kathy Horak Tina Nachalo Bob Nirkind E.B. Maple Bill McGraw Stuart Perry Pete Rachleff Donna Saffiati Marilyn Werbe Peter Werbe Judith Torres John Zerzan Mark …
In a concerted effort to reform the outdated Michigan abortion laws, Michigan Women for Medical Control of Abortion has launched an all-out action program. The program has been set up to involve as many people as possible in working for …
On June 16, 1962 a group of students stimulated by the burgeoning protest movement of black young people in the south, met at Port Huron, Michigan.