A group from Trans-Love had gone to Woodstock, to raise funds for brother John Sinclair’s defense and trial costs.
A group from Trans-Love had gone to Woodstock, to raise funds for brother John Sinclair’s defense and trial costs.
Poetry Seminar John Sinclair & Robin Eichele Tuesdays 7-9 p.m. Contemporary American Prose & Drama John Sinclair Thursdays 9 p.m.
EDITOR & PUBLISHER Harvey Ovshinsky MANAGING EDITOR Peter Werbe NEWS & POLITICAL EDITORS R. Fleck & F. Joyce ART & LAYOUT Gary Grimshaw EDITORIAL Assistant Cathy West CIRCULATION Wilson Lindsey PHOTOGRAPHY E. Bacilla, Wilson Lindsey, Magdaline Sinclair TRAVEL EDITOR Sheil …
Dear Brothers & Sisters, It was good to hear from you last week. My transfer to Marquette has been postponed at least a few weeks, but they are determined to send me there as soon as they can. A pig …
THE FIFTH ESTATE 1107 W. Warren Detroit 48201 831-6800 EDITORS Harvey Ovshinsky Peter Werbe NEWS EDITOR Frank Joyce EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Cathy West CIRCULATION MANAGER Tommye Wiess MUSIC & LITERARY EDITOR John Sinclair ART Gary Grimshaw FILM EDITOR Joe Fineman CALENDAR …
Editor & publisher Harvey Ovshinsky Managing Editor Peter Werbe News and Political Editors R. Fleck & F. Joyce Art & Layout Gary Grimshaw Editorial assistant: Cathy West Circulation Wilson Lindsey Photography E. Bacilla, Willson Lindsey, Magdaline Sinclair Travel editor Sheil …
FIFTH ESTATE #13, August 30, 1966, Vol. 1, No. 13, page 2 The Fifth Estate, 937 Plum Street, Detroit, Michigan 48201, 962-9334 EDITOR & PUBLISHER: Harvey Ovshinsky NEWS EDITOR: Peter Werbe EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Cathy West STAFF: Ron Halstead, Steven Simons, …
Ronald Powell crouched inside the car. So did the other four men.
THE FIFTH ESTATE 1107 W. Warren Detroit 48201 831-6800 Member, Underground Press Syndicate EDITORS Harvey Ovshinsky Peter Werbe NEWS EDITOR Frank Joyce EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Cathy West ART Gary Grimshaw MUSIC & LITERARY EDITOR John Sinclair CALENDAR GIRLS: Karen Kovach Naomi …
The most important cultural event in Detroit this Summer will be the Artists’ Workshop’s FESTIVAL OF PEOPLE, or “a summer ecstasy of the contemporary arts.” It will be held on Sunday, August 7, at the Detroit Artists’ Workshop, 4857 John …
THE FIFTH ESTATE 1107 W. Warren, Detroit 48201 EDITORS Harvey Ovshinsky Peter Werbe NEWS EDITOR Frank Joyce EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Cathy West CIRCULATION MANAGER Tommye Wiess ACE REPORTER John Sinclair ART AND LAY-OUT Gary Grimshaw FILM EDITOR Joe Finemen CALENDAR GIRLS …
In the last issue of the FIFTH ESTATE John Sinclair put down “acid rock” in favor of new-thing jazz, implying that Coltrane is really where it’s at and that rock is nowhere. His opinion revolves around the term “psychedelic”. Sinclair …
EDITORS Harvey Ovshinsky Peter Werbe EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Cathy West NEWS EDITOR Frank Joyce ART Gary Grimshaw MUSIC & LITERARY EDITOR John Sinclair CALENDAR Rhona Whipple FILM EDITORS Joe Fineman Shirley Hamburg ADVERTISING Leon Brenner CIRCULATION Wilson Lindsey TRAVEL EDITOR Sheil …
THE FIFTH ESTATE 1107 W. Warren Detroit 48201 EDITORS Harvey Ovshinsky Peter Werbe NEWS EDITOR Frank H. Joyce EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Cathy West CIRCULATION MANAGER Tommye Wiess ACE REPORTER John Sinclair ART AND LAY-OUT Gary Grimshaw Carl Lundgren FILM EDITOR Joe …
The Fifth Estate 1107 W. Warren Detroit 48201 EDITORS Harvey Ovshinsky Peter Werbe NEWS EDITOR Frank H. Joyce EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Cathy West CIRCULATION MANAGER Tommye Wiess ACE REPORTER John Sinclair ART AND LAY-OUT Gary Grimshaw Carl Lundgren FILM EDITOR Joe …
Fifth Estate 1107 West Warren 831-6800 Editors Harvey Ovshinsky Peter Werbe News Editor Frank Joyce Editorial Assistant Cathy West Art Gary Grimshaw Music & Literary Editor John Sinclair Calendar Girls Karen Kovach Naiomi Epel Advertising Leon Brenner Joe Drozdowski Tom …
As reported in our last issue, the MC5 started work on their first Atlantic album June 9 at the GM Recording Studios in Detroit. Producing the album will be Jon Landau, who has moved to the MC5’s home for the …
The SEE, the new concerthouse opened last month by Trans-Love Energies Unlimited of Detroit, closed its doors after only two weekends in operation. The hippy-run coffeehouse, which featured music by the MC-5, the Spikedrivers, the Passing Clouds, Billy C. and …
Outside the Detroit Recorder’s Court in July 1969, supporters gather at the trial of White Panther leader and former FE columnist John Sinclair.
After two years on the corner of John Lodge and Warren Avenue the Artist’s Workshop (now known equally as Trans-Love Energies) has moved to the campus side of the expressway and will set up shop in a long-vacant former doctor’s …