To The Editors: This letter is in reply to the article by Tom Haroldson entitled, “Vote No On Survival” which appeared in FE #99, February 19 – March 4. Mr. Haroldson makes some very good points in regards to …
To The Editors: This letter is in reply to the article by Tom Haroldson entitled, “Vote No On Survival” which appeared in FE #99, February 19 – March 4. Mr. Haroldson makes some very good points in regards to …
The Black Economic Development Council has moved against the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan demanding that it give $200,000 for use in the black community. This is part of BEDC program that white churches pay reparations to the black community for …
Dear F.E., Just got the new issue. It’s too good to be true! Two issues in a row with relevant, well-written, hip articles specifically for women [FE #105, May 14-27, 1970]. Women being equal with men in all things except …
To the People I Love c/o The Fifth Estate: You will note with paradoxical titters that the “Silent Majority” of which Nixon speaks (that is, referring to “a nation of sheep”), is in fact a misnomer caused of social …
To the Editors: I’d like to reply to SP Marc Nadeau whose trash was published in the Feb. 4, F.E. [Letters, FE #98, February 4-18, 1970] Baby, I’m not under 25, and am old enough to be your mother. …
“Where grievances pile high and most of the elected spokesmen represent the establishment, violence may be the only effective response.” —Justice William O. Douglas, U.S. Supreme Court “Violence? We hate it. But is it violent to shoot a cop who …
Editors’ Note: Fifth Estate staffer Rick Londin is in Cuba with Venceremos Cane Cutting Brigade. The Brigade has been there since last November to assist the Cubans in harvesting 10 million tons of sugar cane as part of their program …
Dear Sirs: I managed to get my hands on a copy of the Fifth Estate. Wow, what a paper. I passed it around my section and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m a GI and I have been in Vietnam …
To the Editor: Just finished reading a friend’s copy of THE FIFTH ESTATE. Enjoyed very much Mr. Ovshinsky’s article about Dr. Hoffer and LSD [FE #13, August 30, 1966]. It was refreshing to read an article that dealt with …
To the Editor: Several things. It’s a long term blues and bound for longer but I find, in the FIFTH ESTATE, some hope. For that, thank you. Also for: A. Printing news items of conceptually strangulated editorial policies, conventional …