AK Press is a worker-run anarchist collective that publishes and distributes radical books as well as visual and audio media. The collective was established in 1990 and is now run by seven people in five cities and two countries. They …
AK Press is a worker-run anarchist collective that publishes and distributes radical books as well as visual and audio media. The collective was established in 1990 and is now run by seven people in five cities and two countries. They …
Mutual Aid Dear People, The cena at Negri’s on Saturday, January 12, 1980 raised money for anarchist propaganda, as well as $75 for the defense of Kamalla Miller. Those present at the dinner choose to send you $50.00 to help …
To the Editors: In the July 18 edition of the Detroit American, Anthony J. Wierzbicki, the paper’s president and publisher, wrote an editorial in response to the barrage of criticism directed at the paper’s use of uncomplimentary terminology when referring …
Send letters to fe@fifthestate.org or Fifth Estate, POB 201016, Ferndale MI 48220. All formats accepted including typescript & handwritten. Letters may be edited for length.
Jim & Sid Bon Jours Cinque Etate: Allors!—as France’s leading Anarchist & Public Enemy Number One, I wish to offer my congratulations on your fine paper. As a revenue generating device, may I suggest an idea for a t-shirt: on …
Note: Last issue’s article on “State-Fetishism” has again given rise to the much debated question of revolutionary violence. We invite further reader response in this matter.
Cuban Alternative To the FE: Cuban Greens/anti-authoritarians need our aid. Orlando Polo and Mercedes Paez of Cuba’s anti-authoritarian/ecological/ anti-Militarist Green Path group have been touring the U.S. recently. Arrested many times in Cuba, they are being repressed again as Cuban …
TAKING IT ALL BACK AGAIN walls smeared with burnt campaign posters cracks papered over with yellowed collection notices . we pass smokes swap zip codes wait for toxic clouds to dissipate . eyes lay in darkness and wait . wait …
Funds Cut Staff note: For at least two years this newspaper has received a portion of money raised at dinners (cenas) held regularly in California by a group of Italian anarchists. The purpose of the fund raising was specifically to …
$pliterates’ Reality To The Fifth Estate: There you go again: the $pliterates attacking TV! (See FE #292, June 19, 1978). 1. Literacy produced modern technology, including capitalism and industrialism. 1, 2, 3 = a, b, c; that’s why men invented …