To the Editor: I want to compliment you on the very fine article which you co-authored in the January 1 through 15, 1967, issue of the Fifth Estate [“Spare the Rod…?” FE #21, January 1-15, 1967]. I think that it …
To the Editor: I want to compliment you on the very fine article which you co-authored in the January 1 through 15, 1967, issue of the Fifth Estate [“Spare the Rod…?” FE #21, January 1-15, 1967]. I think that it …
To the Editor: Leaving aside his descent into scatology and personal abuse, Shelley Manne’s letter [FE #21, January 1-15, 1967] claims that I am in error regarding the degree of integration in 1) his group; 2) his club; 3) …
Dear Friends: The murders of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in Chicago have awakened many Americans to the campaign being carried out against the Black Panther Party throughout the country. Since April 1968, 28 Panthers have died and countless others …
Open Letter to Frank Kofsky: Your article called “The Jazz Scene in America” [FE #18, November 15-30, 1966] was three columns of misinformation. For your information, of which you need much, there has not been a succession of saxophone …
To the Editor: I have unfortunately been one of the many observers of that bloated piece of miscarried construction the UNIROYAL TIRE on I-94. [See “Get That Tire!” FE #19, December 1-15, 1966.] It would be best to have …
To the Editor: That Artists’ Workshop Public Notice in your last issue — Public Notice for more members — I found somewhat amusing [see FE #18, November 15-30, 1966]. Especially where it said “There is no hierarchy, no exclusiveness, …
To the Editor: The article in your last issue—”Playboy’s Tinseled Seductress”—I liked [FE #17, November 1-15, 1966]. The pointing out Playboy’s magnificent superficiality was, I thought, sound and much needed. But the conclusion!—ugh!—that the marriage institution suffers thereby—that “somehow …
To the Editor: “Where were the police and how could such a thing happen” were the questions asked by a stunned audience at the Art Institute on Friday, Oct. 21. They had come for an evening of beautiful music, superbly …
To the Editor: Please send one year’s subscription of this thing you call “The Fifth Estate’ to me. It gets pretty cold out here in the wintertime and I gotta have something to burn in my fireplace. Ever tried to …
Send letters to fe – at – fifthestate – dot – org or Fifth Estate, POB 201016, Ferndale MI 48220.