

Fifth Estate # 39, October 1-15, 1967

Sept. 25, 1967 Dear Fifth Estaters, The Spike-Drivers almost became America’s first folk martyrs while doing an innocent gig in Burlington, Vt. The club manager freaked out and demanded we stop playing this “Psydillik” music, because it irritated a few …

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Fifth Estate # 37, September 1-15, 1967

A good voice and a standard arrangement just are not enough for today’s ears. Within that thought lies a lot of truth and a lot of music conforms to just that formula.



Fifth Estate # 36, August 15-31, 1967

Under this seemingly innocuous heading we initiate what we think is the first joint effort music column in literary annals. The Fifth Estate’s heroic radical stance required something more than a bland record review column and this added something is …

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