Earth Read-out


Fifth Estate # 87, September 4-17, 1969

Continuation of a review: The Population Bomb, by Paul R. Ehrlich, Ballantine, 223 pp., 95 cents paper. [For Part I see “Earth Read-Out,” FE #86, August 21-September 3, 1969]. Part II: Doing Something About It

Earth Read-Out


Fifth Estate # 86, August 21-September 3, 1969

a review of The Population Bomb, by Paul R. Ehrlich, Ballantine, 223 pp., $.95, paper.

Earth Read-Out


Fifth Estate # 81, June 12-25, 1969

BERKELEY—About 2,000 persons attended—off and on—a six hour teach-in on “Ecology and Politics in America” May 28 at the U-C Berkeley campus.