Georgy Girl


Fifth Estate # 21, January 1-15, 1967

“Georgy Girl” suffers from the Americanization of Europe. Mediocre photography, a pasty storyline and a camera which adds next to nothing to the telling of the story combine to cook up a movie as flat as a tortilla.



Fifth Estate # 41, November 1-15, 1967

“Garden of Joy” The Jim Kweskin Jug Band (Reprise)—The flowers on the album cover have nothing to do with the inner product except that once again Kweskin has kept up with the times.

At the Studio


Fifth Estate # 32, June 15-30, 1967

a review of Night Games

“You Only Live Twice” at Palms


Fifth Estate # 33, July 1-15, 1967

When Saturday matinees were only two bits and weekly serials dragged on endlessly, James Bond was barely a flicker on a distant horizon. Broccoli and Saltzman with Panavision, Technicolor, United Artists, Sean Connery and a bottomless shipload of gimmickry have …

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