Tectum Theatrum


Fifth Estate # 361, Summer 2003

It’s easy to understand how images have come to replace the realities at the heart of our lives. When reality appears to have nothing to offer us half so seductive as images, why not? On the subconscious level, we “know” …

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Fifth Estate # 345, Winter, 1995

FE Note: In the following article, Hakim Bey moves beyond his idea of the Temporary Autonomous Zone (TAZ)—those moments when normally domesticated space is liberated for a limited time for festive and subversive “moments of happiness.” He discusses what happens …

P.A.Z. Read More »

Anarchy and Ecstasy


Fifth Estate # 335, Winter, 1990-91

a review of Anarchy & Ecstasy: Visions of Halcyon Days by John Moore. Aporia Press, 308 Canberwell New Rd., London SE5 UK, 44 pp., $4. Available from FE Books.