In March of 1966 Michigan Bell Telephone sent the following notice to its customers: “Your telephone bill reflects an increase in the federal excise tax on local and long distance telephone and teletypewriter services. “The increase is a result of …
In March of 1966 Michigan Bell Telephone sent the following notice to its customers: “Your telephone bill reflects an increase in the federal excise tax on local and long distance telephone and teletypewriter services. “The increase is a result of …
The Fort Hood Three Defense Committee announced that civil liberties attorneys Stanley Faulkner and Selma Samols went before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Dec. 13, to argue once again, in the case of Pvt. Robert …
Firestorm Books, a fifteen-year-old collectively-run anarchist bookstore and community event space in Asheville, N.C., is sending back thousands of children’s books banned from the Duval County Public School system in Florida. The queer- and trans-owned bookstore has given away thousands …
As a follow-up to the Nov. 8 elections in Alabama, and as a result of black people voting in those elections for the first time in their lives, the white landowners are retaliating by evicting large numbers of black farm …
The Court Theatre has announced the cancellation of its scheduled production of Marat / Sade due to its revival in New York. As an alternate the Court will present the Detroit premiere of Joan Little-wood’s London hit, “Oh, What A …
Anti-war forces in Detroit are preparing to respond to a call for a national mobilization called at a meeting last month of anti-war groups.
The calendar is a regular feature of the FIFTH ESTATE. It carries news of what is happening in the Detroit to Ann Arbor area. You can help make the calendar more complete by sending us information about activities you know …
EDITOR & PUBLISHER Harvey Ovshinsky MANAGING EDITOR Peter Werbe NEWS & POLITICAL EDITORS R. Fleck & F. Joyce ART & LAYOUT Gary Grimshaw EDITORIAL Assistant Cathy West CIRCULATION Wilson Lindsey PHOTOGRAPHY E. Bacilla, Wilson Lindsey, Magdaline Sinclair TRAVEL EDITOR Sheil …
Do you have trouble getting the FIFTH ESTATE? You can find it at the Merit Book Center, 14365 Harper; Bookworld, Woodward at Warren; the news stand at Campus Martius and Woodward; Debs Hall, 3737 Woodward; Detroit Committee to End the …