Support for the Fort Hood Three, the three GI’s who refused to be transferred to Vietnam, is growing rapidly (see Fifth Estate August 15). A Defense Committee, set up to assist the men, has leaflets, pamphlets and buttons available on …
Support for the Fort Hood Three, the three GI’s who refused to be transferred to Vietnam, is growing rapidly (see Fifth Estate August 15). A Defense Committee, set up to assist the men, has leaflets, pamphlets and buttons available on …
SEE… HUAC AND THE PEACE MOVEMENT! Students for a Democratic Society present a… RIGHT-WING FILM PHANTASMAGORIA Featuring “While Brave Men Die…” Brand new film depicting control of anti-war movement by criminal conspiracy. SEE Army troop trains blocked… Marches on Washington… …
FIFTH ESTATE #13, August 30, 1966, Vol. 1, No. 13, page 2 The Fifth Estate, 937 Plum Street, Detroit, Michigan 48201, 962-9334 EDITOR & PUBLISHER: Harvey Ovshinsky NEWS EDITOR: Peter Werbe EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Cathy West STAFF: Ron Halstead, Steven Simons, …
Eleven members of the Ad Hoc Committee for the August Days of Protest arrested Aug. 6 at a Hiroshima Day rally in downtown Detroit pleaded guilty to charges Aug. 15 in Recorder’s Court. Those arrested were Harold Greenberg, Ron Landberg, …
Fifteen years ago, in 1951, Morton Sobell was sentenced to thirty years in prison. Julius and Ethyl Rosenburg were sentenced to the electric chair. The charge-espionage. In 1953, after numerous, fruitless appeals to higher courts, the Rosenburgs went to their …
If you are stopped by the police, or arrested, whether you are guilty or not, you have the same rights. You can protect these rights best if you use this information.
The American Civil Liberties Union urged the United States Supreme Court last week to review the constitutionality of Virginia’s state laws making racial intermarriage a criminal act.
After two months of silence the Defense Department indirectly answered a request for information sent to them by the News Editor of the FIFTH ESTATE. The inquiry, sent June 1, involved a report in the VIETNAM COURIER (published in Hanoi) …
The second annual Socialist Scholars Conference will be held in New York at the Hotel Commodore, September 9-11, 1966. The noted historian and political analyst Isaac Deutscher and the social philosopher Herbert Marcuse will participate in a discussion “On Socialist …