Editors’ Note: The following is taken from the Ft. Bliss “Gigline,” the GI anti-war paper at that base. Its address is Box 31094, Summit Hts. Sta, El Paso, TX 79931.
Editors’ Note: The following is taken from the Ft. Bliss “Gigline,” the GI anti-war paper at that base. Its address is Box 31094, Summit Hts. Sta, El Paso, TX 79931.
The Women’s Liberation Coalition of Michigan has opened a state office in the Ad Hoc building on Woodward, headquarters for several other movement organizations. The Coalition’s goal is the abolition of male chauvinism—the domination, exploitation, and oppression of women by …
from Community Reporter and Fifth Estate sources For as long as most of them can remember, Larry Johns, Ernie Elswick, Van Johnson, Jimmy Brown, and their friends have been pushed around by Wayne State University. They’ve seen their families forced …
CHICAGO—Judge Julius (Magoo-Hitler) Hoffman finally had his day in court as he sentenced all of the Chicago Conspiracy Seven and their defense counsel to long jail terms in prison for contempt of his Kangaroo court.
The future of John Sinclair, imprisoned chairman of the Youth International Party, hinges on two things at this point. John is currently serving a 9-1/2 to 10 year sentence for possession of marijuana in Marquette Prison.
A little bit of justice was done in Detroit the other day.
The Fifth Estate EDITORIAL GROUP Alan Gotkin Peter Werbe Cathy West DISTRIBUTION Keep On Truckin’ Co-op ADVERTISING Steve Dunn STAFF David Gaynes Jim Kennedy Rick London Nick Medvecky Bruce Montrose Claudia Montrose Bill Rowe Marilyn Werbe POLITICAL PRISONER John Sinclair …
Fifth Estate Issue #99, February 19-March 4, 1970 WEB CONTENTS ALL FIFTH ESTATE ISSUES FIFTH ESTATE HOME
MADISON, Wisc. — (CPS/LNS) While many schools have been abandoning women’s curfew hours (most recently the University of Iowa), the state board of regents of the University of Wisconsin has voted to re-instate women’s hours for freshmen. The ruling takes …
ANN ARBOR—The long awaited single by the Up has been slated for release on Feb. 6. The tunes will be “Just Like An Aborigine” and “Hassan I Sabba.” Artwork for the record label and jacket will be done by Youth …