We Have Work to do Before Catastrophe Strikes


Fifth Estate # 405, Winter, 2020

The most important tasks for those of us who would wear the anarcho-primitivist label, are to wait and watch the acceleration of the collapse of modernity and technology while we learn how to live without them.

Sing Your Song


Fifth Estate # 404, Summer, 2019

Allowed freedom, we are enchanted beings. The enchantment begins with our human, personal song, which discovered, cracks open a window into the cosmos, enabling us to experience reality with fewer boundaries.

Shamanism, anarchy and the end of the world


Fifth Estate # 378, Summer 2008

After twenty years of teaching shamanic practices to small groups in several circles in Washington and California, I found the results to be mixed. In the groups in which I participated, there were many moving visionary experiences, but the flabby …

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