Panel 1: Drawing of an angry man. Angry man: Work stinks! Response, off: Well, you’re not the only one. Panel 2: Two men in conversation Man 1: When we fuck up on the job and steal from our boss, we …
Panel 1: Drawing of an angry man. Angry man: Work stinks! Response, off: Well, you’re not the only one. Panel 2: Two men in conversation Man 1: When we fuck up on the job and steal from our boss, we …
The Yippies have done it again—snatched the new long distance credit card codes almost as soon as Ma Bell put them out.
The following is a letter forwarded to us (after translation) by friends in Seattle. Though some of the factual information has already been published previously in the FE (see Oct./Nov. and Dec. ’77 issues) we found its first-hand nature and …
SAN FRANCISCO, June 12 — Eldridge Cleaver, the Black Panther leader, was released from the California medical facility prison at Vacaville this afternoon on a court order that criticized the cancellation of his parole.
A strange polarization (or maybe it’s a natural one) seems to be happening with rock and roll fans right now, with white teenage audiences turning toward either total freek scenes or greasy reactionary hostility when confronted with the revolutionary guerrilla …
To the delight of the Black populace of Detroit, Stokely Carmichael, on a mission to raise funds for the incarcerated Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver, the convicted H. Rap Brown and other up-tight black freedom fighters, came to town June …
The author of the following helpful hints is an attorney employed by the federal government of the United States of America in Washington, D.C. Obviously, he prefers to remain underground in our interest and his own. —eds
It’s no secret that police departments around the country are arming themselves to the hilt in anticipation. They intend to get ready for anything and everything.
The Revolt of the Animals * An October issue of Earth News reported that a cow in the mid west United States came down with a bad case of the farts after continually eating vegetation that was gas producing. Disgusted …
Federal prosecutors announced in January the dismissal of charges against 129 J20 defendants for actions against the Trump inauguration in Washington DC on January 20, 2017.