“Just say whatever comes to mind.” The voice, calm, quiet and paternal, rolled across the desk. “Everything is bullshit,” A.J. said. There was a quick, nervous giggle, then the voice found itself again. “I’ll ask you to refrain from using …
“Just say whatever comes to mind.” The voice, calm, quiet and paternal, rolled across the desk. “Everything is bullshit,” A.J. said. There was a quick, nervous giggle, then the voice found itself again. “I’ll ask you to refrain from using …
In a lightning move, Elektra Records signed the MC5 and the Stooges to long-term recording contracts in New York September 26. The move was engineered by Elektra’s publicity director, Danny Fields, who flew out to hear the bands last weekend …
Street Fightin’ Man Editors’ note: While the Beatles are copping out, the Rolling Stones are running a hard line. The following is part of the lyrics from their latest record:
John Mayall is an incredible musician—insomuch that not only is he a formidably versatile and adept instrumentalist, but he possesses a respect for his music which is unswerving.
OAKLAND, Calif., Sept. 27—Huey P. Newton, Black Panther leader, was sentenced today to a prison term of 2 to 15 years for the voluntary manslaughter of John Frey, an Oakland cop.
In the aftermath of the highly successful April 30th occupation of the Seabrook, New Hampshire nuclear plant site has come documented information from the Clamshell Alliance that members of the scurrilous leftoid U.S. Labor Party (a.k.a. the NCLC or National …
The long-denied files of Wayne University students’ political and personal activities were discovered last week amid a protest about the lack of student involvement in the decision-making processes of the University.
Probably one of the most unusual groups ever to meet in Detroit is the Aetherius Society headquartered at 20771 West 8 Mile Rd. The Aetherius Society is a worldwide non-profit organization which was organized says Miss Edna Spencer, head of …
There may be no smoke signals on the horizon or the beat of drums within earshot—but the United States has a candidate for President on the Indian ticket, once he is accepted into the tribe. The candidate is Austin Burton, …
London (UNS) By Mail — Stokely Carmichael participated in the International Congress on the Dialectics of Liberation in London at the Round House. During his stay here, he also spoke with Black people from Asia, Africa and the West Indies. …