Detroit Negroes Call for National Boycott


Fifth Estate # 23, February 1-15, 1967

Militant Negro leaders in Detroit have called for a nation-wide strike and boycott by black communities in support of Adam Clayton Powell. Over 600 people attended the rally at Central United Church of Christ on January 24 calling for the boycott.

Comedian Dick Gregory, feature speaker at the rally, called for a “new attitude by Negroes.” He pointed out that while white southern senators were elected illegally and still remain seated, Congressman Powell was ousted because he was black. Gregory also said he would not mind if treatment were equal, but “please, Mr. President, don’t let Bobby Baker take the rap alone.”

The national boycott planned for February 13, is headed locally by the Rev. James Wadsworth, attorney Milton Henry, and State representative Jackie Vaughn III. The United Strike Committee is asking Negroes not to work, buy or send their children to school during the one day strike.

Whether the strike is successful will be determined by how many black Americans “kept the faith, baby.”