Women Open Movement Office


Fifth Estate # 99, February 19-March 4, 1970

The Women’s Liberation Coalition of Michigan has opened a state office in the Ad Hoc building on Woodward, headquarters for several other movement organizations.

The Coalition’s goal is the abolition of male chauvinism—the domination, exploitation, and oppression of women by men.

The office will serve as a center for information exchange between the affiliated women’s groups and the general public. It will also be a coordinating center for the activities of the Coalition.

The office grows out of a series of meetings held in December and January by representatives of women’s liberation groups throughout the region.

At its December conference, the representatives voted to organize a loose coalition which would be open to any group or individual concerned about bringing an end to male chauvinism in both its personal and institutional forms.

The January conference established working committees to assemble information and plan activities in the areas of abortion laws, employment problems of women, and day care centers.

Groups associated with the coalition are varied in outlook and activities. In addition to the above concerns, activities of the individual groups include demonstrating at beauty contests, testifying on abortion reform, establishing self-defense classes for women, establishing a retreat for women and holding small discussion meetings exploring the problems of women and their causes in this society.

In terms of sex composition, some groups are restricted to females, some are composed of nearly equal numbers of males and females, and a men’s group which will be restricted to males only is in the process of being formed.

Among the immediate plans of the coalition is the publication of a newsletter to be sent to any woman in the state who shares the interests of the organization. The office staff is also assembling a list of people interested in speaking on women’s liberation at schools, club and organizational meetings, or other gatherings interested in the new women’s movement. Literature is available from the office.

The coalition is planning together with other groups for a conference on abortion to be held March 6. The conference will plan for massive action to support repeal of abortion legislation. The coalition has also acted in support of the Fruehauf strike where the strikers are 80% women.

Anyone interested in attending a women’s liberation meeting, being on the newsletter mailing list or obtaining further information about the organization or speaker program is invited to visit the office or phone 875-9420.

The mailing address is 5705 Woodward, Detroit 48202.

For an introduction to women’s liberation send 10 cents for “Bread and Roses” to Radical Education Project, Box 561-A, Detroit 48232.