

Fifth Estate # 95, December 26, 1969-January 7, 1970

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line, per issue. (i.e. 2 lines in 5 issues cost $3.50)

Men’s coats almost new 50cents each. 1934 Brainard St. 1 block off 12th Street. See Myrtle—All day Saturday.

Self employed bachelor wants attractive unsatisfied women for uninvolved meetings. Afternoons or evenings, satisfaction, discretion guarantee. Call Albert 3680530. 11 am til 11 pm.

Dirty ole man (29) needs live-in secretary-housekeeper (perhaps a team?). May be preg. if necessary. Write req. & meeting place. Box ‘1024 Northland Station, Southfield, Mich. 48075.

Ski equipment, Yamaha fiberglass skis, w/poles & bindings. Henke boots. All new used twice. Call 477-2181.

College and high school athletes—need extra money? Try physique modeling. Short hours, easy work, good pay. Contact Metecue Associates, PO Box 363, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 or phone 483-1492.

MENS, LADIES genuine old fur coats from $8.00. WO5-5553 or KE7-8253.

As Amerika burns we must unite. Liberation Rose Foundry.

Shiva needs a drummer to live in our house and play our music. Call Jerry (517) 787-1106.

Thanks to my many clients who, without their financial assistance, would never have put me in the financial position I now am in. Seasons greetings—Rowe.

Underground sales rep, outside man, Det. & state. Will deal your bag. Contact Count 476-5318.

Middle-aged widower would like to correspond with younger lady, object—future rapport. Phone 891-5973 after 7 pm.

The PUSHER wrote the Guide of Trips & Highs—homemade high formulas—Hundreds of kinds of dope & drugs—”A Head Book” Send $2.95 to The Guide, Box 5662 (Z), Buena Pk, Calif. 90620.

Mature bisexual man seeks compatible couple or lubricious lady, object—sensual smorgasbord. Box 145, Northville 48167.

Hi Glenn. Keep smiling. Terry. Girl craves background and news of leftist activities. Send illuminating material to: J.B., Box 1564, Saginaw, Mich. 48605.

Wanted: Hip sisters and brothers 14-19 to get together for groovy “Do your thing” parties and strike up new hip friends!!! Write Groovy, c/o 2803 Tenth St., Wyandotte, Mich. 48192.

Free Underground Guide lists over 100 offbeat publications & how to get sample copies. Write “1776”, 217 W. 18th St., No. 620(F), NYC 10011.

Gay radical, 27, wants to meet same 18 to 30. Masc. only. Box 631-A, Detroit, 48232.

Musician 23, can’t seem to find where I’m at. Trying to get it back together. Looking for female roomate who can help out. Musician, Box 1133-A, Detroit 48232.

Do Your Thing—Ever dreamed of owning a ’65 pass. bus with no seats. Nows your chance. Good condition—new engine. (first $500 takes!) Will take trade! Woodstock ’70, here we come! Box 3241 Pontiac or FE2-5796 after 9 pm. Ask for J.B.

Can—Pax. Amour. Joyeux Noel, amis. Bozo and Jew.

Need fem swinger for discreet meetings—white male 35. Box 2621, Det. 48231.

Married couple looking for “clean” swinging couples and Lesbians. Box 2021, West Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor.

Young man 24 seeks females only for sex mate, 18 to ? For sex & possible live in position for right chick. Only sincere who are truly interested in sexual fulfillment need apply. Call Gar 722-6375, 6 to 11 p.m. Keep trying. No phonies.

Wish to hear from “all” liberal minded women. Letter sent to all who write: R.A. Swack, 2361609 USMC, Mar-Comp. Recon-Sqd. 1, Mag-11, FPO San Francisco, Calif 96602.

Male, with 2 months left in the navy, looking for young female who loves the life she lives, and lives the life she loves. Any age over 20 please write to: John L. Alexander, B40 53 70 SK3, Box 60 FIT, U.S. Naval Support Activity, FPO San Francisco 96695.

Gals, be fullfilled by Mighty Gar c/o WE 4-8875.

Wanted: karate instructor. Movement people unhappy with local dojos want to get together with teacher serious about karate. -Will work out time, place, money. Call 831-6802.

Fuck the Army, fuck all the lifers.

Single, neat, male head, 21, desires female living, loving companion. Call after 6 p.m. 836-5307. Weekdays.

Wanted: Nice, young blonds to share apt. in Wurzburg, Germany. Plenty of opportunity to see Europe. Sp/4 Ron Wee, 365-506-271, 3rd Admin Co., 3rd Inf. Div. PSD Team 3, APO NY 09036.

Male wishes male visitors now. Box 613 Flint, Mich. 48501.

Professional photographer needs female models. Good opportunity for rewarding career. Send photo, name and phone to Box 1089, Northland Center Station, Southfield, Mich. 48075.

WHOLESALE ONLY Largest producer and manufacturer of posters. Manufacturer of strobe lights. Importers of incense and glasses. Warehouser of Sylvania tubes and fixtures. Platt Mfg. Co., 424 So. Los Angeles St, L.A., CA 90013. (213) 628-1205.

Attn. All sharp single or married girls. Would you like a good looking, clean cut, well endowed, “safe” guy to make love to you? Please call me soon. 561-0167.

Female figure models: send phone number and rate desired. PO Box 373, Troy, Mich. 48084.

Models needed: send picture & age. PO Box 5107, Det. Mich. 48235.

Good looking male freak with long tongue from LA will guarantee hours of exotic pleasures. Married or single girls. Utmost descretion observed. Send name & phone & photo to Box 1089, Southfield, Michigan 48075.

Large Psychedelic Fluorescent Posters. Will turn you on and illuminate your inner thing. One for $3.00, three for 8.00, all different. A. Nagy Jr. Im-Ex., Box 7565, Detroit, Mich. 48209.

Male, white, 52, 5 ft. 7 inches, college, desires meet females under forty will marry one, for dates. Write Stan, 675 Brainard, Apt. 104. Det.

St. Clair Enterprises—Psychedelic Products, wholesale 773-4520.

Rock band wanted. Musicians must be “gay.” Steady job. Send name, phone and ages to: Box 1082, Northland Station, Southfield Mich. 48075.

Male mid 30s looking for young female to help bridge the generation gap. Room and board. Call Tom 272-7566, 6-11 pm.

Southfield pigs suck phalli.

STUART (DAVE) please call home. Mother very sick. Everything else ok. Dad.

Dear Alexa at “K”—I think I love you. John in “E”.

Hail, Kalamazoo Sun Goddess!

Girls: Send pictures to peace loving soldiers. D. Farmer, 1st Plt. CoA. 4/9 APO SF 96385.

Hed—a gift of peace for our favorite little paranoid. May it serve you well. Veit & wife.

Couples looking to swing call 835-6679 ask for Bill.

Nixon sucks cock. Robin.

White male 39 seeks dates with mature woman 35 to 50 who are interested in French culture. Discretion assured. Photo and phone please. Al, Box 551 A, Detroit, Mich. 48232.

To Peggy-Lou, Dogtree the bigest toad I have ever gone out with. I guess I’ll love you anyway. (But don’t get carried away).

Dearly Fred: Please be. Are you? Remember love and is. Kelpie.

Enjoy sex? If you’re married, attractive, & compatible you won’t be disappointed. Cum & swing. Phone & photo if possible to MVVC Box 101 Warren.

Farmington pigs eat shit.