Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 95, December 26, 1969-January 7, 1970

(in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure)


Many places closed, better call ahead. Happy birthday; baby Jesus!!

FRI. DEC. 26

FLOCK YOU with Chicago’s Flock & Detroit’s own Stooges and Savage Grace, plus Magic Veil trippy lights at the Easttown-Grande. Harper at Van Dyke. Adm. $3.50.

TED LUCAS invades one of the sacrosanct shelters of the ruling class, at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse in Birmingham. 388 N. Woodward. $1.50.

LOVE SCULPTURE STRIKES!! At the Paladium, along with Catfish and the Virgin Dawn. Plus free old-time flics and popcorn. 136 Brownell, in Birmingham.

LUTHER BLACK will be at Something Different along with other groups. 12 Mile & Northwestern Hwy in Southfield.

ALVIN’S FINER DELI and Goodtime Shoppe, presents Norman James Blues Band 9 p.m.-1 a.m. $1.00. And Charles Eubanks Trio, (jazz) 2-5 a.m. Come dig the music and special menu. Cass & Edsel Ford Frwy.

OPENING OF ALICES’ RESTAURANT with the Tea, U.S. Salvage, & David Shepherd. 10 p.m.-5 a.m. $3.00, 6421 Chene.

ALAN ARKINS’ LITTLE MURDERS, a scary comedy by Jules Feifer, opening nite at the Vest Pocket Theatre. Adm. $6.00. Grand River nr. Greenfield

RUMPLE WHO? Rumplestiltskin, presented by the Greenfield Village Players. Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village. 2:30 & 7:30 p.m. $2.00

PUPPET THEATRE. A holiday with puppets presented in the Aud., Det. Inst. of Arts. 11 a.m. & 2 p.m.

SAT. DEC. 27

IGGY & THE STOOGES, the Savage Grace, and the Flock get down to the Eastown Grande along with Magic Gail’s Magic Veil lights. Harper at Van Dyke. $3.50

OUR HUMDINGER FOLKSINGER, Ted Lucas plays at the Absolute Zero Coffee House in the basement of 388 N. Woodward. $1.50

LOVE SCULPTURE fills the Paladium with heavy sounds along with local groups. 136 Brownell in Birmingham.

BLACKWOOD DRAKE is at Something Different, plus a few local bands, free popcorn, and oldie flics. 12 Mile & Northwestern.

SILVERBELL on the hill has Catfish and other bands. Bald Mt. Rd. Take I-75 to Lapeer exit.

WOW, IT’S THE SRC at the Borderline on Telegraph, 3 miles north of Monroe.

THE TEA, U.S. Salvage, & David Shepherd help open Alice’s Restaurant at 6421 Chene, 10 p.m.-5 a.m. $3.00.

NORMAN JAMES BLUES BAND plays at Alvin’s Finer Deli and Goodtime Shoppe from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Adm. $1.00, then it’s jazz with Charles Eubanks Trio from 2 to 5 a.m. Cass Ave. & Edsel Ford Fwy.

KEENER DJ’S play basketball. The only trouble is its against the Harlem Globetrotters, lots of laughs at Olympia. 8 p.m.

RUMPLESTILTSKIN presented at the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village 2:30 & 7:30 p.m.

PUPPET THEATRE. A holiday with puppets. Aud., Det. Inst. of Arts. 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

SUN. DEC. 28

A HOLIDAY WITH PUPPETS presented in. the Aud., Det. Inst. of Arts. 2 & 4 p.m.

PYGMALION presented at Meadow Brook Theatre Matilda R. Wilson Hall. Oakland Univ, 6:30 p.m.

MON. DEC. 29

HAVE IT CURED, whatever the problem maybe at the Open City Free Medical Clinic Second & Canfield. Call 831-2770 before you come. 6:30-8:30 p.m.


PENGUINS AND BEARS and other groovy animals are waiting for you to come visit them at the Detroit Zoo. Woodward & 10 Mile in Royal Oak. You know they’ll love it if you do.

PYGMALION presented at Matilda R. Wilson Hall, Oakland Univ. 8:15 p.m.

WED. DEC. 31


EASTOWN has for your New Years fun, Grand Funk, Savage Grace, Head Over Heels, Frost, Bob Franklin’s Insanity and Magic Veil lights. Adm. $5. Harper at Van Dyke.

OLD GRANDE BALLROOM. Remember it? Well, just like old times, its opening tonight (Dec. 31) with the Frost, Sky, 3rd Power, March Bros., Richmond, Virgin Dawn & others, Adm. $3. Grand River one block S. of Joy.

SILVERBELL has Love Sculpture, Bob Seeger and the Brownsville Station. Bald Mt. Rd. NE of Pontiac.


JACKIE VERNON at the Moon, 22010 N. Chrysler Dr. in Hazel Park. Call 548-5700 for reservations.

THE LADYBIRDS, world’s first topless band at the Dearborn Towne House Motel. Must be 21. 2101- S Telegraph.

THE DEEP RIVER BOYS at the Crown Room, Sheraton Viscount Hotel, Windsor. Call 962-9213 for reservations.

THE UNUSUAL WE at Park 12, Michigan & Outer Dr. Call 565-8000 for reservations.

COMEDIAN JERRY COLLINS at the Top Hat Supperclub in Windsor. $15 for dinner, floor show, etc. per person. Now taking reservations.




OPEN HOUSE. New Year’s Day Open House. Films, food etc. Art Gallery of Windsor. 12 noon to 5 p.m. Free.

“CONCERTO NIGHT” with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Sixten Ehrling, conducting. Featuring various symphony members. Ford Aud. 8;30 p.m.

PYGMALION presented at Oakland Univ’s Matilda R. Wilson Hall. Rochester. 8:15 p.m.


FLAMIN GROOVIES (from SF), Alice Cooper, SRC and Magic Veil lights at the Eastown-Grande. 8041 Harper & Van Dyke. Adm. $3.50.

OPEN CITY BENEFIT with the Minority Group, Tim Carr, Richard & Susan, Marc Chover and a folksinging cast of thousands at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. 388 N. Woodward. $1.50. Support Open City.

PLAIN BROWN WRAPPER, and Richmond are at the Paladium plus free movies and popcorn. 136 Brownell in Birmingham.

LOCAL GROUPS including the Virgin Dawn at Something Different. 12 Mile & Northwestern in Southfield.

ROCK ‘N’ BLUES at Alvin’s Finer Deli and Goodtime Shoppe. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. $1. Jazz from 2-5 a.m. $1.50. Cass Ave. & Edsel Ford Fwy.


ALICE COOPER, Flamin’ Groovies and Scotty’s SRC at the Eastown—Grande. Plus Magic Veil trippy light show. Adm. $3.50. Harper at Van Dyke.

FOLK MUSIC with Brown & Shaw, Richard & Susan and others at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. 388 N. Woodward. Adm. $1.50.

HEY KIDS, LETS GET TOGETHER AND HAVE A BALL, with the MC5 (who else) and the Tea at Silverbell. Bald Mt. Road.

THE MARCH BROS. make it to the Paladium with other local groups. Better call 644-2220 to find out more info.

THE PLAIN BROWN WRAPPER, and Blues Train are at Something Different. 12 Mile & Northwestern. Free popcorn too.

THE STOOGES are at Monroe’s finest niteclub, the Borderline. Telegraph, 3 miles N. of Monroe.


THE MALTESE FALCON (1949) with Humphrey Bogart. Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 2 & 4 p.m.

RUBENS, work and life of Peter Paul Rubens, the great Flemish painter. Film at the Holley Room Det. Inst. of Arts. 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. Free.

GEORGE BERNARD SHAW’S Pygmalion at Oakland University Wilson Hall. 6:30 p.m.


OPEN CITY FREE MEDICAL CLINIC will cure your medical hangups from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Second and Canfield. Call 8312770.


A BALL. Gribbs’ Inaugural Ball in the Cobo Hall Ballroom for only $5 a person and anyone can go. How sweet. There’s a grand march at 11 p.m., dancing until 1 a.m. it starts at 8:30 p.m. For more info call your favorite politician.

“ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE” discussion with film. OCC Orchard Ridge Campus Farmington, 8 p.m. Room 1-294.


DISNEY PARADE. Disney magic comes to life at Olympia. 7 p.m. thru Jan 11.


HOLOGRAMS AND LASERS, three dimensional photographs and evironmental sculpture using laser beam. Galleries, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Dec. 1-14 and Richard DeVore, one man show, also at Cranbrook, Dec. 1-14.

MAJOR LOAN EXHIBITION of 13 paintings & 34 drawings by Balthus, one of France’s leading living artists. Donald Morris Gallery. 20082 Livernois. Dec. 1-20.

THE CITY WITHIN. 150 photographs of central city and its people, by J. Edward Bailey III. NortiWing, Det. Inst. of Art. Dec. 1-21.

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION, featuring international and national graphics, paintings & sculpture. Latern Gallery. 301 N. Main St., Ann Arbor. Dec. 1-24.

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION/SALE. Painting, drawings, graphics, sculpture. Garelick’s Gallery, 20208 Livernois, Dec. 1-30.

WAYS OF:WAYANA: Artifacts from the tribes of the remote Guianas. Cranbrook Inst. of Sci. Thru Dec.

HOLIDAY MELANGE, five galleries of holiday treats. New paintings, sculpture, prints and an exciting selection in the gallery of contemporary crafts. International Art Inst. 132 Madison. Thru Dec.

DETROIT IRONY. Art in all media relating to the automobile, including advertising art and fine art by commercial artists. Art Place II, 6558 Third, thru Dec.

COLLECTOR’S CORNER: DOLLS FOR CHRISTMAS, Kresge Exhibit Hallway, Det. Hist. Museum. Thru Dec.

ANNUAL ARTISTS—CRAFTSMEN SHOW. Ceramics, silver, glass, weaving. Det. Artists Market. Thru Dec.

HAPPINESS is One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Sixty-nine toys) Kresge Exhibit Hall, Det. Hist. Museum. Thru Jan. 19.

PAINTINGS BY JON COSMA. Birmingham Gallery, 1025 Haynes, Birmingham, Thru Dec.

SHAPED CANVASES by Ed Morais. Lawrence Stevens Gallery, 1433 Randolph. Dec. 2—Jan. 3.

PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS by Antonio Angula of Bolivia and Josef Drapell of Czechoslovakia. The Little Gallery, 915 E. Maple in Birmingham. Dec. 2—Jan. 17.

PLANETARIUM DEMONSTRATIONS. “The Christmas Star” Cranbrook Inst. of Science. Sat. & Sun. 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. Dec. 6-28.

JULIAN STANCZAK, recent paintings. London Arts Gallery, 321 Fisher Bldg. Dec. 3-Jan 10.


A LONG DAY’S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT by Eugene O’Neil. Presented at the Group Theatre, 16535 Livernois. Nov. 27, 28, 29, &30. Dec 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, & 20. 8 p.m. For more info call 863-8280.

MILLER’S “AFTER THE FALL” at Hilberry Theatre, Cass & Hancock, Dec. 4, 12, 20. 8:30p.m.

THE BOURGEOIS GENTLEMAN, at the Hilberry Theatre, Cass & Hancock. Dec. 5, 13, 18. 8:30 p.m.

JULIUS CAESAR at Hilberry, Dec. 6, 11, 19. 8:30 p.m.

ARTHUR MILLER’S THE PRICE, Fisher Theatre. Dec. 8-27, 8:30 except Sun. 7:30.

THE ROAR OF THE GREASEPAINT’ THE SMELL OF THE CROWD, Essex Hall Theatre. Patricia at Wyandotte, Windsor. 8:15 p.m. Dec. 5, 6, 7.

NAKED, Luigi Pirandello’s rarely done masterpiece presented at the Detroit Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Opens Dec. 4. Call 868-1347 for ticket info.

GREAT GOODNESS OF LIFE by LeRoi Jones and “How Do You Do?” by Ed Ballins at Concept East Theatre thru Jan. 5. Weekends (Fri.—Sun.) at 8:30 p.m.


IT’S THE BAKER STREET IRREGULARS. Dec. 10—Jan 6. Greenfield Rd. north of 12 Mile at the Raven Gallery,

ALVIN’S FINER DELI & GOODTIME SHOPPE Rock ‘n’ blues from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. $1.00; Jazz from 2-5 a.m. $1.50. Every Fri. & Sat, Cass Ave & Edsel Ford Fwy.


JAMES BOND THRILLER, “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” Mercury Theatre. 6 Mile & Schaeffer & other neighborhood shows.

JOHN AND MARY with Dustin Hoffman & Mia Farrow at Michigan, Ca.melot, Harper, Mai Kai & Universal City.

OH! WHAT A LOVELY WAR! at the Studio North. Woodward & 9 Mile.

PUTNEY SWOPE, Studio New Center, Grand Blvd. & 3rd.


DETROIT DRAFT COUNSELLING CENTER at The Central Methodist Church. Woodward and Adams. 6-10 p.m. Sundays.

DETROIT RESISTANCE at 31 King Street. 6-10 p.m. Tues. evenings. Phone 874-4334.