

Fifth Estate # 94, December 11-24, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line, per issue. (i.e. 2 lines in 5 issues cost $3.50)

Jim—Wake up and piss, the world’s on fire! Dutch.

Christine Dyadalo come out of the cold, Lahser sucks! Mick.

The PUSHER wrote the Guide of Trips & Highs—homemade high formulas—Hundreds of kinds of dope & drugs—”A Head Book” Send $2.95 to The Guide, Box 5662 (Z), Buena Pk, Calif. 90620.

Florida bound? White male 32 would like to hear from other white males under 30. Long-term relationship possible. Occupant, Box 6386, Stat. B, Miami, Florida 33123.

1964 MG 1100 for sale. Needs engine work, has two new 38.00 tires. Sell all for $60.00. Phone 542-0638.

Getting short, groovy chicks please communicate. Tell us what’s happening. Write D.J.Ferry, H & S co., MED, Ill MAF, FPO S.F. 96602 (Vietnam).

Men’s coats almost new 50 cents each. 1934 Brainard St. 1 block off 12th Street. See Myrtle—All day Saturday.

If anyone would like to write to me, Canadian Dave, write to: Andre Dileva, Michigan Training Unit, No. A-123418, Lock Box 492, Ionia Michigan 48846.

Wanted. Girls with imagination and creativity in sewing. Must be dependable. Call 381-4277, ask for Tom. The Supply Dump.

Fuck the lifers, fuck Vietnam, fuck the Army, & all lifers suck. PFC Thompson & SP4 Cook. SIGSPTCO 69516BN. APO 96307.

Wanted: someone to write to a lonely freak in the straight world. I hear you, let one know you’re there. Pam Goodell, 2440 Dawnlight, Columbus, O.

Girl wanted to give weekly massage. Excellent pay. Phone 843-3086. Weekdays only.

MIGHTY GAR! the hero? c/o WE4-8875 eves.

Free Underground Guide lists over 100 offbeat publications & how to get sample copies. Write “1776”, 217 W. 18th St., No. 620 (F), NYC 10011.

Absolute Unique Mail Order Business. Scanart Box 89 Bagsvaerd, Denmark.

SWINGERS, place your personal ad in “Variety” 10 cents per word—no minimum. Confidential code number assigned. FREE one year subscription to “Variety”. Mich., Ohio, Canada only. PO Box 334, Dearborn, Mich. 48121.

From Camp Peeper, RVN. We of the Lightening Fast 101st Chicken Hawks wish to express our gratitude for the freebie paper. It’s a bargain at twice the price. Peace! Piece?

Say! Heads from 3rd/187th. Bucky Beaver is short. Signed O.J. Dew.

Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, Boofland.

Paul, Duke, and Gringo, it’s cold up here in Marq. I’ll be home for turkey day. Frodo.

Do ‘hip’ colleges operate to pacify the revolution? What’s college all about anyway? Got some ideas? Write to Dean, Bard College, Annandale on Hudson, N.Y.

Captain Coitus is alive, and living with Pussy Galore on the sixth floor of Cass Technical High School.

Happy Birthday Roger—Love Me.

Young swinging couple wish to meet same. Det. 647-0585.

Ladies-couples. Docile male middle aged-any suggestions, all ages, sizes, color. 10 p.m.-4 a.m., Sat., Sun. only. Mutt-831-9780.

Geralyn, Oh I love you, you know I do. J.P.R.

“Fuck the War” and bring the 4th Division home. Pete. Good luck in the world.

Gals-couples-guys matched by Det. fastest growing club. Confidential questionaire $1. Intro-Mate. Box 635, Warren,48090.

Debbie, My love to you; my love friend. Love Bill.

College students are economic prisoners & it ain’t no good. Wax Paper Bunnies. Dig it?

Scott S. We want you home. Phone collect if you need help.

Wanted: bass guitarist, preferably female, for folk-rock group. Writing talent desired. Please call Shari—961-7354.

Crazy Brian loves Crazy Carol. I hope she loves me.

Good looking male freak with long tongue from LA will guarantee hours of exotic pleasures. Married or single girls. Utmost discretion observed. Send name & phone & photo to Box 1089, Southfield, Michigan 48075.

People writing Bruce, it’s 201 Mich., W. Quad., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Miss Simon 5846 Craven please call Jim at Muskegon 728-2554. Call collect after 9:00 pm.

Handsome male, wishes sharp female for sex, very discreet. Call Joe after 6:00 pm. 372-1947.

Lonely head in Nam—Write if you like. PFC A. Spagnolo, 362-56-6910, H Troop 17th Cay. 198 LIB, APO SF 96219. From Det. Area.

Two college grad bachelors will share their house with female (18-35) in return for sex. If interested send photo and phone -number to PO Box 374, Garden City, 48135.

Wanted: Female models for nude and semi-nude photography. Must have nice face, good body and be reasonably photogenic. $10 per hour for right girl. Send photo and phone number to PO Box 374, Garden City, 48135.

Women! Girls! Send Floyd a Christmas card this year. If you’ve gone with him since he arrived from Chicago a few years ago, you’ve heard the same stories as me and others. Alfie had nothing on him. Let’s go together. Don’t sign the card unless you want to. A better way to sign it would be with the title of the book he’s writing this past year. Chain of Fools! Mail to: Mr. Floyd Burton, c/o Apt. B-2, 201-203 Highland, Highland Park, Michigan 48203.

For stimulating aromas we offer 62 fragrances of incense. Burners statues and decorative art. Send for free catalog. House of Cedar, Box 134 Utica, Mich. 48078.

Playful bachelors wish to meet women. 571-3464.

Fur coats—old styles. Mens and ladies. All lengths from $8.00. WO5-5553 or KE7-8253.

Female sex mate wanted for young salesman. Any age, P.O. Box 2621, Detroit, Mi. 48231.

Models wanted female. 1 slim & 1 plump. Any race, good pay. Reasonable hours. After 5 pm. Ron, Lon or Fred. 867-4978.

Farmington pigs eat shit.

Happy birthday Ray. Kent.

Self employed bachelor wants attractive unsatisfied women for uninvolved meetings. Afternoons or evenings, satisfaction, discretion guarantee. Call Albert 3680530. 11 a.m. til 11 p.m.

Teenage male models needed: send picture & age. PO Box 5107, Det. Mich. 48235.

Waterford male 24 would like to meet couples and females. Call Mike, 335-6396. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Need fem swinger for discreet meetings—white male 35. Box 2621, Det. 48231.

Female figure models: send phone number and rate desired. PO Box 373, Troy, Mi. 48084.

Large Psychedelic Fluorescent Posters. Will turn you on and illuminate your inner thing. One for $3.00, three for 8.00, all different.. A. Nagy Jr. Im-Ex., Box 7565, Detroit, Mich. 48209.

Young attractive couple looking for versatile girls for threesome. Satisfaction assured. Photo and phone. Box 105, Detroit.

Lesbians contact me. Husband understands. Box 8173, Harper Station, Detroit.

Professional photographer needs female models. Good opportunity for rewarding career. Send photo, name and phone to Box 1089, Northland Center Station, Southfield, Mich. 48075.

Attn. All sharp single or married girls. Would you like a good looking, clean cut, well endowed, “safe” guy to make love to you? Please call me soon. 561-0167.

St. Clair Enterprises—Psychedelic Products, wholesale 773-4520.

Generous white male engineer wants slim woman for swinging. St. Clair Shores area. Leonard B. Box 7142, North End Station, Detroit 48202.

Head shop for sale in Flint area for price of inventory. Call between noon & 6:00 TuesSat. 313/233-9797

Gay radical, 27, wants to meet same 18 to 30. Masc. only. Box 631-A, Detroit, 48232.

Female wanted for love making. By versatile, neat, discreet male. PO Box 225, Centerline, Mich.

Male, white, 52, 5 ft. 7 inches, college, desires meet females under forty will marry one, for dates. Write Stan, 675 Brainard, Apt. 104. Det.

Peace and love can still work. Bring back Flower Power. Write: Heavenly Blue, 434 Snyder Avenue, Montpelier, Ohio 43543.

Astrology charts done (natal or otherwise). Send your name; place, time & date of birth; & $2 to Alan Jacquemotte, 4545 Cooley Lake Road, Milford MI.

Fifth Estate staffer needs a car and might have the money for it around the first of the year. If you have a small-sized automatic that you plan to get rid of soon for under $300, and it still runs GOOD, please call the F.E. office. (The cheaper and better the car, the easier for me.)

Self employed bachelor wants attractive unsatisfied women for uninvolved meetings. Afternoons or evenings’, satisfaction, discretion guarantee. Call Albert 3680530. 11 a.m. til 11 p.m.