News Shorts


Fifth Estate # 94, December 11-24, 1969

Blacks Stand Up At Harvard

Blacks at Harvard University seized the Administration Building December 5 demanding more black workers in administrative and service areas. Six hours later, the blacks gave up the building after an Administration promise to discuss the demands on the following Monday.

Atrocity In London

Britain’s memorial statue to JFK was defaced with a swastika and the word “Pinkville” during Thanksgiving weekend.

Leary on Trial

Dr. Tim Leary went on trial December 1 in Riverside, California on charges of contributing to the delinquency of a 17 year old girl who died under the influence of LSD at his home. Charlene Almeida evidently drowned in Leary’s swimming pool.

Black Panther Medical Program

The Black Panther Party announced in Oakland, California it intends to set up a nationwide chain of medical clinics, offering free medical assistance to Blacks and ethnic groups.

Indians Re-Acquire Alcatraz

Some 300 Indians occupied Alcatraz Island in an attempt to turn the Island into an Indian educational and cultural center.

WSU Halted

Although a federal judge was hesitant to issue a restraining order to halt acquisition of 100 acres of housing in the Wayne State University area, the judge ordered both sides to settle their differences out of court.

Support Your Local Mayor

Expense reports were filed at the County Clerk’s office indicating how much was spent and who donated campaign funds in Detroit’s recent general election—guess who donated the most bread to Roman Gribbs campaign???? The Detroit Police Officer’s Association.

Weathermen Set Free

A district court judge on Nov. 29 dismissed charges against 21 Weathermen arrested for conspiracy to commit murder in an alleged shooting attack on a Cambridge, Mass. police station. Judge M. Edward Viola/dismissed the charges after the prosecution’s only witness, a 16-year-old student said in court that police had forced him to testify. Charges had been brought against the SDS splinter group after police said two shots were fired through a police station window Nov. 8.

Beatle Protests War

Beatle John Lennon gave back to her royal majesty the coveted award, The Order of The British Empire. The reason—”Britain’s support of the U.S. in Vietnam, Britain’s involvement in the Nigeria-Biafra thing.”

Parents Sue Pentagon

A Connecticut couple are suing the military for $500,000 damages in the death of their son in Vietnam. The couple claimed the war is “a war of aggression that violated the laws of humanity.”