Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 94, December 11-24, 1969

(in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure)


HEAR COME THE REVOLUTION (too bad its about the American one) a gallery talk with Glenn Still, Curator of Fort Wayne Military Museum. At the Det. Hist. Museum. 3:30 p.m. Free.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA in concert with Alexander Gibson guest conductor. Soloist: Wanda Wilkomirski, violinist. Ford Aud. 8:30 p.m.

THE RAIN IN SPAIN falls mainly at Oakland University where they present Pygmalion at Meadow Brook Theatre. 8:15 p.m.

THREE ONE-ACT PLAYS. Michael deGhelderode’s “Escurial,” lucille Fletcher’s “Sorry Wrong Number” and A.A. Milne’s “The Ugly Duckling,” at McAuley Aud., Mercy College. 8 p.m.

SICK? Come to Open City’s free medical clinic. 4726 Third, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Call 831-2770 first.

CAPTAIN HOWARD LEVY, jailed MD who refused to instruct Green Berets. 7:30 p.m., WSU Student Center. Free.

FRI. DEC. 12

CLEAN UP, BEAUTIFY, culture, spiritulize—Love Sculpture, the Litter, and Valhalla hold forth at the Grande-Eastown. Only $3.50. Harper at Van Dyke. And Magic Veil lights too!

WHAT WAS THE FIRST GROUP to be pictured passing a joint on an album cover? Give up? Rotary Connection and the 3rd Power at the Paladium. Free movies, popcorn, and Dan Carlisle. 137 Brownell, Birmingham.

COME WITH US NOW to the only club in the Detroit area that, this week answers that eternal question: Can a nice boy from an upper-middle class suburb find true enlightenment as a member of a band, that no longer bears his assumed name. SRC along with the Excells at Something Different. Free popcorn and free movies. 12 Mile and Franklin Rd.

FOLK SINGERS as yet unnamed at the Absolute Zero, Birmingham’s finest basement coffeehouse. 388 N. Woodward.

PYGMALIONISM is a fairly rare sexual perversion. Find out why as the Meadow Brook Theatre presents G.B. Shaw’s Pygmalion at the Matilda R. Wilson Hall, Oakland Univ. at 8:15 p.m. Adm. charge. Call 377-2000 ex 2215 for more info.

FOR SOME REASON unknown to man three one-act plays will be presented tonight at the McAuley Aud. of Mercy College. Sam Shepard’s “Red Cross” Tennessee William’s “This Property is Condemned” and Leonard Melfis’ “Birdbath” 8 p.m. Adm. charge.

WOULD YOU BELIEVE? “Amici Musicae” a concert of Baroque and modern music. Sponsored by UCAE at the Engineering Society of Detroit Aud. 8:30 p.m. Adm charge.

SAT. DEC. 13

LOVE SCULPTURE? Love Sculpture, the Litter (the band that was seen but not heard in “medium Cool”) and Valhalla again at the Grande-Eastown. $3.50. Plus All the Lonely People, trippy lights by Magic Veil. Harper at Van Dyke.

BIG NAME GROUP (not yet named), 3rd Power and the Frigid Pink at the Paladium, in Birmingham. 136 Brownell.

WILSON MOWER PURSUIT pursue Wilson Mower at the Something Different, along with Everlon Nevermore. Free popcorn and free movies.

HOW’S YOUR CONNECTION? Rotary Connection and the Underground Wall at Silverbell on Bald Mt. Rd.

PYGMALION again at Oakland University. 2 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. Adm. charge.

THE SAME THREE one-act plays as Thursday complete Mercy College’s one-act play festival. 8 p.m. at McAuley Aud. Adm. charge.

THE NEW CENTER Theatrical Group bring “Black Lilacs” (you remember “Black Lilacs”) to WSU’s Community Arts Aud. 8:30 p.m. Adm. charge. Call 873-6320 for info.

SEE AN EARLY WORK (and excellent) by Michelangelo Antonioni (who was recently threatened with prosecution under the Mann Act for taking girls across state lines for immoral purposes, namely appearing in his latest film “Zabriski Pointe”) “La Notte” with Monica Vetti at Rackham Aud. 8:30 p.m.

ANTI-WAR BASIC TRAINING, 10 a.m. on at 5705 Woodward. Speakers, films, workshops on the anti-war movement.

SUN. DEC. 14

ALL ABOARD the Marrakesh Express, while Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young take you on a little trip. In concert at Masonic. 7:30 p.m.

FUNNY FLICS with Laurel and Hardy in Big Business, and Clyde Tracy in Rumplestiltskin. Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 2 & 4 p.m. Adm charge.

TCHAIKOVSKY’S “THE NUTCRACKER” presented in dance by the Detroit Severo Ballet Co. Clarenceville High Aud. 20155 Middlebelt, Livonia. 2:30 p.m.

TEA ANYONE? The International Institute is having their annual Christmas Tea, at the International Inst. 3 p.m. Free.

OPEN HOUSE-19th annual Christmas Open House with an exciting program by Finny High Madrigal Singers and Consort at the Det. Hist. Museum. 4 p.m. Free.

MORE THREE ONE-ACT PLAYS. This time it’s Sam Shepard’s “Red Cross” Tennessee William’s “This Property is Condemned” and leonard Melfi’s “The Birdbath” at McAuley Aud., Mercy College. 8 p.m.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA with Alex Gibson, guest conductor. Cleary Aud., Windsor. 8:20 p.m.

BLACK LILACS an original drama by the New Center Theatrical Group of Mich. Lutheran College. At WSU Community Arts Aud. Cass & Kirby. 8:30 p.m.

MON. DEC. 15

HUNG OVER? Got a case of the blahs? Take it over to the Open City Free Medical Clinic and they’ll fix you up. 4726 Third, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call first-831-2770.


ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS, this far-out flic is part of the science fiction series, put on by the friendly people at the Art Inst. It’s free too. Det. Inst. of Arts Aud. 8 p.m.

WED. DEC. 17

OPEN REHERSAL of the Detroit Symphony with A. Gibson. 2 p.m. at Ford Aud. Adm. charge.

LIFE AMONG THE PENGUINS, plus Patterns for Survival, and Laser Light, 3 little flics at Cranbrook School Aud. 8:15 p.m. Adm. charge.

THE MOUNTAIN starring Spencer Tracy and Robert Wagner shown at the Jewish Community Center. 18100 Meyers. $1.00. Call DI 1-4200 for time.


AMAHL AND THE NIGHT VISITORS an overture to Opera. Southfield High School, 24675 Lahser. 8 p.m.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, with Alex Gibson still doing the guest conducting. Soloist: Lawrence Foster, cellist. Ford Aud. 8:30 p.m.

OPEN CITY free Medical Clinic. 4726 Third, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

FRI. DEC. 19

MAKING A TRIUMPHANT RETURN to Detroit: Terry Reid and Catfish join Zephen at the Grande-Eastown. Harper & Van Dyke. And Detroit’s only Heads Over Heels, and Magic Veil Lights too. $3.50.

PETER GREEN, Mick Fleetwood, and company. Fleetwood Mac, along with Sunday Funnies and the Sky at the Paladium in Birmingham. Free movies and popcorn.

FOLKY FUN at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse, 388 N. Woodward in Birmingham.

SAT. DEC. 20

TERRY REID, CATFISH, and Zephon again at the Grande-Eastown. Harper & Van Dyke. (Again with Heads Over Heels) and Magic Veil Lights. $3.50.

JOHN LENNON IS NOT A THIEF! See for yourself in this personal memoir of World War II. Richard Lester’s “How I Won the War” at Rackham Aud. 8:30 p.m. $1.00

MARXMAS PARTY. Dinner and entertainment at Debs Hall, 3737 Woodward, 8 p.m. Adm.

FLEETWOOD MAC along with the Virgin Dawn are at the Silverbell on Bald Mountain Rd.

DETROIT SYMPHONY with guests Alexander Gibson conducting and Lawrence Foster cellist soloing. 8:30 p.m. at Ford Aud. Adm. charge.

DETROIT SEVERO BALLET performs Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker” with the Kalamazoo Symphony at Western Michigan University Aud. 3 p.m. Adm. charge.

SUN. DEC. 21

FILMS ON ART. A life of Christ in art and a Child’s Christmas in Wales. Holley Room, Det. Inst. of Arts. 1:30 p.m. Free.

AMAHL AND THE NIGHT VISITORS move on to St. Paul’s Cathedral, 4800 Woodward. 4 p.m.

MON. DEC. 22

OPEN CITY MEDICS will cure your case, whatever it may be. From 6:30 to 8:30 in their spiffy clinic at 4726 Third. Call 831-2770 for an appointment.


FREE PSYCH COUNSELING at Open City Clinic. Call 831-2770 for more info.

CANDLELIGHT VIGIL and rally to support GIs. Meet at 5:30 at the foot of Woodward.

WED. DEC. 24


FLIPPED OUT? Open City will get your head back together at the free psych counseling clinic. Call 831-2770 for details.


HOLOGRAMS AND LASERS, three dimensional photographs and evironmental sculpture using laser beam. Galleries, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Dec. 1-14 and Richard DeVore, one man show, also at Cranbrook, Dec. 1-14.

MAJOR LOAN EXHIBITION of 13 paintings & 34 drawings by Balthus, one of France’s leading living artists. Donald Morris Gallery. 20082 Livernois. Dec. 1-20.

THE CITY WITHIN. 150 photographs of central city and its people, by J. Edward Bailey III. North Wing, Det. Inst. of Art. Dec. 1-21.

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION, featuring international and national graphics, paintings & sculpture. Latern Gallery. 301 N. Main St., Ann Arbor. Dec. 1-24.

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION/SALE. Painting, drawings, graphics, sculpture. Garelick’s Gallery, 20208 Livernois, Dec. 1-30.

WAYS OF WAYANA: Artifacts from the tribes of the remote Guianas. Cranbrook Inst. of Sci. Thru Dec.

HOLIDAY MELANGE, five galleries of holiday treats. New paintings, sculpture, prints and an exciting selection in the gallery of contemporary crafts. International Art Inst. 132 Madison. Thru Dec.

DETROIT IRONY. Art in all media relating to the automobile, including advertising art and fine art by commercial artists. Art Place II, 6558 Third, thru Dec.

COLLECTOR’S CORNER: DOLLS FOR CHRISTMAS, Kresge Exhibit Hallway, Det. Hist. Museum. Thru Dec.

ANNUAL ARTISTS-CRAFTSMEN SHOW. Ceramics, silver, glass, weaving. Det. Artists Market. Thru Dec.

HAPPINESS is One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Sixty-nine toys! Kresge Exhibit Hall, Det. Hist. Museum. Thru Jan. 19.

PAINTINGS BY JON COSMA. Birmingham Gallery, 1025 Haynes, Birmingham, Thru Dec.

SHAPED CANVASES by Ed Morais. Lawrence Stevens Gallery, 1433 Randolph. Dec. 2-Jan. 3.

PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS by Antonio Angula of Bolivia and Josef Drapell of Czechoslovakia. The Little Gallery, 915 E. Maple in Birmingham. Dec. 2-Jan. 17.

PLANETARIUM DEMONSTRATIONS. “The Christmas Star” Cranbrook Inst. of Science. Sat. & Sun. 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. Dec. 6-28.

JULIAN STANCZAK, recent paintings. London Arts Gallery, 321 Fisher Bldg. Dec. 3-Jan 10.


A LONG DAY’S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT by Eugene O’Neil. Presented at the Group Theatre, 16535 Livernois. Nov. 27, 28, 29, & 30. Dec. 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, & 20. 8 p.m. For more info call 863-8280.

MILLER’S “AFTER THE FALL” at Hilberry Theatre, Cass & Hancock, Dec. 4, 12, 20. 8:30 p.m.

THE BOURGEOIS GENTLEMAN, at the Hilberry Theatre, Cass & Hancock. Dec. 5, 13, 18. 8:30 p.m.

JULIUS CAESAR at Hilberry, Dec. 6, 11, 19. 8:30 p.m.

ARTHUR MILLER’S THE PRICE, Fisher Theatre. Dec. 8-27, 8:30 except Sun. 7:30.

THE ROAR OF THE GREASEPAINT THE SMELL OF THE CROWD, Essex Hall Theatre. Patricia at Wyandotte, Windsor. 8:15 p.m. Dec. 5, 6, 7.

NAKED,Luigi Pirandello’s rarely done masterpiece presented at the Detroit Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Opens Dec. 4. Call 868-1347 for ticket info.

GREAT GOODNESS OF LIFE by LeRoi Jones and “How Do You Do?” by Ed Ballins at Concept East Theatre thru Jan. 5. Weekends (Fri.—Sun.) at 8:30 p.m.


it’s the Baker Street Irregulars. Dec. 10-Jan 6. Greenfield Rd. north of 12 Mile at the Raven Gallery


EASY RIDER at the Studio New Center and a few other places. Check movie guide.

MEDIUM COOL, at the Studio North, Woodward at 9 Mile.

GRAND OPERA FILM FESTIVAL, films every Saturday (7:15 & 10:15) and Sunday (8:30). Brahms Conservatory of Music, Recital Hall, 316-1/2 Main St., Royal Oak. Call 398-5714 for more info.


CHRISTMAS EXHIBIT, Henry Ford Museum, Dec. 6-Jan 5.


DETROIT DRAFT COUNSELLING CENTER at The Central Methodist Church. Woodward and Adams. 6-10 p.m. Sundays.

DETROIT RESISTANCE at 31 King Street. 6-10 p.m. Tues. evenings. Phone 874-4334.