

Fifth Estate # 92, November 13-26, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line, per issue. (i.e. 2 lines in 5 issues cost $3.50).

Print Your Message Here. Send to: THE FIFTH ESTATE 1107 W. Warren, Detroit 48201

Head shop for sale in Flint area for price of inventory. Call between noon & 6 Tues-Sat. [no phone number given]

Cold, hard, Winter predicted, colored gent 30 will share small, warm, cozy apt. (roaches) with employed intelligent female 25, or older, any race. $35 mo. c/o WE4-8875, eves.

Gay radical, 27, wants to meet same 18 to 30. Masc. only. Box 631-A, Detroit, 48232.

Drummer wishes to enter or form a rock band. Those interested call Bill at 821-5608.

Male 28, 6 ft. 150 pounds, sincere, friendly, wishes to meet same. PO Box 4, South Sta., Warren Mich. 48090.

Female wanted for love making by neat discreet male PO Box 22 Centerline, Mich.

Self employed bachelor wants attractive unsatisfied women for uninvolved meetings. Afternoons or evenings, satisfaction, discretion guarantee. Call Albert 3680530. 11 a.m. til 11 p.m.

Attn. All sharp single or married girls. Would you like a good looking, clean & well-endowed, “safe” guy to make love to you? Please call me soon. 561-0167.

SEXUAL FREEDOM, new quarterly publ of the Sexual Freedom League, $1.00 SFL, Box 14034, FE, San Francisco 94114.

Don’t get screwed by gay dating services. Read latest issue TANGENTS. Send $1 to 3473-1/2 Cahuenga, Hollywood CA 90028

Astrology charts done (natal or otherwise). Send your name; place, time and date of birth. $2 to Alan Jacquemotte, 4545 Cooley Lake Rd., Milford, Mich.

Revolutionary silk screened portraits, Che, Newton, Zapata. Reproduced Mexican revolutionary wood cuts and others. Write Paul Mayen, 4335 3rd., Ecorse.

Judy, emergency at home. Please come.

Young lady 20 to 35 with sensuous voice to read risque material. $4 hour. Phone 519-948-5574. Late evenings.

College freek (24) desires teenage freek male companion in hopes of developing warm, stable relationship-hopefully culminating in long term companionship, love. Please, no phonies. A sincere, openminded youth will find me a pleasant companion who loves humanity, life, I’m not out for a body trip! I just love universally and groove existence. Send photo, short autobiography, please. Garth, Box 514, Franklin, Michigan.

Marrieds, he 35, she 26, wish to-meet swinging couples. No barriers, sincere. Pic appreciated and recipricated. Ray, PO Box 334, Dearborn, Mich. 48121.

Large Psychedelic Fluorescent Posters. Will turn you on and illuminate your inner thing. One for $3.00, three for 8.00, all different. A. Nagy Jr. Im-Ex., Box 7565, Detroit, Mich. 48209.

Dan Valler contact David Jones at 2966 Gray.

Fur coats—old styles. All lengths from $8.00. WO5-5553 or KE7-8253.

For registration as a World Citizen please write: International Registry of World’s Citizens, Mich Center, 240 Daines St., Birmingham, Mich. 48009.

Martha Lee Phelps contact your father as soon as possible at 477-2253

Male, white, 52, 5 feet 7 inches, college, desires meet females under forty, will marry one, for dates. Write Stan, 675 Brainard, Apt. 104. Det.

French Ticklers! 95 cents each, 3 for $2.50, 7 for $5. (sold as novelty only) F. Kaleda, Box 1344, Kent, Ohio 44240.

Generous white male engineer wants slim woman for swinging. St. Clair Shores area. Leonard B. Box 7142, North End Station, Detroit 48202.

Young male wishes to groove with other males 17-30. Like only masc. types. Phone, photo appreciated. Scorpio, Box 7069, N E Station Detroit 48202

Attractive married couple in mid-20’s wants to meet same for swinging. Photo and phone please. c/o MVVC, Box 101, Warren.

Lesbians contact me. Husband understands. Box 8173, Harper Station, Detroit.

Farmington pigs eat shit.

Fuck the infantry and the brass. Fuck all lifers!!! PFC Greg Chizmadia, Co. B, 2nd BN, 28th Inf. 1st Inf. Div.

Professional photographer needs female models. Good opportunity for rewarding career. Send photo, name and phone to Box 1089, Northland Center Station, Southfield, Mich. 48075.

Female sex mate wanted for young salesman. Any age. P.O. Box 2621, Detroit, MI 48231

Any odd or unusual posters or buttons—send them to: Big Al, 608 W. Jefferson, Sandusky, Ohio

It isn’t what’s on the head that counts; it’s what’s in it. The Zookeeper.

dear you and me and he and he and now another he is here—thanks—love shelter from outside, Mary Ann.

Meet you in Hawaii baby: Gloria.

Going bald, thining out on top? Man, you need hairweaving! If you have some hair, you can have a permanent full head of hair that’s undetectable, can’t come off like a toupee. Less than half the cost of a good toupee. You can shampoo it, shower or swim with it. Our exclusive method is painless and safe, making all other hair replacement methods obsolete. Call for more information 366-3050. Ask for Jack, and really get your head together!

Young attractive couple looking for versatile girls for threesome. Satisfaction assured. Photo and phone. Box 105, Detroit.

Male 27 seeks interesting well-educated girl for dating. Call 867-0737.

Female figure models for legitimate photo club. $15 for 2 hour sessions. Tues. 8-10 p.m. Phone: TE1-1250 days.

Ekim—Good luck. You’ll need it with those military-minded bastards on your back. Mark.

Harold—Keep the faith baby. We love and miss you!!!! Wife Peggy and Aunt Kathy.

Black lite photos, 8×10’s, $1.00. Send negatives to p.o. box 6453, Detroit 48234.

Fender Bandmaster, Stratocaster & Precision Bass, good cond. 584-5399.

History of Rock and Roll. I have tapes of CKLW’s rockumentary. Am missing a 4 hr. section & want to dub from your tape. Will exchange dubs or cash. 873-0658 or Box 512, Detroit, 48231.

200 W. Bogen P.A. w/mixer $175; Spkr. Cab. 2 15 inch SROs. $200; Spkr. Cab. 2 15 inch Jensen’s, $150; Hagstrom 8 string bass $150; Vox Buckingham $150; Gibson GSS-100 w/50 w. pow. boost 6 10 inch Jensen $200; Vox, Wyman Bass $75; Contact Otto, 399-5266.

Lead guitar player looking for a good rock group. Call Tom CR8-4228 (after 4 p.m.).

Wanted slender female, sense of humor, interested in marriage, Write P.O. Box 204, Windsor, Ontario.

St. Clair Enterprises—Psychedelic Products, wholesale 773-4520.

Young commercial artist needs young girl who wants to get into the art scene now! Hours are flexable. No experience necessary. Good money—groovy people. Call 868-0781, ask for Dick, 1-5 p.m.

Low energy, reserved male (21) would like to meet sincere girl with similar disposition. 438 Henry, Apt. 408.

Keep On Truckin Co-op needs VW eng., parts, bus or truck body or whatever else you have that we can use. Also,- need couch, fold-out bed and chairs. Please call Fifth Estate office 831-6800.

All seven of us heads at Olivet College Would like to get more going, any suggestions? Send to: Box 90 Shiperd Hall, Olivet College, Olivet, Michigan 49076.