Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 91, October 30-November 12, 1969

In cooperation with Detroit Adventure


ARTHUR MILLERS “After the Fall” presented at the WSU Hilbery Theatre. 8:30 pm.

OPEN CITY FREE MEDICAL CLINIC will cure your aches and pains. Come an hour early to sign your name. 6:30 to 8:30 pm, 4726 Third

FRI. OCT. 31


BLACK ARTS FESTIVAL. A spooky halloween nite is in store for you, with witches, sorcerers and voodoo priests. Music by the Stooges, Frost, Arthur Brown, Pink Floyd, Teegarden and Van Winkle, Savage Grace, Frut of the Loom, Amboy Dukes, All the Lonely People, the Coven, SRC, and the Pleasure Seekers. For more trippy fun, Timothy Leery, Anton Levey, Mystic Peter Hurkos and Ralph Adams, a modern day Houdini, will be on hand. At Olympia from 6:00 pm to the wee hours of the morn. For more info call 886-3880 Adm. $5.

HALLOWEEN AT THE EASTOWN. In case you’re rich and can afford this and the Black Arts Fest, the Eastown is having Spirit, Bloodwyn Pig and special guest Canned Heat 8 pm. Adm. $5 Magic Vail Light, too. But if you’re not bourgeois and can only afford one place, the choice is yours.

THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE Simon and Garfunkel in concert at Cobo Hall. 8:00 pm, Ticket at $6.50, $5.50, $4.50 and $3.50. If you don’t already have tickets, don’t count too much on going, they may be sold out.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT The 3rd Power and the Underground Wall provide the jams. Popcorn and free flics too 12 Mile and Northwestern in Southfield

HALLOWEEN FRIGHT FESTIVAL. Presented by the Wayne Cinema Guild “The Golem, 7:30 only “The Golem is the sacred monster fashioned from clay, who rises to help the Jews in time of need.” “Dead of Night” 8:40 only. Freaky supernatural storm. And “Vampire” at 10:30 only. Psychological surprise, dread, and obsession are the substance of the film.” Lower DeRoy Aud. 50 cents.

FOLK MUSIC at the Absolute Zero. 388 N. Woodward in Birmingham.

SEX LECTURE. Is sex overrated? Come to the Rackham Aud. and find out 8:30 pm.

RAYMOND LEWENTHAL, one of the world’s great piano virtuosos in concert. 8:30 pm, Detroit Inst of Art.


EASTOWN GROOVIES with Spirit, Bloodwyn Pig, Taj Mahal. 8 pm. Adm. $5, 8041 Harper at Van Dyke

LOCAL GROUPS make it down to the Grande Riviera. Adm. $2 Grand River and Joy Rd. Call 834-9348 to find out what groups.

THE PLAIN BROWN WRAPPER and Geyda play at Something Different. 12 Mile and Northwestern.

SILVERBELL has the Sky and Dobey Itch. On top of Bald Mt. N.E, of Pontiac.

FOLKY FUN with folksingers Marc Chover and Richard and Susan at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse 388 N. Woodward, In the basement.

MORE FRIGHT FESTIVAL, presented by the Wayne Cinema Guild. “Orpheus” at 7:30 only. “Night of the Hunter at 9:15 pm and Bergman’s “Hour of the Wolf” at 10:50 pm only. Lower DeRoy Aud. 50 cents.

ROB ROY, HIGHLAND ROGUE. A free feature length movie with Richard Todd, who plays the title role. 11 am and 2 pm. Det. Inst. of Arts.

MARCEL CARNE’S “Children of Paradise” WSU Community Arts Aud. 8:30 75 cents.

I’m at my BORDERLINE, new freak spot presents Bob Sieger, Ashley Purple and Fox from 8:30 to 12:30 for $2.50. On Telegraph in Monroe.

STUDENT MOBILIZATION COMMITTEE meeting. 5705 Woodward at Palmer, Plan for student strike and March on Washington 1:30 pm.


FAMOUS EARLY MOVIES. Henry Ford Museum Theater, 2 and 4 pm. Free.

THE AFRICAN DANCE COMPANY OF GHANA. 45 dancers and musicians. 3 pm Masonic Aud. Tickets et $5.50, $4.50 and $3.50

VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC of the Renaissance. University Chapel Univ. of Windsor 3 pm.

THE AMERICAN DREAM and BLACK COMEDY Two one-act plays. Matilda R Wilson Hall at Oakland Univ., 6:30 pm.

COUNTRY MUSIC SPECTACULAR. YaHoo! 2 and 8 pm. Cabo Hall Arena. tickets $2.50 Reserved seats $3.50.

FUNKY BLUES at Alvin’s Deli with Norman James. Cass north of Palmer, 7 pm $1


SICK, No bread to see a doctor? Then come to Open City’s FREE clinic, 6:30 to 8:30 pm


LECTURE The State and the City, Two levels of government, Coleman A. Young, Senator. Urban Studies Student/faculty Lounge, 5729 Cass 7:30 pm

ROYAL CHORUS SOCIETY in concert at Hill Aud. in Ann Arbor 8:30 pm


VIOLENCE ON THE MOVIE SCREEN, film and lecture with John Douglas Sponsored by O.C.C. at Seaholm High School, Cranbrook at Lincoln Rd. 8:30 pm.

TWO MEN AND A WARDROBE by Roman Polanski, presented at Friends Aud., Det Det. Public Library 8 pm.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Sixten Ehrling conducting. Ford Aud. 2 pm.

CELEST HOLM Fisher Theater 11 am. Adm. $3

VENCEREMOS BRIGADE meeting. Plans for work group going to Cuba. 5705 Woodward. 8 PM


AN EXCITING GALLERY TALK. Topic: planning a Window, Robert C Wright. Det. Inst. of Arts 3:30 pm it’s FREE

DANCE POWER. Jose Limoon and Dance Company, Library Lecture Hall, Marygrove College 1:30 pm. Adm. $2.00

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Ehrling conducting a program of Mendelssohn, Penderecki, and Bartok. Ford Aud. 8:30 pm

JOIN THE CONSPIRACY. Hear defendant Rennie Davis at the Union Ballroom at the U-M Campus. Call 764-8689 for info.


THE KINKS at the Grande-Riviera along with Doctor John (the Night Tripper) Call 834-9348 to find out more. Grand River and Joy Rd.

FEELIN’ ALRIGHT with Joe Cocker and his band, the Lyverpool Scene, and the Grand Funk Railroad do it up at the Eastown. 8041 Harper at VanDyke.

AN EVENING WITH TEAGARDEN AND VAN WINKLE and All the Lonely People. Something Different. 12 Mile and Northwestern

PRINCESS AND THE FROG and Roger Janes. The Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. N. Woodward in Birmingham

IT HAPPENED HERE, presented by the Wayne Cinema Guild. Lower DeRoy Aud. 7:30 and 9:45 pm. 50 cents

JOSE LIMON and Dance Company in concert, some of the most famous repertory. Ford Aud. 8:30 pm.

A MAN AND A WOMAN presented at Marygrove College Library Lecture Hall. 7:30 pm

CRITICS NIGHT, At Bloomfield Art Asn. 8 pm

THE STANLEY QUARTET in concert. Program of Haydn, Ravel, and Shifrin. Engineering Soc. of Detroit. 8:30 pm.

ROGER WAGNER CHORALE at Masonic Aud. 8:20 pm. $6.50, $4.50, $3.50


GRANDE RIVERIA has The Kinks, Dr. John and The James Gang. Call 884-1348 for more info. Grand River & Joy

A LITTLE HELP FROM HIS FRIENDS. Joe Cocker at the Eastown, 8041 Harper at VanDyke.

TEE GARDEN AND VAN WINKLE get together at Something Different, and the March Bros. too. 12 Mile & Northwestern

ALL THE LONELY PEOPLE. Silverbell and Featherstones. On top of Bald Mt.

FOLKY FROLICKING Absolute Zero Coffeehouse, N. Woodward in Birmingham.

IT HAPPENED HERE, Presented by the WSU Cinema Guild. Lower DeRoy Aud. 7:30 and 9:45 pm. 50 cents.

AKIRA KUROSAWA’S “Throne of Blood. Rackham Aud. 8:30, students 75 cents

RAY RUESSNER in concert. Presented by the Classical Guitar Society of Mich. Community Arts Aud. Cass & Kirby. 8:30 pm

MARIA ALBA SPANISH DANCERS in concert. McAuley Aud. Mercy College of Detroit 8 pm.

YOUTH THEATRE, “This Was America” Det. Inst. of Arts Theatre 11 am and 2 pm

STUDENT MOBE Meeting to plan Nov. 14 strike and March on Washington, 5705 Woodward at Palmer 1:30 pm.

BROWNSVILLE STATION and UP at Borderline 4 miles south of Monroe on Telegraph. Adm. $2 8:30-12:30


OPEN HOUSE. Detroit Adventure Event of the Month Open House at the Art School of the Society of Arts and Crafts. Noon to 5 pm, 245 E. Kirby

FILMS ON ART. Golden Age of Flemmish Painting and Portrait of Holland.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Sixten Ehrling conducting. Cleary Aud., Windsor. 8 20 pm.

MOLIERE’S “The Miser.” Presented by the Univ. of Windsor Players at Essex Hall Theatre, 8:30 pm.

MON. NOV. 10

PRAGUE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA in concert at Rackham Aud., Ann Arbor, 8:30 pm.

FREE MEDICAL HELP. Open City, If you’re in need of medical assistance come down to 4726 Third, 6:30-8:30 pm.


TRANSPORTATION AND OUR SOCIETY. A lecture with Alen Dean, Ast. Secretary, U.S. Dept of Transportation. WSU Center for Urban Studies, Student/ Faculty Lounge, 5220 Cass. 6:30 pm.

PSYCH OUT Free counseling at Open City 7-10 pm, 4726 Third

DAY OF PEACE Every heavy Detroit rock group in a 10 hour event at Olympic Stadium. Listen to WABX for times and bands.

WED. NOV. 12

MORE OF THE SAME. Another discussion on Violence on the movie screen. Seaholm High School Aud. Cranbrook at Lincoln Rd. Birmingham. 8:30 pm.

SONNY & CHER and Myron Cohen at Ford Aud. presented by Children’s Orthogenic School, 8:15 pm. For ticket info call 647-4346

FREE PSYCH COUNSELING et Open City, 7-10 pm. Call for an appointment at 831-2770

VENCEREMOS BRIGADE meeting. Films and raps about coming Cuba trip. 5705 Woodward at Palmer, 8 pm.



ALEXANDER CALDER. Gouaches. J.L. Hudson Gallery, 2991 Somerset Mall. Troy. Thru Nov 8

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY ART FACULTY Show. Det. Artists Market. 1452 Randolph Thru Nov. 11.

DIRECTORS CHOICE. Art for beginning collectors. Bloomfield Art Asn. Thru Nov. 16

HAROLD HASNEN, paintings. The Lantern Gallery, Inc., 301 N Main, Ann Arbor. Thru Nov. 6.

THINGS, Landscapes, Willistead Art Gallery of Windsor, Thru Nov. 12

16th ANNUAL CHILDREN’S BOOK FAIR. WSU McGregor Memorial Conference Center, Cass at Kirby. Thru Nov. 15

COLLECTORS CORNER All Kinds of Candle holders. Det. Hist. Museum. Thru Nov. 16.

PIERRE ALECHINSKY. Recent paintings. J.L. Hudson Gallery, 1206 Woodward thru Nov. 22

CHONG BAEPARK, Sculpture. Birmingham Gallery, 1025 Haynes, Birmingham. Thru Nov. 22.

New York painter IRVING MINK in Borzoi Galleries. Thru Nov. 25

PLANETARIUM DEMONSTRATION “Comets and Meteors.” Cranbrook Inst. of Science. Thru Nov.

ROBERT GOODNOUGH, paintings. Gertrude Kasle Gallery 310 Fisher Building. Thru Nov.


DRAWINGS by ELIHU VEDDER Det. Inst. of Arts. Thru Nov.

CHILDREN FROM MANY LANDS Illustrate Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Main Library. 3rd floor Thru Nov.

CHRISTMAS SHOW, Latern Gallery, Inc., 301 N Main St. Ann Arbor, From Nov. 7 through Dec. 24.

BOOK FAIR Nov. 8-16. 18th annual Jewish book fair. Jewish Community Center, 18100 Meyers Rd.

MICHIGAN STATE U. ART FACULTY SHOW. Detroit Artists Market. Oct. 19- Nov. 11


EASY RIDER at Studio New Center & Warren Cinema

DE SADE at the Americana and the Summit theaters

ALICE’S RESTAURANT at Radio City, Woodward & 9 Mile

MEDIUM COOL at Studio North, Woodword & 9 Mile

GRAND OPERA FILM FESTIVAL Every Saturday and Sunday. Brahms Conservatory of Music Recital Hall, 316 Main St., Royal Oak. Call 398-5714 for info


DETROIT DRAFT COUNSELING CENTER at the Central Methodist Church, Woodward and Adams. 6-10 pm Sundays.

DETROIT RESISTANCE at 31 King Street. 6-10 pm. Tues. evenings. Phone 374-4334


LA STRADA, new musical based on Fellini’s film. Fisher Theater, Mon.-Sat. 8:30 pm, Sun. 7:30 pm, Nov. 1-15

ARTHUR MILLER’S “The Crucible” U of D Ford Life Sciences Bldg. Thurs.-Sat. 8:30 pm, Sun. 7:30 pm. Nov. 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9.

AFTER THE FALL by Arthur Miller. WSU Hilberry Theater, Cass & Hancock. 8:30 pm Nov. 1, 5. 7. 8.

EVAN HUNTER’S “The Conjurer,” Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor, 8:30 pm. Nov. 3-8

THE BOYS IN THE BAND at the Vest Pocket Theatre, Detroit’s new off Broadway, Grand River near Greenfield. 8:30 pm. Nov 4-9

THE AMERICAN DREAM and BLACK COMEDY Det. Inst. of Arts. 8:30 pm Nov 5-8

SUMMER AND SMOKE, Jewish Community Center 18100 Meyers Rd. Nov. 1, 2, 5, 8, 9.


GEM AND MINERAL SHOW. Nov 1 & 2 at the Light Guard Armory Exhibits and Demonstrations.

THE CIRCUS (Ringling Bros.) at the Cobo Hall Arena. Nov. 12-16