

Fifth Estate # 90, October 16-29, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words.) Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Lead guitar player needs work; Lead guitar player needs music; Call JoJo 863-2290 soon.

Want to meet intellectual young lady who digs jazz. 18-22. 729-0346 between 8-11 PM. Ask for Jack.

Bravo Company 2nd Bn. 28th Inf. 1st Inf. Div. Rape and plunder.

P. Look for a beard and blue turtleneck Oct. 21, 9:00 PM Club Copa. Bud (Male 28, single).

SEXUAL FREEDOM, new quarterly publ of the Sexual Freedom League, $1.00 SFL, Box 14034, FE, San Francisco 94114.

OK, JAB. No man is an island. MISTVYX.

Liz loves & misses Glemisi.

4 young bachelors 23 years old, wish to meet women 18-30, serious replies only. Utmost discretion used. Call 571-3464.

Astrology charts done (natal or otherwise). Send your name; place, time & date of birth; & $2 to Alan Jacquemotte, 4545 Cooley Lake Road, Milford MI.

Detroit chapter now forming. Write the Sexual Freedom League. Box 8205 Harper Station, Det.

Tom—I’m comin to GET you!

Amazing opportunity for starting and operating your own successful small business. Free details: B&W Enterprises, P.O. Box 9175F. Boston, Mass. 02114.

U. Prof. (47) 25% conserv., 25% radic. Philos. Orig. Europ., antie-stable., cultiv., feels isolated among phonies and boors, seeks sporadic intell. exchanges. Also interest in astrol and modern photo. 545-7887.

Female sex mate wanted for young salesman. Any age, P.O. Box 2621, Detroit, Mich. 48231.

—-Scientific American 26-volume set encyclopedia, circa 1915. Excellent condition. $50. 8320262.

Male 46—excells in French culture. Wishes to meet dolls 2745 yrs. of age. Will subsidize right doll & kids. Write & we shall see. 2 cokes for kids. Simm 5843 Craven Rd., Yale MI 48097.

Joe Lisull contact Margie at 651-2228.

No more war! Peace & luv is the only way we’ll live. 72 is cool. Chuck of 72. Gary, Peacelana.

Girls! Write this cool head in Viet Nam, send pix if available. Will answer all. Chuck Martin E 384-54-0180, HHC 2 NOBN, 22nd Inf. 25th Inf Div. APO S.F. 96385.

Political silk-screen bumper stickers. Send for list, sample. Also custom work. Gulch Stickers 128 W. Davis, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387.

Babysitting for 1 child, in exchange for same. Should be in Fisher Bldg. area. Call Florence, 874-1238.

Couples—fun and games over 25 emotionally sound. Send letter with phone no. Pontiac Box 903.

P.—Hi, call 356-5554 before 4:00 Ask for Glen. If not in, call back.

Coed to share dinner chores & babysitting for free room & board plus reasonable allowance. 20 min. from WSU. Call 8621068 evenings.

Sincere male, black, quiet 30 Like to meet other males 25-35 black or white. Lasting friendship. Aquarius. 865-8907. 10-11:30 PM.

Young happening couple, heads in right place want to meet same type. Picture. Mt. Clemens. C.S. 465-3123 MI.

Dear P. Thanks for photo and note to Box 204. Please call collect evenings 519-256-1531.

Black Bart Baby, Oct. 10 is your day. Happy Birthday. Love Poop.

Suburban male 33, seeks girlfriend. Call Stuart afternoons, eves or after midnite. KE4-0346. Very discreet.

Wish to correspond and meet pleasant female 45 or younger, Contact Box 2028 Ann Arbor 48106.

SI loves Arthur. Remember the hill! Peace, Daystar.

Male, goodlooking, would like to hear from females and couples for sex. French & Greek. Roman. PO Box 12 Allen Park, Mich. 48101.

“Liberal’ male college freek, 24, desires to develope discreet, sincere relationship with teen freek. Resume & photo desired. No phonies, please—only an honest male who digs love, stable companionship. Darrin—PO Box 514 Franklin, Mich.

Young male 22 needs female to be his sex partner. Call Ed, 843- 5088 between 6:00 and 7:00 PM Ask for Ed.

Wholesale only. Leather hats, vests, bags, pouches, and sandles. Large wire frame glasses. Jobbers and distributors inquire at Platt Mfg. Co. 424 So. Los Angeles St., L.A., Cal. Phone 628-1205.

Wanted: chick for domestic help. Salary open to negotiation room and board included. Must be hip to rack scene. Many fantastic benefits not mentionable here. Would work for well-known Detroit personality. Call 313/886-3880 and ask for Mike.

For sale—Nikon 43-86 zoom lens perfect condition $125. Evenings 477-2181.

Attractive male wants to contact attractive unsatisfied women for uninvolved meetings. Satisfaction, discretion guarantee. Leave letter in locker F252 Old Main near room 118.

Experienced newspaperman (with straight papers) request free-lance work with underground medics in regards to European matters. Leonard F. Hays III, Company A HQ Command, USA Element, SHAPE, APO NY 09055.

Head shop for sale. Flint area. For price of inventory: 313/233-9797.

East Lansing band, THE UNIVERSAL FAMILY, auditioning organ players with their own B-3 and have upper range, lead potential voice. Will settle for 2 persons—organist, and lead singer that plays some other instrument No hang-ups please! Must be willing to sign 5 yr mgmt contract, then freak out on a national level. We will be at the Dutchess Lounge in Det. from Sep. 30 until Oct. 26. Or call 647-2521(313) in the afternoons.

Belated greetings to all the people who shared the manure shack with me at Woodstock and a special howdy to Cow 31! Love, Llama.

Girls looking for a good time when I get back. Write Tom Crews, 2334178, Mag-16, H&MS16, Gusp, FPO San Francisco, California 96602 (Nam).

Female figure models for legitimate photo club. $15 for 2 hour sessions. Tues. 8-10 pm. Phone: TE. 11250 days.

Black lite photos, 8×10’s, $1.00. Send negatives to p.o. box 6453, Detroit 48234.

WCBN-650—Ann Arbor. Support Student radio. It Supports you.

Lonely, black, ‘multi-faceted, poly-rhythmical, creative, energy-driven drummer/pianist/singer/ composer in Sly and the Family Stone type bag looking for others (male and female) of similar inclinations to form new, experimental, liberated music grp incorporating classical, soul and heavy-rock tendencies. Write: Vince, Box 9514, N.End Station Detroit 48202.

you never thirst. Love and peace, Barb.

Detroit needs male models. All types. Let us decide if you’re photogenic. Send description of yourself. Dobs., Box 2911, Detroit 48231.

Wanted slender female, sense of humor, interested in marriage, Write P.O. Box 204, Windsor, Ontario.

St. Clair Enterprises—Psychedelic Product g, “Wholesale 773-4520.

Anti-draft? Giant Uncle Sam anti-draft dart target board plus darts! 4 sq feet, color, intro-offer, $2 each. Top-Sin, Box 6532 Long Beach, Ca. 90815.

Identification cards: Send 25 cents & self-addressed envelope for samples & details to: E.C.S.F.E., P.O. Box 12101, Las Vegas, NE 89112.

Thomas—Where are you? Beverly and Rebecca.

Model, professional or amateur, Wanted for carictor in new book. Top pay for right girl. Contact Bill, p.o. box 1402, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48103.

Jeanne, you taught me creative love. Now let’s teach the world. Buzz

Kathy Ruetenik died. The earth gave her a new name—Shishawnay. And with it, hope. People, remember love.