Newsreel’s Here to Stay!

Up Against the Wall, Pig Media Mind-Fuckers


Fifth Estate # 90, October 16-29, 1969

Newsreel is a national organization of revolutionary filmmakers with bases in 10 cities and Puerto Rico. We came to Detroit at the beginning of the summer to make a film on auto workers and set up regional distribution of our films. All summer we’ve shown our films in parks and projects, at the Grande Ballroom and in our own backyard.

Now we’re moving onto campus with weekly screenings in Wayne State’s Lower DeRoy Auditorium, every Thursday night at 7 and 9:30 p.m. and with a three-day Festival of Revolutionary Film at the U of M in Ann Arbor, Oct. 21 through 23.

We kicked off the Wayne State series with a special screening last Tuesday of “San Francisco State,” a strong report of last Spring’s strike and the discriminatory educational tracking system that’s holding everybody down and “Last Summer Won’t Happen,” a color feature about life on the Lower East Side.

Thursday, Oct. 23, we’re showing “Haight,” an ironic short about the end of the “peace and good vibes” period under pig harassment, with street kids stoning (literally) a motorcycle cop; “LBJ,” Cuban director Santiago Alvarez’ brilliantly scathing color commentary on American political morality; and “Lincoln Center,” a sharp contrast of the vital street culture of Puerto Ricans in New York with the sterile glass-and-steel culture complex and tourist attraction that displaced them.

The Wayne State Lower DeRoy screenings will be going off every Thursday night at 7 and 9:30 p.m. We think you’ll dig the movies and the raps—for once, you get a chance to talk back—and the price of admission is an astonishingly low 35 cents. Come and do it.

The Festival of Revolutionary Films in Ann Arbor Oct. 21 through 23 will include not only every Newsreel film we’ve made, but also nearly a score of films we’ve imported from brother organizations in the Third World and Europe.

Most of the movement groups and a lot of independents at the U-M will hold raps, seminars and educationals in smaller rooms around the two large auditoriums where we’ll be running simultaneous screenings. It should be heavy and a little freaky.

We’re interested in showing our films wherever we find the people—in the streets, in backyards and living rooms, in bars, coffee shops, churches and any kind of community center, as well as at schools and colleges.

Our basic rental fee is low (about a dollar a minute of film time) and we’re always ready to negotiate or waive the fees to groups or individuals who don’t have the bread.

Don’t hesitate to call us at 833-7885 in Detroit for a free hip catalog of movement films, or to ask for help and advice in arranging screenings in your area.