Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 90, October 16-29, 1969

In cooperation with Detroit Adventure


NEWSREEL SHORTS and features in Lower DeRoy Aud. 8 pm. Adm. 75 cents. They will be presenting Newsreel flics every Thurs. nite. Be sure to attend.

OPEN CITY FREE MEDICAL CLINIC. They will gladly cure your ills only come about an hour early (5:30 pm) to sign your name so you don’t have to wait so long. 6:30-8:30 pm. 4726 Third.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA in concert, with Sixten Ehrling conducting. Soloist: Brigit Nilsson, soprano. Ford Aud. 8:30 pm.

THE AMERICAN DREAM & BLACK COMEDY opening of the two one-act plays sponsored by the Meadow Brook Theatre at Wilson Hall: 8:15 pm.

FRI. OCT. 17

GET HIGHER AND HIGHER with Sly and the Family Stone, as they get down to the Eastown Theatre along with Lee Michaels and of course, the trippy Magic Veil Light Show. Two shows 8 pm and 11:30 pm. Adm. $5. Harper and Van Dyke.

STREET MANIACS NIGHT (That’s what Russ calls it) at the Grande Riviera. Music by the March Bros., Frigid Pink, Rush, Frut of the Loom, Pride and Lonnie Mack. Plus the worlds only sonevision lazar Beam light show. There will also be hassel doors for those of you who can’t pay the $1.50 adm. charge. Bring something worth $1.50 and try hasieling with doormen, they may just let you in! Grand River & Joy Rd.

FOLK YOU, Folk all nite, at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse with Loring Janes and Gypsy. 388 N. Woodward, in the basement.

A MANN AND HIS FLUTE, Herbie Mann in concert at Ford Aud. 8:30 pm.

NO MORE EXCUSES presented by the Wayne Cinema Guild. Shows at 7:30 and 9:45 pm. Adm. 50 cents.

PAINTING IN CHINA TO THE 13th CENTURY An exciting lecture with Ellen Laing. At Willistead Art Gallery of Windsor. 9:45 am (DST)

SEX LECTURE, Topic: Christianity and New Moral Positions, Rackham Aud. 8:30 pm.

NATIONAL BALLET OF CANADA presented at Hill Aud. Ann Arbor. 8:30 pm.

SAT. OCT. 18

TRIP OUT with the LED ZEPPELIN, and if they aren’t enough, add Lee Michaels, Detroit’s own MC-5 and special guest Grand Funk Railroad at Olympia. 8 pm Brought to you by the Eastown people. Tickets, $4, $5, & $6. Advance tickets may be purchased at Hudson’s, Grinells and the Olympia box office.

GRANDE RIVIERA. Russ says it’s street maniac nite again; with the Tackle Box, Shiva, Frut of the Loom, Julius Victor, 3rd Power, and Lonnie Mack. Adm. $1.50. But the Hassel doors will be open to take bribes (which they have to think it worth $1.50). Stuff collected at Hassel doors will be auctioned off during intermission.

FOLK MUSIC with Loring Janes and Gypsy at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. 388 N. Woodward in Birmingham.

NO MORE EXCUSES. A satire on sex and evolution by Robert Downey, director of Putney Swope and Shafed Elbows. Presented by the Wayne Cinema Guild. 7:30 & 9:45 pm shows. 50 cents in Lower Deroy Aud.

AMBOY DUKES play at the grand opening of the Branch, 3130 Biddle. 8-11 pm. Free

EISENSTEIN’S “IVAN THE TERRIBLE—PART II” sponsored by UCAE at Beckham Aud. 8:30 pm Students 75 cents.

YOUNG MARK TWAIN, musical sponsored by the Det. Youth Theatre. An hour-long live musical based on the famous humorist’s early days on the Miss. Riverboats. Det. Inst. of Arts Aud. 11am and 2 pm. Free

YOUNG PEOPLE’S CONCERT. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Valter Poole conducting. Featuring “Cinderella” and “The Mice in the Cellar” Ford Aud. 11 am & 2 pm.

ISAAC STERN America’s great violinist at Masonic Aud. 8:30 pm.

CONTRAST! A lecture with Julian Bond. Sponsored by Oakland Comm. College. 8:30 pm. Call 642-6211 for more info.

THE AMERICAN DREAM and BLACK COMEDY Two one-act plays. Wilson Hall, Oakland Univ. 2 pm.

DETROIT STUDENT MOBILIZATION COM. meeting. 1:30 pm. Will discuss plans for International SMC strike on Nov. 14th. 5705 Woodward, Chapel.

SUN. OCT. 19

BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS, in concert at the U of D Memorial Bldg. Aud. Outasight vibrations and sounds. Tickets $5, $4, $3. 8:30 pm.

FAMOUS EARLY FLICS. Queens of the Past, Strawberry Blond with Rita Hayworth and James Cagney; Follies Foibles and Fashions; Sunrise with Janet Gaynor. Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 2 and 4 pm.

CLANN GAEL, 20 dancers, singers and musicians in program of the common celtic cultural heritage of Eire and the Scottish Highlands. Ford Aud. 8pm

WOMEN’S LIBERATION is discussed on “Spare Change” a new radio show hosted by Harvey Ovshinsky and Judy (Eat It) Davis. Special guests and music are the thing at 7:00 pm on WXYZ 101 FM.

MON.- OCT. 20

BLUE MONDAY? If you’re feeling ill, let Open City’s free medical clinic help. 6:30-8:30 pm Better get there an hour or so early to sign up. 4726 Third St.


SONS AND LOVERS presented at Oakland Comm. College along with a whimsical satire “I’ve got this problem” Orchard Ridge Commons Bldg J 8:30 pm. Adm. $1.50

FREE PSYCH COUNSELING at the Open City clinic. 7-10 pm. 4726 Third. Call in advance for an appointment. 831-2770.

FILM AS AN ART. First of a Series of science-fiction films. Det. Inst. of Arts Aud 8-pm. Free. “Things to Come” starring Raymond Massey and Cedric Hardwick.

WED. OCT. 22

LEGAL CLINIC and GROUP THERAPY at the Open City Clinic. Just call 831-2770 to make an appointment.

ADAM CLAYTON POWELL speaks at 2:30 at the Art Institute. Sponsored by the Assoc. of Women Students, Wayne State.

CONTEMPORARY DIRECTIONS, 20th century art lecture. Fairlane Conference Center, U of M Dearborn. 7:30 pm.

THE MOCKINGBIRD and other award winning films. Friends Aud. Det. Main Lib. 8 pm.

PSYCH OUT. Free psych counseling at the Open City Clinic. 7-10 pm. Please call 831-2770 to make an appointment. 4726 Third.

SONGSTRESS NEHANA LIFSCHITZ, Soul of Russian Jewry in concert. 8:20 pm Masonic Temple.

DOES LIBERALISM DOOM SOCIETY? Lecture and debate with Reid Buckley, Dr. Max Mark and Shelby Newhouse. Fisher Theatre. 11 am.


TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION: Lecture by Jerry Jarvis, director students International Meditation Society as-taught by Mahareshi Yogi. 12:30 pm. WSU Univ. Center Rm. 289, or 8 Pm at State Hall Rm 134.

RIGHT ON! with Newsreel flics, shorts and features. Lower DeRoy Aud. 8 pm Adm. 75 cents.

OPEN CITY will gladly cure your hippy disease or any other problem that needs medical attention at their free medical clinic. 6:30-8:30 pm Come an hour early to sign up. 4726 Third.

ORCHESTRA OF ST. CECILIA. Hill Aud. in Ann Arbor. 8:30 pm.

FRI. OCT. 24

JOHN MAYALL, Elvin Bishop (formerly with Butterfield) and some local bands make it down to the Grande Riviera. Grand River and Joy Rd. See the worlds only sonavision lazar beam light show too! Adm. $3.50

TIME: HAS COME TODAY. And-the Chambers Bros. Come to the Eastown Theatre plus Lighthouse and Aum. Magic Veil Light Co. will also be on hand. Harper and Van Dyke.

SEE JOSE light his fire. Jose Feliciano in concert, presented by Eastern Mich. U. Bowen Field House in Ypsilanti, Mich. 8:30 pm Tickets are $4.50, $3.50 & $2.50.

ABSOLUTE ZERO COFFEEHOUSE has folk music with Richy Hovey, Jim Perkins, George Dunn, Bill Clayton, and Dave Megel. Adm. $1.50 388 N. Woodward.

STUDENT MOBILIZATION COMMITTEE BENEFIT. 8:30 pm. New Student Center Ballroom. 2nd floor. Rock Concert

MASCULINE/FEMININE (Jean-Luc Godard) This flic has been subtitled “The Children of Marx and Coca-Cola”, which should explain it! Lower De-Roy Aud. 7:30 & 9:45 pm. 50 cents.

ANTIGONE; Jean Anouilh’s stirring play in French by Le Treteau de Paris. 2 pm Matinee, $3.50. Evening performance 8:30 pm, Tickets $4.50 and $3.50. Det. Inst. of Arts.

SEX LECTURE on Why People Get Married: Conscious and Unconscious Factors. Rackham Aud. 8:30 pm.

CULTURAL TOUR. New York Concert Tour, concerts at Philharmonic, Carnegie Hall and the Metropolitan Opera. $125. Call 642-5211 for more info.

SAT. OCT. 25

GRANDE RIVIERA. Blues with John Mayall headlining the evening, plus Elvin Bishop (forrnerly with Butterfield) and local groups. Plus far-out trippy psychedelic lights by the world’s only sonevision lazar Beam. Adm. $2.50 Grand River & Joy.

EASTOWN THEATRE has Chambers Bros., Lighthouse, Aum and (Magic Gail’s) Magic Veil Light Show. Harper and Van Dyke.

HELP OPEN CITY. The people at Open City help you in many ways (legal, medical etc.) Here’s your chance to help them at their benefit at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. Entertainment goes till 5 am. with: Princess and the Frog, Loring Janes, Gypsy, Frank Allison, the Brotherhood, Johnny Stevens and more. Adm. $1.50 which is well worth it. It starts around 9:30. 388 N. Woodward.

JEAN-LUC GODARD’S “MASCULINE/FEMININE” presented by the Wayne Cinema Guild in Lower Deroy Aud. 7:30 & 9:45 pm. Adm 50 cents.

G W. Pabst’s THE THREE PENNY OPERA sponsored by UCAE at Rackham Aud. 8:30 pm. Students 75 cents.

RIP VAN WINKLE. The Melikin Hand Puppets’ version of Washington Irving’s classic. 11 am and 2 pm. Adm $1.25. Det Inst. of Arts Theatre.

HAVE A BALL (for $75 a couple). Bal Africain, 5th annual benefit gala for the Founders’ African Art Gallery Committee. Count Bassies 16-piece band will be there. Dinner and ball 7pm to 2am $75. Ball for only (9:30-2 am) $20 per. Det. Inst. of Arts Great Hall.

SCANDINAVIAN SYMPHONY SOCIETY Soloist Boris Miximovich. Pianist. Henry Ford High School. 20000 Evergreen. 8:30 pm.

SUN. OCT. 26.

FESTIVAL CONCERT at the Grande Riviera. For those of you who have nothing to do during the day, it starts at 2 pm and goes till 11 pm. Music by Savage Grace, 3rd Paver, All the Lonely People, Wilson Mower Pursuit, Pride, Sky, Sun, Everlon, Never More and others. Adm. only $2.00 Grand River and Joy.

TIJUANA BRASS with Herb Albert and O.C. Smith (with little green apples) at Olympia. 8:00 pm. Tickets $7, $6, $5, & $4.

SERGIO MENDES AND BRASIL 66, a little south of the border treat, in concert at Masonic Aud. 7:30 pm.

TOM PAINE by Paul Foster with an historical happening Broadway Cast. 8 pm U of D Memorial Bldg. Tickets $5, $4, and $3.

THE TITAN, beautifully photographed exploration of Micheelangelo’s work. Holley Room. Det. Inst of Arts. 1:30 pm.

CELEBRATION, musical play by Tom Jones & Harvey L. Schmidt. Presented at WSU Bonstelle Theatre. 3424 Woodward. 2:30 pm.

DR. FRED ALPERN, Open City’s main medical man is Harvey Ovshinsky’s guest on “Spare Change” a new radio show with Judy (Eat It) Davis. Groovy guests and music at 7:00 pm on WXYZ 101 FM

MON. OCT. 27

FREE MEDICAL HELP at the Open City Clinic. 6:30-8:30 pm. 4726 Third. Come an hour early to sign up.


POETRY READING. Donald Hall, reading from his new work, “The Alligator Bride.” CO-sponsored by Det. Adventure and the Miles Modern Poetry Comm. WSU Community Arts Aud. 4;30 pm

CANTATA ACADEMY OF DETROIT in concert with Arthur Stephan conducting. First Presbyterian Church, Hendrie Blvd. and Sixth St. Royal Oak. 8:30 pm.

FREE PSYCH COUNSELING Call in advance for an appointment. (831-2770) 7-10 pm 4726 Third St.

WED. OCT. 29

GROUP THERAPY, Legal clinic, or psych counseling. Please call Open City for an appointment. 831-2770.

LIFE IN THE THIRTIES and other award-winning films. Friends Aud. Det. Public Lib. 8 pm.



FLEA MARKET AND SALE at the State Fairgrounds, Woodward & 8 Mile. Oct. 17-19.

10th ANNUAL MIDWEST ANTIQUE FORUM. (Det. Adv. Event of the Month) Focus on the growth of the American Decorative Arts collection in the past 40 years. Oct 20-24. Henry Ford Museum.


INTERNATIONAL PRINTS, The Latern Gallery, Inc. 301 N. Main, Ann Arbor. Mon-Sat. 10 am to 5 pm, thru Oct 16.

OTHER IDEAS, 100 new forms in plastic, cloth, wood, moving plywood, rubber, steel, TV sets, lead, copper, air, water. South Wing, Det. Inst. of Arts. Thru Oct. 14.

CANADIAN LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS at Willistead Art Gallery of Windsor, Thru’Oct. 15.

GROUP SHOW of selected Detroit artists, AAA Gallery, 2305 Grand River. Thru Oct.

SELECTED SCHOLARSHIP WORK. Painting, sculpture, graphics, watercolors. Society of Arts & Crafts. Thru Oct.

OPENING SHOW of regular contributing artists, juried by Oscar Piagentini, Director, J. L. Hudson Gallery at Det. Artist Market. Thru Oct. 14.

MASS TRANSIT, Problem or Promise? Galleries, Cranbrook Academy of Art. Thru Oct. 19.

CANADIAN PAINTER CELESTINO, plus many new works in the sculpture gallery, the group salon and the gallery of contemporary crafts. International Art Center. 132 Madison. Thru Oct. 28

PASTELS by Edward Vuillard. Robert Thom Gallery, 251 Merrill, Birmingham. Mon-Sat. 10 am-5 pm. Thru Oct.

MEN WHO MAKE OUR WORLD: Portraits by Yousuf Karsh; artists, scientists, and humanitarians in sensitive interpretations by the famous photographer. Det. Inst. of Arts. Thru Oct.

LARRY ZOX, recent paintings. J.L. Hudson Gallery, 1206 Woodward, Thru Oct. 25.

RECENT WORK by CLIFTON McCHESNEY. Birmingham Gallery, 1025 Haynes, Birmingham Thru Oct 25.

PHILIP GUSTON, paintings. Gertrude Kale Gallery. 310 Fisher Bldg. Thru Oct 30.

SABBATICAL EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS by Mary Jane Bigler, WSU Comm. Arts Gallery. 450 W. Kirby. Thru Oct. 26.

THINGS, still-life from 17th to 20th Century. Willistead Art Gallery of Windsor. Thru Oct.

OILS AND GRAPHICS BY MATTA. London Arts Gallery, 321 Fisher Bldg. Thru Oct.

COLLECTORS CORNER: All kinds of candleholders. Kresge Hallway, Det. Historical Museum Thru Oct.

MICHIGAN STATE U. ART FACULTY SHOW. Detroit Artists Market. Oct. 19—Nov. 11.


EASY RIDER, Cannes Film Festival winner at Studio New Center & Warren Cinema.

DE SADE at the Americana and the Summit Theatres.

ALICE’S RESTAURANT (you can get anything you want) at Radio City. Woodward & 9 Mile.

Truffaut’s STOLEN KISSES at the Studio North Woodward & 9 Mile.

NEWSREEL FILM FESTIVAL Three nites of Newsreel films. Four 2-hour screenings each nite, plus movement raps. At U of M. Ann Arbor. Call 833-7885 for more info.


DETROIT DRAFT COUNSELLING CENTER at The Central Methodist Church. Woodward and Adams. 6-10 pm. Sundays.

DETROIT RESISTANCE at 31 King Street, 6-10 pm. Tues. evenings. Phone: 874-4334.


OPERATION of the VILLAGE CIDER MILL at the Henry Ford Museum at Greenfield Village. Sat. and Sun. Oct. 3-31.

DISCUSSION WITH FILM. Discussion leader: Rev. Robert Marshall. Seaholm High School, Birmingham. 8:30 pm. Oct 1-22.


ROD McKUEN, poet, singer, writer, musician, etc. in concert at the Fisher Theatre. Oct 16, 17, 18. 8:30 each evening and a matinee on Sat. Oct 18 at 2 pm. Call TR3-4400 for ticket info.

CHARLIE LATIMER, folksinger, and Paul Bowles at the Raven Gallery until Oct. 19. Phil Esser entertains from Oct 21st to the beginning of Nov. 12 Mile and Greenfield.

FOCUS HOPE FESTIVAL, lots of Music by Odetta, Charlie Latimer, and Paul Bowles, the Minority Group and more. Oakland Mall Oct. 16-18. 9 am to 9 Pm.


PINTER PLUS (Some underground flics). Harold Pinter’s one act play along with some groovy underground flics, at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Low admission prices and student rates. Call 868-1347 for more info.

EVERYTHING IN THE GARDEN by Edward Albee. A savage and seething “comedy” about fun and games in a typically American wealthy suburb. Univ. of Detroit. Oct. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12. Call 342-1000 for details on tickets.

GOGOL’S THE INSPECTOR GENERAL. Directed by Stephen Porter. A satirical farce on the bumblings of bureaucracy. Oct. 14-26. Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor 8 pm.

CELEBRATION, a musical by Tom Jones-and Harvey L Schmidt. WSU Bonstelle Theatre 3424 Woodward. 8:30 pm. Oct. 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25.

SPOFFARD, Comedy hit with Hans Conried. Fisher Theatre. Mon-Sat 8:30 pm, Sun. 7:30 pm. Thru Oct. 11.

THE AMERICAN DREAM AND BLACK COMEDY Meadowbrook Theatre, Oakland Univ. Tues. at 8:30 pm. Sun. 6:30 pm Thru Nov. 2.

Shakespeare’s JULIUS CAESAR. WSU Hilberry Theatre, Cass at Hancock. 2:30 pm Oct 16, 17, 23, 24, 29.