President Dave Doing Well


Fifth Estate # 89, October 2-15, 1969

David Valler, convicted dope user, accused bomber, ex-candidate for President, and of late, Detroit News feature writer, seems to have pretty well squared things away with his former adversaries—the pigs.

Valler is doing 7 to 10 years in Jackson for two counts of violating the Michigan Narcotics Act and is the Principle defendant in a conspiracy case involving the bombings that took place in Detroit and Ann Arbor last year.

Dave was always a heavy drug user and ran a hard revolutionary line (which he even acted upon), but suddenly he has appeared in the pages of the Daily Pig (News) writing anti-dope and revolution articles.

The reasons for this are open to great speculation, but several are known.

When a reporter from a major radio station tried to get an interview from Valler in jail, Dave told him that he couldn’t because he had signed an exclusive contract with the News. At one time, sources say the News building was a primary target for the bombers. A strange peace.

Also, unconfirmed reports say that Valler has been transferred from Jackson to a minimum security prison farm because of his cooperativeness with the forces of good and right.

Further, there is speculation that Valler might turn out to be a prosecution witness when the bombing conspiracy trials begin again this Fall.

Valler faces up to 22 years in prison and he doesn’t want to do the time. No one would.

The question is—what is he willing to do to insure that he doesn’t.


See other stories on Dave Valler on this site.