Pigs Bust Pun and Kelley


Fifth Estate # 89, October 2-15, 1969

Pun Plamondon, White Panther Minister of Defense, has been busted….again!

This time in Chicago on Sept. 21, where he was attending the Conspiracy 8 trials with Ken Kelley, Editor of the Ann Arbor Argus and Al Rosenfeld of the Chicago Seed.

All three were arrested after being stopped by the pigs and ordered to produce some I.D. while walking on Lincoln Ave. The Pigs exercised their right of stop and frisk and found Pun to be in possession of “a dangerous weapon.”

At his arraignment Pun was officially charged with possession of weed and carrying a dangerous weapon. No dope was produced in evidence and the weapon was identified as a boy scout knife.

This is the latest of a number of charges pending against Pun. He presently faces a possession and sale thing in Traverse City and a possession thing in New Jersey. Pun had a charge of “pissing in an alley” dismissed Sept. 24, before District Court Judge Pieter Thomassen in Ann Arbor.

Ken Kelley and Al Rosenfeld were charged with being disorderly persons and were released on $25 bond apiece. Pun was released on a $1,500 bond pending examination Oct. 6. The bread was fronted up by the people at the Seed.

When asked for the reason for the search, Kelley replied, “the pigs are expected to do this sort of thing, so they do.”