Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 89, October 2-15, 1969

(in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure)


OLD WORLD MARKET. Here’s your opportunity to travel the world by stepping through the portals of the International Institute. Exotic national arts, crafts and cuisine are available for purchase. Noon until 10 pm. -Adm. $1.00, 25 cents for kids. Thru Oct. 5. John R & Kirby.

GALLERY TALK. The artful Deception (decoys), Paul J. Schafer. Detroit Historical Museum. 3:30 pm.

OPEN CITY CLINIC. See what disease hippy life has brought you. Free medical help at 4726 Third, 6:30-8:30 pm.


MANIAC-A-DELIC fun with Iggy and the Stooges, plus a rare appearance by Teagarden & Van Winkle and the move at the Grande Ballroom.

EASTOWN THEATRE presents Steve Miller Band, Pacific Gas & Electric and Heads Over Heels, plus the Magic Vail Light Show. Adm. $4 Harper & Van Dyke.

RED ROACH COFFEEHOUSE Despite what Dave Valler says (Det. News Sept. 21) Plum St. is still alive, or at least the Red Roach is. Plum Wine provides the music while Tamarra provides the Light show. There’s after hours jazz with Larry Nozero. Adm. $1.50. Corner Plum & Fifth. 9:30 pm till dawn.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT The Sunday Funnies and the Everlon Never More combine for an exciting evening along with old-time flics and free popcorn. 12 Mile and Northwestern.

JULIET OF THE SPIRITS First flic of the new season for the Wayne Cinema Guild. 7:30 and 9:45 pm in lower Deroy.

SKIWI SKI CLUB presents its annual dance called “The Terrific Tenth”, at the Dairy Workers Hall. There will be two bands, free beer and other alcoholic beverages. Adm. $3.50 and you must be over 21. If this is what you can dig, its at 15840 Second Ave. Highland Park.

THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION lecture series. Topic: “Love and Sex in the Western World”, Milton Covensky. Rackham Aud. 8:30 pm.


SKIP AND DAVE (or better known as Teagarden & Van Winkle) make it down to the Grande, along with the Insane (that’s mild) Stooges, and the Move. Grand River 1 blk south of Joy.

STEVE MILLER BAND, Pacific Gas & Electric and Heads over Heels headline the action at Aaron Russo’s Eastown Theatre. And, Trippy lights by Magic Veil. Adm. $4. Harper & Van Dyke

THE BIG SHOW OF ’69 with the Lyman Woodward Trio, the Parliaments, Funkadelics, the Originals, the Detroit Emeralds and many more soulful groups at Cobo Hall, 8:30 pm. Tickets $3, 4, 5& $6.

SILVERBELL NITECLUB will have Bob Seeger, doing his groovy new album, along with the Madrij and Bhang. Take I-75 to Lapeer exit, then find Bald Mt. Rd. 4385 Bald Mt. Rd.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT gets it on with old-time flics, free popcorn, the Underground Wall and another group. 12 Mile & Northwestern.

PLUM WINE entertains at the Red Roach coffeehouse on Plum st. Light show by Tamara and after hour jazz by Larry Nozero. Adm. $1.50 9:30 till early dawn. Plum & Fifth.

AN EVENING WITH JUDY COLLINS Judy Collins in concert at Masonic Temple brought to you by WABX (underground radio) Don’t miss. Really beautiful folksinging performed by this farout chick. Tickets $3.50. 4.50 &5.50. 8:30 pm.

LAKE LANSING POP FESTIVAL. Wow, it’s the SRC, Amboy Dukes, Savage Grace, Plain Brown Wrapper and others in a Mike Quatro produced Pop Festival. Lake Lansing Amusement Park, 1608 Lake Lansing Rd. 2pm till midnight. Call 886-3880 for more info.

ANTI-WAR CONFERENCE. Help organize and coordinate the fall antiwar offensive and national student strike. Detroit Coalition Office, 5705 Woodward (& Palmer). Register between 9:30 and 10:30 am.

FELLINI’S JULIET OF THE SPIRITS presented by the Wayne Cinema Guild, 7:30 & 9:45 in lower Deroy Aud. 50 cents

FAMOUS FILMS by Famous Directors series presents Roman Polanski’s “Knife in the Water” WSU Community Arts Aud. 8:30 pm.

FLIC FOR KIDS, HEIDI, sponsered by the Det. Youth Theatre, at the Det. Institute of Arts Aud. 11 am & 2 pm Free. Big kids invited too.

NATURE’S WONDERFUL CREATURES a beautiful wildlife color film shown by the Det. Audubon Society especially for children. Rackham Aud. 2 pm. Free. Farnsworth at Woodward

GILBERT & SULLIVAN A LA CARTE Five singer-actors present excerpts from Gilbert & Sullivan with Valter Poole conducting the Det. Symphony Orchestra. Ford Aud. 8:30 pm


METRO BENEFIT at the Grande Ballroom with local bands. 7-11 pm. No age limit. See Metro for further more definite details.

FAMOUS EARLY MOVIES Artful Kate with Mary Pickford and Ella Cinders with Coleen Moore. Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 2 & 4 pm Free


CONCERT with Misha Dichter, pianist. Hill Aud. Ann Arbor 8:30 pm.

SICK? Let Open City cure you at their FREE medical clinic, 4726 Third. Better get there early, it will probably be crowded. 6:30-8:30 pm.


VITTORIO de SICA’S “The Bicycle Thief,” one of the great motion pictures of all time. And “The Red Balloon” At Oakland Comm. College, 8:30 pm. Building J. Adm. $1.50



HAVE A WARGASM. Chicago Oct. 8-11. Bring the war home. Rally in Lincoln Park in memory of Che-Guevara, and Nguyen Van Troi. And in support of the people’s guerrilla movements all over the third world. For information when you arrive in Chicago call 642-3015. SDS & RYM II.

DADA AND SURREALISM, lecture at the Fair-land conference center, U of M Dearborn. 7:30pm

AWARD WINNING FILMS. My Childhood and others. Friends Aud. Det. Public Library. 8pm

LECTURE. Detroit Town Hall. Rita Hauser, International Lawyer. Fisher Theatre. 11 am. for information call 872-7530.


OPEN CITY FREE MEDICAL CLINIC is open from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at 4726 Third St. Take advantage of getting your problems (medically) cured for free.

THE DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA in concert with Sixten Ehrling conducting, Soloist: Leslie Guinn, baritone. With the Rackham symphony choir, Maynard Klein, conducting, Ford Aud. 8:30 pm.

GALLERY TALK on the Historical Moross House Joseph Starrs. Detroit Historical Museum 3:30pm

FRI. OCT. 10

GRANDE FUN with Alice Cooper, Amboy Dukes and the SRC Still at Grand River, 1 blk south of Joy unless otherwise specified.

LOCAL BANDS including Savage Grace, Heads over Heels and magic Jerry Younkins’ SHIVA will be on hand at the Eastown Theatre for a cheapie $2 adm. Harper & Van Dyke.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT has the 3rd Power and the Rumors for you, plus old time flics between groups and free popcorn. 12 Mile Rd. and Northwestern in Southfield.

PLUM WINE get down to the Red Roach coffeehouse, Plum St. & Fifth. From 9:30 pm-1:30 am, then Larry Nozero plays till dawn. Adm. $1.50

THE EXTERMINATING ANGEL will be shown as part of the Wayne Cinema Guild. Lower Deroy Aud. 7:30 & 9:45 shows. 50 cents

ARTS OF THE ORIENT a lecture on “Buddhist Sculpture and Painting” with Ellen Lang. Willistead Art Gallery of Windsor. 9:45 am.

THE STANLEY QUARTET in a concert of Mozart and Bartok at the Engineering Society of Detroit Aud. 8:30 pm.

FOLK DANCING at the International Institute. For those of you who enjoy dancing the authentic steps from around the world, here’s your chance to participate. 8 pm John R & Kirby. Free.

THE BOOK OF JOB, internationally acclaimed modern ritual ensemble at the Det. Inst. of Art Aud. Actors appear as living mosaic figures, gleaming in costumes of red, god, blue, and purple. 8:30 pm.

FREE THE CONSPIRACY 8-CHICAGO’ call SDS in Chicago for info 642-3015.

SAT. OCT. 11

A GRANDE DANDY. They’re back!! Let’s hope they brought Tommy again-The Who from England. Call 834-9348 to find out who else will be there.

LOCAL BANDS such as Savage Grace, Mutzi, Carosel, Shiva and Heads over Heels appear at the Eastown Theatre with a low adm. of $2. Magic Veil will provide the light show.

THE 5th DIMENSION, up, up, and away in concert for the Martin Luther King Benefit, at the U of M special events building. 8 pm. Tickets at $3, 4, and $5.

DANCE TO THE MUSIC of the Frost and the Virgin Dawn at the Silverbell Niteclub on top of Bald Mt.

ROCK ON DOWN to Something Different to see the Skye and the March Bros. Free popcorn and farout old flics. 12 Mile and Northwestern Hwy.

BRING IT ON HOME, CHICAGO A massive march in support of the Vietnamese, blacks and worldwide liberation struggle. BRING THE WAR HOME. SDS & RYM II Starts from Haymarket Square to Grant Park.

MANTOVANI and his Orchestra in concert at Masonic Temple. Tickets are $5.50, 4.50 and 3.50. 8:30 pm.

THE EXTERMINATING ANGEL, shown in lower Deroy Aud. 7:30 & 9:45 pm;

SERGEI EISENSTEINS’ “Ivan the Terrible, Part I” Rackham Aud. 8:30 pm. A great flic by one of the greatest directors of all times.

ISHANGI DANCERS, The World of Dance Interpreted by African Artists, sponsored by the Det Youth Theatre at the Det. Inst. of Arts Aud. 11 am & 2 pm. Free

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA with Sixten Ehrling conducting. Soloist: Leslie Guinn, baritone. Ford Aud„ 8:30 pm.

SEMINAR, Samuel Wagstaff moderates a discussion with four “Other Ideas” artists in conjunction with the museum exhibit of new forms. Lecture Hall, Det. Inst. of Arts. 8 pm.

SUN. OCT. 12

THE STUTTGART BALLET presents Romeo and Juliet, under the direction of John Cranko. Tickets at $7.50, 6.50, 5.50, 4.50, and 3.50. 3 pm.

FILMS ON ART The Louvre: A Golden Prison. Holley Room, Det Inst. of Arts. 1:30 pm Free. Documentary of the history and collections of France’s greatest museum.

FAMOUS EARLY MOVIES: “Love and Curses” animated cartoons at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 2 & 4 pm Free.

MADRIGAL FROM BUCHAREST. Rackham Aud. Ann Arbor. 8:30 pm.

THE WHO in concert at the Grande Ballroom-call 834-9348 to find out who else will be there.

MON. OCT. 13

FREE MEDICAL HELP at the Open City Clinic, from 6:30-8:30 pm. 4726 Third. Better get there a little bit early, it may be a long wait otherwise.

ON THE WATERFRONT with Brando and 21-87 (a short) 50 cents at G.P. North High Performing Arts Aud.


RETIREMENT SERIES LECTURE. Wayne St. Univ. Theatre, film and Mb actors. Explorers Room, Detroit Public Library. 10 am.

WED. OCT. 15

POLLOCK AND ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM part of the 20th century art lecture series. Fair-lane Conference Center, Dearborn. 7:30 pm.

I HAVE A DREAM and other award winning films, at Friends Aud., Det. Public Library 8 pm.



COLLECTORS CORNER: Cutglass and its cousins. Kresge Hallway. Det. Hist. Museum. Thru Oct 5.

INTERNATIONAL PRINTS, The Latern Gallery, Inc. 301 N. Main, Ann Arbor. Mon-Sat. 10am to 5 pm. Thru Oct 16.

JOE BULONE, sculpture. Little Gallery. 915 E. Maple, Birmingham. Thru Oct. 12.

OTHER IDEAS 100 new forms in plastic, cloth wood, moving plywood, rubber, steel, TV sets, earth, lead, copper, air, water, etc. South Wing, Det. Inst. of Arts. Thru Oct. 19.

CANADIAN LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS at Willistead Art Gallery of Windsor. Thru Oct. 15.

GROUP SHOW OF selected Detroit artists, watercolors and oils. AAA Gallery, 2805 Grand River. Thru Oct.

SELECTED SCHOLARSHIP WORK. Painting, sculpture, graphics, watercolors. Society of Arts & Crafts. Thru Oct.

OPENING SHOW of regular contributing artists, juried by Oscar Piagentini, Director, J. L. Hudson Gallery at Det. Artist Market. Thru Oct. 14.

MASS TRANSIT, Problem or Promise? Galleries, Cranbrook Academy of Art. Thru Oct. 19.

CANADIAN PAINTER CELESTINO, plus many new works in the sculpture gallery, the group salon and the gallery of contemporary crafts. International Art Center. 132 Madison. Thru Oct. 28

PASTELS by Edward Vuillard. Robert Thom Gallery, 251 Merrill, Birmingham. Mon.-Sat. 10 am-5 pm. Thru Oct.

MEN WHO MAKE OUR WORLD: Portraits by Yousuf Karsh; artists, scientists, and humanitarians in sensitive interpretations by the famous photographer. Det. Inst. of Arts. Thru Oct.

LARRY ZOX, recent paintings. J.L. Hudson Gallery, 1206 Woodward, Thru Oct. 25.

RECENT WORK by CLIFTON McCHESNEY. Birmingham Gallery, 1025 Haynes, Birmingham Thru Oct 25.

PHILIP GUSTON, paintings. Gertrude Kasle Gallery. 310 Fisher Bldg. Thru Oct 30.

SABBATICAL EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS by Mary Jane Bigler, WSU Comm. Arts Gallery. 450 W. Kirby. Thru Oct. 26.

THINGS, still-life from 17th to 20th Century. Willistead Art Gallery of Windsor. Thru Oct.

OILS AND GRAPHICS BY MATTA. London Arts Gallery, 321 Fisher Bldg. Thru Oct.

COLLECTORS CORNER: All kinds of candleholders. Kresge Hallway, Det. Historical Museum Thru Oct.

MICHIGAN STATE U. ART FACULTY SHOW. Detroit Artists Market. Oct. 19-Nov. 11.


PINTER PLUS (Some underground flics). Harold Pinter’s one act play along with some groovy underground flics, at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Low admission prices and student rates. Call 868-1347 for more info.

EVERYTHING IN THE GARDEN by Edward Albee. A savage and seething “comedy” about fun and games in a typically American wealthy suburb. Univ. of Detroit. Oct. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12. Call 342-1000 for details on tickets.

GOGOL’S THE INSPECTOR GENERAL. Directed by Stephen Porter. A satirical farce on the bumblings of bureaucracy. Oct. 14-26. Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor 8 pm.

CELEBRATION, a musical by Tom Jones and Harvey L Schmidt. WSU Bonstelle Theatre 1.3424 Woodward. 8:30 pm. Oct. 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25.

SPOFFARD, Comedy hit with Hans Conried. Fisher Theatre. Mon.-Sat 8:30 pm, Sun. 7:30 pm. Thru Oct. 11.

CONCEPT EAST THEATRE presents: “A Son Came Home”, “Clara’s Ole Man”, and “Dutchman”. Every Fri., Sat. and Sun. 8:30pm. E. Adams & Brush. Thru Oct. 12.


CULTURAL TOUR. New York Art Tour, 3 days amid the galleries, museums and art boutiques of Manhattan. Sponsored by Oakland Comm. College. Approx. cost $100. Oct 3-5. Call 642-6211.

ART IN ACTION. Art demonstrations, exhibits and lectures emphasizing art education, the artists and his works. Bloomfield Art Assn. 9 am-5 pm. Oct. 3-5.

OLD WORLD MARKET. Oct. 2-5. See 10-2 for details.


OPERATION of the VILLAGE CIDER MILL at the Henry Ford Museum at Greenfield Village. Sat. and Sun. Oct. 3-31.

DISCUSSION WITH FILM 6. Discussion leader: Rev. Robert Marshall. Seaholm High School, Birmingham. 8:30 pm. Oct 1-22.


SAY YOU WANT A REVOLUTION? See IF at the Studio North. Woodward at Nine Mile Road.

MIDNIGHT COWBOY at the Studio 8, Greenfield at 8 Mile Shopping Center.

EASY RIDER at the Studio New Center, W. Grand Blvd. at Third.


DETROIT DRAFT COUNSELLING CENTER at The Central Methodist Church. Woodward and Adams. 6-10 pm. Sundays.

DETROIT RESISTANCE at 31 King Street, 6-10 pm. Tues. evenings. Phone: 874-4334.