

Fifth Estate # 87, September 4-17, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words.) Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Amazing opportunity for starting and operating your own successful small business. Free details: B&W Enterprises, P.O. Box 9175F. Boston, Mass. 02114.

Opium (etc.) is the opiate of the movement.

Suburban male seeks swinger friends. Call Stuart, 5-8 pm, or after midnight. 534-0346.

Lonely young man (21) would like to meet same—love? No. 206 12700 Lincoln, H. P. Randy

Self-employed bachelor age 47, wants women for swinging dates. Call Albert, 368-0530, 11 am till 11 pm.

Collegiate digs corresponding with males 17-19 with similar interests in Rock, etc. Write: DB, 2628-10th Street, Baker, Oregon 97814.

Female Figure Model wanted. $10 per hour. Phone 843-3086 weekdays only.

(IN)FAMOUS RON COBB Posters from the undergrounds best artist and political cartoonist. There are only two: “Remember Uncle Tom says Only you can prevent Ghetto Fires!” 23×35″ and “L.A. Earthquake,” 24×28″ Both in full color. $2.50 each, both $4.50 postpaid. Coming soon—new Cobb book, “Raw—Sewage.” Free catalogue, Sawyer Press. P.O. Box 46-653. Los Angeles, 90046.

Young couple wishes to meet swinging bi-girls and bi-guys for fun. No phonies need to answer. Photo and phone no. a must. Write P.O. Box 692, Roseville, Mich. 48066.

Lonely, black, multi-faceted, poly-rhythmical, creative, energy-driven drummer/pianist/singer/ composer in Sly and the Family Stone type bag looking for others (male and female) of similar inclinations to form new, experimental, liberated music grp incorporating classical, soul and heavy-rock tendencies. Write: Vince, Box 9514, N. End Station Detroit 48202.

Middle aged bachelor will share his small two bedroom home with young girl swinger. Phone: 884-8866 after five.

Attention: Women, size 5 (small) entire wardrobe and accessories of departed entertainer on sale. Original & Smart Shop apparrel, 2244 Adele.

End police brutality—teach a hippie how to fight. “Bees”

What’s happening at 111 West Warren?

Sunshine Company needs 3 to 4 people to live and work together making pottery, leather, etc. Dick Kennedy, 318 Harper.

Are you interested in radical politics, Zen, mysticism, consciousness expansion, etc.? If you want to go one more step, write: Summerville, Box 864, Pontiac 48056.

New magazine to come out of Detroit Teenage Death-Lust, wants your creations: art, poetry articles, stories, photography, general insanity. Also need stenographers, typists. Send inquiries, letters, manuscripts to Dave Watson, c/o Fifth Estate, 1107 W. Warren. Det. 48201.

Middle aged bachelor will share home with young female swinger 884-8866

Couple in early twenties wish to meet other swingers for fun and games. Photo and phone number Tobis, 15748 Meyers (48227).

Lifers are like flys; they eat shit and bother people. Ronnie A.M.

Will pay money for pix of Terry Reid. Write Patti, 993 Benton, Detroit 48207

French Ticklers! 95 cents each, 3 for $2.50, 7-$5. (sold as novelty only) F. Kaleda, Box 134-fg, Kent, Ohio 44240.

Self-employed bachelor age 47 wants women for swinging dates. Call Albert, 368-0530, 11 am to 11 pm.

’63 Tempest, low mileage, one owner, reasonable. 831-2010.

Eternal peace to all heads. Love to all of us pig haters! The Stick-Man.

For Sale, Ampeg Bass Amp, 1/2 year old, 2-15″ spk. also, Shure mike & stand w/boom, 379-3535

Straight & gay underground news 4 different underground papers a month for 6 months—$10, 3 months—$6. Sample pack—$3. “1776” Supply Co., 217 W. 18 St., No. 620, NYC 10011.

Anti-draft? Giant Uncle Sam anti-draft dart target board plus darts! 4 sq feet, color, intro-offer, $2 each. Top-Sin, Box 6532 Long Beach, Ca. 90815.

Nutmeg, snuffs and other little known highs. How to use and prepare them with details on their mind-bending effect. Rush $3 for your high to See Side, Box 1469, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90213

’68 Volkswagen, Radio, heater. $1,395. 832-6922. 4762 Second No. 101.

Interested in sexual domination or submission? Call 964-8874 9 til 11:45 pm only.

Marine 22 in Vietnam wants to hear from swinging chick. Cpl. Scott Brank 2212179, HMM-364, MAE 16, FPO San Francisco 96602.

Liz loves and misses Glemisi.

Drummer would like to groove on a band; preformed or otherwise. If it’s your bag, call Rube at 532-3312.

Is it stultifying to celebrate the rebels of the past while we silence the rebels of the present? An Khe Can Sa (grass) Blowers of RVN.

Still needed—old Fifth Estates for Micro-filming. No. 4, 5 of Volume I. Call FE office at 8316800.

Bumper strips 3 now, more later. 1—Mescalito is alive. 2—Mace won’t wear off as the day wears on! 3—A mile for a camel, 10 yrs for a joint. All are:1 & 2 color vinyl strips 75 cents each, $2 for all 3. Send bread to PO Box 1711, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. Bulk prices on request. Michigan Residents add 4% sales tax.

Male 28, looking for female companionship, confidential, But can’t seem to get enough. Anything goes! Lover. Box 142, Warren, Michigan.

Females wanted. Clean hot singles, versatile sex with black couple. P.O. Box 8173, Harper Station, Detroit.

Detroit chapter now forming. Write the Sexual Freedom League, Box 8205 Harper Station, Detroit, 48213 or call 534-0346 from 10 am to 3 pm.

Sandals that last forever—$15 a pair. Each foot is fitted perfectly and work is guaranteed for years. Anything in leather—belts, vests, purses, pants—made to suit you. 761-3552, Ann Arbor.

Mature discreet man (38) seeks dates with women 35-50 who know how to enjoy life. Utmost discretion. Photo, phone please, Al, PO Box 551A, Detroit 482-5678.

Researching article on girl gangs. Need personal testimonials. Want old members. 769-0735.

Wanted: Roger S and Vito Z two weekend chics.

Young lady wanted for professional black man who lost his thing. 222-1704, 9 to 5.

Movement worker wants part time job with flexible hours if possible. Start in about 2 weeks. Contact B. Steele, c/o Detroit Resistance 31 King Street, Det. 48202.

Wanted slender female, sense of humor, interested in marriage: Write PO Box 204, Windsor, Ont.

Wanted: drummer needs cymbals cheap. Call Wayne 532-3312.

Male models needed for nude photography. Must be butch, muscular, and generally handsome. Call 1-769-2623 in Ann Arbor.

Gay male books, magazines, movies, FREE catalogues. Trojan, Box 2121-H, Phila., Pa.