Editors’ Notes


Fifth Estate # 87, September 4-17, 1969

The Fifth Estate’s Labor Day benefit at the Grande Ballroom was an overwhelming success. The bands were beautiful and so were the people. Newsreel’s films turned everybody on and a good time was had by all. Special thanks to the MC5, the Stooges, the Gold Brothers, Newsreel, Uncle Russ and everyone who came. It was a real Detroit city evening. Everyone got down.

The Fifth Estate and Newsreel have joined together to form a travelling multimedia road show. We will come to your school, meeting or union hall with films and raps about the media and how it relates to the revolutionary movement. If you are interested, call Alan or Peter at the Fifth Estate office.

The Inner City Voice, Detroit’s black revolutionary newspaper is printing again, now called Sauti (Swahili for voice). It is edited by Luke Tripp and is important to read if you want to know what the black movement is doing in Detroit. $1 gets you four issues from Sauti, 179 Cortland, Highland Park, Michigan 48203.

It has been leaked to us that a special Federal Grand Jury has been impaneled in Detroit to investigate the bombings that took place last year here and in Ann Arbor. Although several street people still await State charges on the dynamitings, the jury has been calling people close to the incidents and swearing them to secrecy after testifying. One question the witnesses are asked that has nothing to do with the bombings is why they and others have left their nice suburban homes and have moved downtown.

Dig the back page! [ https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/87-september-4-17-1969/end-the-war-in-vietnam/ ] It was made for hanging up just like our monthly calendars. This one is to support the SDS march in Chicago. Next issue we will have a complete run-down on the entire anti-war Fall offensive and details on how you can hook up with it.

We blew it!

We really did. Less than three days after our last issue came off the press they were all gone. People had responded so well to our calls for salesmen that we were not prepared for the demand. Also, papers are selling so quickly that some salesmen took 200 papers, sold them in a day and were back for more.

This time we will be prepared for the onslaught. We are adding another 2,000 papers to our next press run. With colleges and high schools going back, we hope this will cover the demand. If not, we’ll just crank out more the next time.

If you are a reader and have been missing issues because you can’t get a hold of a salesman, solve the problem and—SUBSCRIBE. Use the blank on page 23.