Other Scenes


Fifth Estate # 86, August 21-September 3, 1969

THE ENEMY: If Hoover really did have RFK’s authorization to tap Martin Luther King’s phone why doesn’t he produce the signed memo that says so. James Bennett, director of Federal prisons for almost 30 years, has now written a book boasting about his contributions to penal reform (had you noticed how humane prisons are these days?)

The Army, says LNS, has developed an infra-red spotlight that can illuminate a darkened street for those wearing special glasses…

Some idea of how hollow academic degrees really are can be gained by the calibre of the people awarded honorary degrees (honorary degrees?)…

Bob Hope (for being court jester), LA’s Buffy Chandler (for being rich), NY’s Cardinal Cooke (for being Catholic).

Billy Graham’s plastic flowers are as honest as his message…

William Buckley felt obliged to devote a column to defending Riotgun Reagan’s actions at Berkeley Buckley’s problem is that he’s still one of the underprivileged: he’s never been maced or tear-gassed.

The arrogant mayoralty campaign of Norman Mailer, the Ego candidate who refused to talk to the radical press, showed just where his heart lies: his only connection with the movement so far has been to exploit it for his own personal gain…

Random House is publishing Whittaker Chambers’ letters to William F. Buckley, the turncoat to the troglodyte.

The Bangor Punta company which makes teargas, riot guns and other police armory, has doubled its profits (to nearly $7 million last year) in what it euphemistically terms “public security” since 1966…

It’s about time somebody investigated operational procedures of the Civil Aeronautics Board which is constantly cracking down on charter flight operators whose only crime is to offer flights to Europe for less than the established air lines, whose exorbitant, cartel-arranged rates remain unchallenged by this same supposedly public-interest board.

SEX: What have California federal agents got against Michelangelo Antonioni? They’re supposedly bringing Mann Act charges against the producer’s movie because he took a bunch of teenyboppers on location in Death Valley to film a “Love-in” scene. The archaic Mann Act is violated daily by Washington legislators staying at Virginia motels with their secretaries…

You wanna try joining a Group Marriage Community? Write and tell them at Harrad West, 453 Eureka Street, S.F., California 94114…

NY Daily News printed the home address of Screw’s editor in a putdown story so Screw retaliated by offering a free subscription to anybody who could produce the home address of the News Editor so that he’ll get “his share of threats and obscene letters.” Great chance for disgruntled News’ Employees…

Bridig Polk solicits. “cock pictures” for her various books (send to her c/o Max’s Kansas City) and promises to send “pussy kisses” in return. SUBTERRANEAN: UPS meeting with Columbia Records to ask why they pulled their advertising out of underground papers resulted in a statement from Clive Davis, Columbia Records president, that surveys had “proved” underground papers don’t sell records. Main reason for any lack of pull is because the ads are too lowbrow; as the Mad Peck says, the hype isn’t very hip…

Rolling Stone’s Jann Wenner and several UPS papers having silly arguments about who’s entitled to rock advertising and who isn’t.

Liberation News Service reports that even with 90 percent of its subscribers paying its bills (as has been the case lately) monthly income is still only about $2,000—less than half what it costs to operate the service most months…

Washington Free Press, having been harassed out of half a dozen local printers, is now printing on Long Island and trucking the papers 200 miles back into the capital every other week…

Toronto’s Harbinger reports on a local campaign to paint the sidewalks and streets in bright colors…

SF’s Good Times, temporarily bogged down with internal problems, devoted its centerspread to a red and green PARK HERE ANYTIME poster to stick over those negative no-parking signs.

John Bryan resting in SF since Open City folded will launch an erotic monthly magazine soon…

Penalties in different states for possession of “hallucinogenic” drugs varies from nothing to 25 years according to the way their original food and drug laws were written. Lisa Biberman’s PIC Bulletin (26 Boylston St., No. 3, Cambridge, Mass 02138) has published a chart (available for a stamped, addressed envelope) showing the relative penalties.

The Extra People at Providence, R.I. published a great new 20-cent comic, $5 subscriptions from Box 2426, Providence, R.I. 09106…

Religion: a structure we build to preserve the things we value (Rita Greenfield)…

If you want to be listed in the new Directory of Young American Authors drop a line to them at Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas 67601…

In Washington D.C., there’s a new drama group called The Illegitimate Theatre…

Maybe you’d like to benefit the Crazies by purchasing an “I’m for Decency” button, official version, by sending 20 cents and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Stuart Levine (8900 Blvd. E., North Bergen, N.J. 07047.