Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 86, August 21-September 3, 1969

in cooperation with Detroit Adventure


Adventure flick, WINGS OF THE HAWK, starring Van Heflin shown at Oakland Community College in the Amphitheatre FREE 8:30 pm.

FUN AT MEADOWBROOK. Bring a blanket, some food and a friend while Sexton Ehrling conducts an evening of Bartok and Brahms. At Baldwin Pavilion at Oakland U. 8:30 pm.

HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN since you got a free tour of the Art Institute. This is your last chance for the summer. Tour starts at 10:30 am. If you care to attend this tour of culture, meet in the main lobby.

ALL MESSED-UP MINDS are cordially invited to “rap it out” at the Open City Clinic from 6 to 8 pm. Free psych counseling. 4726 Third.

FRI. AUG. 22

WOWIE ZOWIE!! It’s the opening of the State Fair! A parade downtown will officially mark the opening at 7 pm. Entertainment at the fairgrounds includes: Al Hirt & his Band, from 5 to 9 pm. The Baja Marimba Band at 4 & 8 pm & the Hurricane Hell Drivers at 4 & 8 pm. All these fantastic features are free, after of course you pay the gate fee of $1.50.

DETROIT DISCOVERY Arts Festival Week starts and runs thru August 31. Some of the best in people in blues, folk, rock, jazz and gospel music will perform in free concerts. Plus outasight free flics. Events Will be listed separately.

THE NEW LIGHT BAPTIST CHURCH CHOIR will present an evening of gospel music in Kresge Court, Det. Inst. of Arts 7:30 pm. FREE

MUSICALS OF THE THIRTIES—A tribute to Busby Berkeley 1929-1935. “This excellent compilation made by the Museum of Modern Art, shows eight outstanding excerpts from seven famous musicals of the depression years. Including Rio Rita, 42nd Street, and Carioca. Lower DeRoy Aud. Cass Ave. bet. Putnam and Kirby at 7 pm and 9:30 pm. Free part of Det. Disc.

EAST COFFEEHOUSE, 285 E. Ferry between John R. and Brush has jazz from 11 pm till early morning. This weekend it’s the Doug hammon Quintet.

A TRIBUTE TO CHARLIE CHAPLIN. As a part of Detroit Disc. Chaplin films will be shown each night at 9 pm. Tonight, it is “Shoulder Arms” (1918) and The Kid (1921). The Kid is the first feature-length film written and directed by Chaplin. 9 pm Outdoors on WSU Library Lawn. free

THE STANLEY STRING QUARTET will perform works by Shubert & Beethoven at 8:30 pm in the Sculpture Court at the McGregor Bldg. FREE

THE CELESTE COLE OPERATIC THEATRE presents “Opera Scenes for All.” “Ti Yette.” 8 pm in the WSU Comm. Arts Aud.

A GRANDE DANDY The debut of the new Jagged Edge and the Stooges will be on hand to kick it out. Grande Ballroom, Grand River 1 bl. so. of Joy.

ROCK ‘N’ ROLL with the Brownsville Station & the Sunday Funnies at Something different. 12 Mile Rd. and Northwestern Hwy. in Southfield.

FOLK MUSIC and a few good laughs with Charlie Latimer and Paul Bowles at the Absolute Zero, 388 N. Woodward, Birmingham’s answer to an underground coffeehouse, it’s in the basement of a church. 8:30 pm.-1:30 am. Adm is $1.50.

DON’T GO EAST (for a number of reasons) Mainly because they are closed. But the Eastown Theatre will re-open in a month or so. Let’s hope that gives them enough time to change some of their jive policies.

MUSIC UNDER THE STARS at Meadowbrook. Concert program of Bartok and Brahms. Baldwin Pavilion. 8:30 pm.

EVERYBODY WHO wants to organize for the SDS National Action, October 8-11, should come to a planning conference. It’ll be going on in Cleveland, August 29, 30, 31. More information: Call 832-4191 or 923-5012.

SAT. AUG. 23

WORLD OF ANIMATION a bunch of far-out cartoons about Rhinoceroses, the Birds, Bees & Storks, and 7 others brought to you by Detroit Discussion. 3 pm in Lower DeRoy Aud. It’s free. Take your little sisters & brothers, or any kids you see walking by.

NIGHTS OF CABIRIA, one of Federico Fellini’s finest. The flick is a series of episodes in the life of Cabiria, a shabby aging, dreaming little Roman streetwalker…(need I say more?) Lower DeRoy Aud. 7 pm & 9:30 pm. FREE

BLUES CONCERT with Detroit Blues People; Little Sonny, Washboard Willie, Mr. Bo & Olive Brown. Kresge Court, Art Inst. 7:30 pm FREE

ONE DOWN FRONT A one-man show of song, drama and dance by Robert Riley, 8 pm WSU Community Arts Aud. FREE

THE GOLD RUSH (1925) with Charlie Chaplin Chaplin wins the girl for a change! 9 pm outside on the WSU Library Lawn

THE FROST, STOOGES and the Wilson More Pursuit combine for some far-out jamming at the Grande Ballroom Grand River near Joy Rd.

THE EVERLON NEVER MORE (who have finally been talkd into changing their name) and the Stuart Avery Assemblage get it out atsomething different, 12 Mile and Northwestern Hwy. in Southfield.

UP TO SILVERBELL with the Red White & Blues Band. Wilson Mower Pursuit and the Gold Brothers. On top of Bald Mt.

CATFISH, THE MAXX, and the Attack play out at Wamplers Lake Pavilion, in the Irish Hills. Psychedelic effects by the Ultra-Light Show.

WHITE PANTHERS PARTY Speakers include: Pun & Genie Plamondon, Skip Taube, Jesse Crawford, Gary Wilson and Kenny Cockrel. Movies on the MC-5, People’s Park, S.F. State strike and others. Union Ballroom in Ann Arbor, from 8 pm to 1 am. donation $1.

SUN. AUG. 24

WABX FREE CONCERT. This is the last of the free concerts for the summer, and should prove to be the best. Kirby St. will be blocked off and if you’re an artist or handy with something you can set up a table on Kirby and sell your goodies. (It’s been okayed by the City) Now for the music: groups include The Amboy Dukes, The Rush, The Rationals, Brownsville Station and the 3rd Power. It all starts at 2 pm and it’s over when it ends. (Here’s your chance to give Dan Carlisle a big kiss for being so groovy!) a part of Det. Disc.

GOODBYE OLD FLEAS. This will probably be the second to last Flea Market of the summer, so make it downtown (before the free concert). 11 am to 6 pm. Band concert at Kennedy Sq.

FILM TRIP, Part I. 15 Experimental films for your pleasure. Most of the flics have won awards. 7 pm and 9:30 pm. in Lower DeRoy Aud. FREE.

THE CIRCUS Charlie Chaplin joins the circus this time. Outside, on WSU Library Lawn, 9 pm FREE.

ALICE IN WONDERLAND and other cartoon groovies—shown at 3 pm. Lower DeRoy Aud. remember what the doormouse said.

FOLK YOU—folk music (an evening of) with the Chalk Circle, Mark Chover, Eddy Katkowski, Larry Larsen, Charlie Latimer, Ted Lucas, and Dean Rutledge. The best assortment of local talent around, for all you folk music lovers, 7:30 FREE at Kresge Court.

FATHER TOM VAUGH—Swinging jazz pianist in concert at Oakland Comm. College. 8 pm FREI

MIDWEST Printing Coop Benefit at the Grande Ballroom. Support your favorite underground paper. Local groups provide the music. 7-11pm donation $1.

STATE FAIR continues with Al Hirt and his band, and Jerry Butler, The Hurricane Hell Drivers and the Nashvilel Hawaiian Country Music. Plus thrilling exhibits and rides. Woodward at 8 Mile Rd.

SUNDAY SESSION from 7-12 with the Doug Hammon Quintet. East Coffeehouse, 285 E. Ferry St., bet. John R & Brush.

MON. AUG. 25

ALADDIN AND THE WONDERFUL LAMP at the Hilberry Classic Theatre, Cass at Hancock—1:30 pm FREE

ZAZIE spoofs almost everything movies have done or said. Paris’ eye view of a little kid. Far-out. FREE Lower DeRoy Aud. 7 & 9:30 pm

THE HALL MCKINNEY QUINTET, the Ron English Trio and the Contemporary Jazz Quintet will highlight the jazz concert at 8 pm. WSU com. art. aud. FREE.

CHARLIE CHAPLIN in “Steamboat Bill’Jr.” with Buster Keaton. Outdoors on WSU library lawn. 9 pm FREE.

FREE MEDICAL HELP at the Open City Clinic. from 6 to 8 pm. 4726 Third St.


FREE FUN FOR KIDS “Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” presented at Hilberry at 1:30pm Cinderella (waits till the midnight hour) presented by Parks and Rec. at 3:30 pm. on Cass Ave. lawn, Det. Library.

MAN VERSUS THE MACHINE in “The Navigator” Charlie Chaplin & Buster Keaton.’9 pm on the lawn of the WSU library.

THE EXTERMINATING ANGEL, directed by Luis Bunuel. Lower DeRoy Aud. 7 & 9:30 FREE

ROYAL OAK POP FESTIVAL with All The Lonely People, 3rd Power, Girls, Inc., and Bobby Franklin Insanity, at Farmers market, 316 11 Mile, 2 miles east of Woodward Av. ticket $2, $2.50 at gate.

Did those two old ladies really kill 13 old men? See ARSENIC AND OLD LACE. 7:30 pm on lawn of Det. Library FREE.

LOCAL JAZZ groups on the steps of the Art Inst. 7:30 pm FREE

WED. AUG. 27

ALADDIN AND THE WONDERFUL LAMP, 1:30 pm at Hilberry, Puppet shows on the Library lawn 3:30 pm.

CARNAVAL—award-winning musical presented on the library lawn. 7:30 pm.

Detroit Symphony Orchestra plays on the steps of the Rackham Bldg. 8:30 pm.

THE ORGANIZER with Marcello Mastroianni. Lower DeRoy Aud. 7 & 9:30 pm FREE

CHARLIE CHAPLIN in Sherlock Jr. with some of the finest stunts done by Buster keaton. MUSIC ROCK HAPPENING with the MARU at Kennedy Sq. 5:30 pm. FREE


FILM TRIP, Part II—Ten experimental films Lower DeRoy Aud. 7pm and 9:30 pm. free

CITY LIGHTS, Chaplin flic. Charlie, the little tramp falls in love with a blind girl and becomes a street cleaner, hero, prisoner, all for the chick. WSU library lawn 9pm.

FAIR’S FAIR at the State Fair. This year they have out done themselves…on the entertainment side is (ooh, aah) Bobby Vinton singing Roses are Red, The Brothers & Sisters, and ventriloquist Stu Gilliam. Plus all sortsof contest and pig shows. Adm. $1.50.

OPEN CITY offers free psych counseling from 6 to 8 pm. 4726 Third St.

FRI. AUG. 29

FREEK NIGHT! Freeks! the most gruesome flic in all film history. Plus—freeky shorts on wrestling and the MC5. Lower DeRoy Aud. 7 pm & 9:30 pm. FREE

MODERN TIMES the Machine Age is satirized by the great Chaplin style and pantomime. Outside on the WSU library lawn 9pm.

OLD DRUMMERS from John Mayall now have their own groups. Keef Hartley & Colosseum at the Grande Ballroom. Grand River & Beverly.

THE SAVAGE GRACE and the Floating Circus play at Something Different, 12 Mile & Northwestern Hwy.

LATIMER & BOWLES folk music at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse, 388 No Woodward, in Birmingham, 8:30 pm. – 1 am $1.50

I DREAM A WORLD an evening of poetry and music with Sylvia King, council Cagle and Andy Gilmer. Kresge Court, Art Inst. 7:30 pm FREE

INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING in the streets, John R. and Kirby. 8 pm FREE.

STATE FAIR continues. Aside from John Davidson and the Three Degrees singing, Arthur Godfrey and his horse Goldie will be there. Arthur will also appear in a horse show at 6:30 pm Michigan State Fair grounds. adm. $1.50

JAZZ all weekend from 11 pm till early morn. at the East Coffeehouse, 285 E. Ferry bet. John R & Brush,

SAT. AUG. 30

AQUINAS POP FESTIVAL—featuring The Frost 3rd Power, Savage Grace, Frigid Pink, Wilson Mower Pursuit, Red White & Blues Band, all The Lonely People, Catfish, Underground Wall and other. 4 pm to 11 pm. Aquinas High school on Northline Rd. in Southgate adm. $3.50

UNCLE RUSS’ GRANDE Ballroom brings to you Keef Hartley and the Colosseum. plus a local group. Grand River and Beverly. You gotta have proof you’re 17.

HEY! IT’S ALICE COOPER at Silverbell. Along with the Sunday Funnies. Bald Mt. Rd.

THE WILSON MOWER PURSUIT and the Bhang are at Something Different. Old-time flics bet. groups. 12 Mile & Northwestern Hwy. in Southfield

WAMPLERS LAKE PAVILION in the Irish hills has four groups for your musical fun. The Underground Wall, Floating circus, Poetic Justice, and Girls Inc. Take US 12 to the Hills.

GRASS ROOTS CINEMA films by local filmmakers 2 pm and 8:30 pm Holley Room, Church at Forest and 2nd.

CARTOONS for kids and heads. Program includes A Trip to the Moon, The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, and other neat cartoons. Free for everyone at 3 pm, Lower deRoy Aud.

MODESTY BLAISE An internation Super-spy flic, based on a british-american comic strip. FREE Lower DeRoy Aud. 7 pm to 9:30 pm.

THE GREAT DICTATOR (1940) Chaplin parody on Hitler. FREE outside on WSU Library lawn. 9 pm. Bring blanket to lay on.

CHANT OF FREEDOM Evolution of Black Music with the Motif, and Tilis Butler. 8 pm Comm Arts Aud.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA plays on the steps of the Rackham Aud. 8:30 pm.

MUSIC AT MEADOWBROOK The final weekend concert will be performed by the New York Philharmonic, with Seiji Azawa conducting. 8:30 Baldwin Pavilion at Oakland U.

SUN. AUG. 31

ROCK ‘N’ ROLL PICNIC—Groove to a day of good vibrations at St. Benedictine Stadium, Outer Dr. & Southfield. Keef Hartley, Lighthouse, Stooges, 3rd Power, Wilson Mower Pursuit, Friends and Lovers, Sky, Red White & Blues, and the Brownsville Station do the music thing. $3 adv. $3.50 at the gate. from 2-10 pm.

CARTOONS FOR FREE. 12 short cartoons about all sorts of neat things. at 3pm in Lower DeRoy Aud.

DETROIT COMMUNITY SYMPHONY. G. Anderson White directs program of American music at 2:30 pm. Comm. Arts Aud.

D’SACE STRING ENSEMBLE presents a concert at the McGregor Sculpture Court. Works by Mozart, Haydn, and Shubert will be played. 4pm FREE

ZERO FOR CONDUCT—French flic banned by the French government. It greatly influenced the production of the movie “IF” and “duck soup” with the Marx Brothers. 7 pm & 9:30 Lower DeRoy Aud. FREE.

MONSIEUR VERDOUX (1947) Chaplin flic. Last in the series of Detroit Disc. flics. 9 pm on lawn of WSU lib. FREE.

THE THEATRE IN THE BLACK PLAYERS present “Simply Heavenly” a musical comedy by Langston Hughes. 8 pm. Comm Art. Adu.

FLEA MARKET Last chance to store up on antiques, junk and old clothing. 11 am to 6pm.

Band concert Kennedy Sq. 3pm.

EAST COFFEEHOUSE Jazz sessions from 7pm till midnite. 285 E. Ferry bet. John R & Brush.



BENEFIT FOR THE FIFTH ESTATE with the MC5, Stooges and the Gold Brothers. Adm is $2.00. No Age Limit. The Fifth Estate needs your support. So do it!

STATE FAIR last day of excitement with Roy Clark, America’s favorite family The Cowsills, and James Darren. Arthur Godfrey and his horse Goldie will be there too! Plus all sorts of exhibits, foods, and rides. Adm. $1.50,



FIRE FIGHTING IN OLD DETROIT’ Special Exhibits Room, Det. Hist. Museum thru Aug.24

DOLLS AS A HOBBY. Children’s Museum. thru Aug. 31.

MIGRATION OF BIRDS. Cranbrook Inst. of Science. Thru Aug 31.

PERMANENT COLLECTION of the Willistead Art Gallery, Willistead Gallery, Windsor. Thru Aug. 31.

ANNUAL SUMMER STUDENT EXHIBITION best works from all departments. Cranbrook Academy of Art. Thru Sept. 14.

JOHN CLEM CLARKE, Laurence Calcagne, Stepen Green, and other contemporary artists in all mediums. Franklin Siden Gallery, 213 Whitney Building, Washington Blvd. Thru Aug. 31.

COLLECTORS CORNER: Cutglass and Its cousins, Kresge Hallway, Det. Hist, Mus. Thru Oct. 5.

GORDON PARKS: A Poet and His Camera, photography and poetry. Adam Strohm Hall, Det. Public Lib. Thru Aug. 29


A TRIP TO CHINATOWN Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 8:30 pm. Aug. 9, 20, 25, 29.

ALLADDIN and his WONDERFUL LAMP, at Hilberry Theatre. Aug. 6-8, 12-15, 19-22, 25,29. 1:30 pm.

CARNIVAL at U of D Ford Life Sciences Bldg. Theatre. 8:30 pm. Aug. 7-9,12-16, 20-21, 26-27.

HAROLD PINTER’s THE HOMECOMING Studio Theatre, 4743 Cass. 4:30 pm Aug. 8, 22

SHENANDOAH, Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 8:30 pm. Aug. 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22 & 27

PINTER PLUS a film. Harold Pinter’s one act plays along with Newsreel’s “Agit-Prop No. 505” at the Detroit Rep. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Every Thurs. Fri. and Sat, night low prices and student rates. Call 868-1347 for more info.