Editors’ Notes


Fifth Estate # 86, August 21-September 3, 1969

Everyone who wants to tune in to the music of our culture should be at the Fifth Estate Benefit to be held Sept. 1 at the Grande Ballroom from 6-11 pm. Featured will be the MC5, Stooges, and the Gold Brothers, along with Newsreel films of the San Francisco State strike and two short films from Cuba.

The reason our paper had need of a benefit is due to the large number of free GI subscriptions that we have given to our brothers in Vietnam. We want to keep this policy going, but 500 free subs at $3 per winds up to be a lot of bread we don’t have.

Also, one thing should be made crystal clear: this benefit is not for people under 21 [sic] or under 30; it’s for all Fifth Estate readers and no one should be hung up about coming because they don’t have shoulder-length hair or they’re not wearing beads. None of us are into a hipper-than-thou thing.

If you dig our paper, come to the Grande. Support us and support our GI brothers.

One brother from Farmington told us that he is no longer giving contributions to bullshit charities like the United Foundation where a good part of the bread goes for fund-raising and bureaucrats’ salaries. Instead he is going to donate his money to Open City or a political organization. We like this idea. Our community must support itself

A group of persons calling themselves “The backseat parasites” wrote and wondered why we haven’t published their Unclassified ad that was a slander on another person. Our ad section is not the poison pen department. We will not accept ads that insult other people. If you don’t have the guts to confront them personally, don’t expect us to do it for you. Also, all Unclassifieds of a personal nature that include a phone number will be checked from our office for authenticity before publication.