Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 85, August 7-20, 1969

in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure


THE FROST record their second album at the Grande Ballroom, from 7 to 11 pm. Adm. is only $2 which is well-worth it, considering you’ll finally be able to hear Dick Wagner and the boys do a completely new set.

DETROIT “ROCK” HAPPENING. Free concert at Kennedy Square with Pandora’s Dilemma. 5:30

TAKE A TRIP through the galleries of the Art Institute. Free General tours of the museum at 10:30 am and 1:15 pm. Meet at Woodward Ave. lobby.

FREE MEDICAL HELP. Open City will freely cure your ills. 6-8 pm. Come down to 4726 3rd, corner of Forest.

THE SUN shines brightly in the ampitheatre at O.C.C. Pop Concert only 50 cents, Orchard Lake Rd. and I-696. 8:30 pm.

MEADOWBROOK MUSIC FESTIVAL. The American Ballet Theatre and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in “Grand Pas” and Coppelia. Baldwin Pavilion, Oakland U., 8:30 pm.

PETERSON PARK BAND CONCERT, Free. 8-9pm Greenfield Rd. bet. 6 & 7 mile.

BAND CONCERT at Lafayette Park. E. Lafayette bet. Rivard and Orleans. Free 8 pm.

VARIETY SHOW sponsored by Stroh’s at 7:30 to 9 pm. at Grand Circus Park.


MORE FROST MUSIC. The second, and last nite of recording for the Frost at the Grande ballroom Grand River & Beverly. 7-11 pm. Adm. $2. No age limit.

A PUPPET SHOW at 3 pm and a variety show at 8 pm at Lafayette Park. Its FREE.

FREE PSYCH COUNSELING at Open City from 6-8 pm. 4726 Third.

THE PRINCE WHO WAS A THIEF an exciting adventure film starring Tony Curtis. 8:30 pm at Oakland Comm. College. FREE. Orchard Lake Rd. and I-696.

THE AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in”Garetnfest”, “Miss Julie” and “Etudes.” Baldwin Pavilion at Oakland Univ. 8:30 pm.

HAROLD PINTER’S “The Homecoming” presented in the Studio Theatre. 4743 Cass Ave.—(downstairs at the Hilberry) 8:30 pm.


BANG! BANG! It’s Terry Reid at the Grande Ballroom, Grand River 1 block so. of Joy. Call 834-9348 to find out who else will be there.

ALICE COOPER, The Savage Grace, and All the Lonely People combine for an outasight night at the Eastown Theatre. Harper at Van Dyke. And, we mustn’t forget magic Jerry Younkins and friends on the lights!

Folksinger (and joke teller) CHARLIE LATIMER with his timid guitarist Paul Bowles at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse, 388 N. Woodward, 3blks. so. of Maple, 8:30 to 1:30 am. Adm, is $1.50. You must look or be 18 to get in!

Sounds by THE SUNDAY FUNNIES and other groups at Something Different. Old-time flics are shown between bands. Northwestern Hwy and 12 Mile Rd.

EAST COFFEEHOUSE has jazz. Larry Nozero Quintet. 285 E. Ferry. bet. John R & Brush St. Open 11 pm till morn. Food & coffee too.

SYMPHONY AND BALLET UNDER THE Stars. Program of “Pas de Deux”, “Pillar of Fire,” & “Theme and Variations.” Baldwin Pavilion at Meadowbrook, Oakland U. 8:30 pm.

DETROIT CONCERT BAND with Dr. Leonard B. Smith conducting at the band shell, Michigan State Fair Grounds 8:15 pm FREE.

THE HOMECOMING presented in a matinee at 4:30 pm. Downstairs from the Hilberry Theatre. Cass at Hancock.

DANCING PRINCESSES and Neighborhood Variety Show, at 3 pm. “Arsenic and Old Lace” at 8 pm. presented by the Civic Center Theatre at Lafayette Park. FREE.


THE EASTOWN THEATRE has Alice Cooper, Savage Grace, and All the Lonely People plus Magic Veil Lights. Harper at VanDyke.

ENGLISH ECLECTICISM with Terry Reid at the Grande Ballroom, Grand River & Beverly. You gotta be 18.

SPENCER DAVIS GROUP provides the jams along with the Rumors, at the Wamplers Lake Pavilion. Take US 12 to the Irish Hills, next to Hayes St. Pk.

FOLKSINGER LATIMER & Guitarist Bowles entertain at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. 388 N. Woodward in Birmingham Adm $1.50. 8:30 pm to 1:30 am.

THE THIRD POWER, Wilson Mower Pursuit & another group combine their musical talents at Silverbell. Top of Bald Mt.

BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON…Concert and ballet at Meadowbrook program includes “Pas de Deux,” “Pillar of Fire,” & “Theme and Variations.” Baldwin Pavilion Oakland Univ. 8:30 pm

CINDERELLA at 3 pm and “Carnival” presented at 8 pm at Lafeyette Park FREE.

DETROIT CONCERT BAND plays at the Band Shell State Fairgrounds. 8:15 pm

CARNIVAL presented in a matinee at 2:30 pm U of D Life Scienc’es building.

GEORGES FEYDEAU’S A Flea in Her Ear at the WSU Hilberry Theatre.

LARRY NOZERO QUINTET at the 285 East Coffeehouse. 285 E. Ferry, Open 11 pm till morn.

SUN. AUG. 10

WHO DO YOU LOVE? See your favorite WABX DJ in person! At the FREE WABX concert at Tartar Field. Local bands including the Gold Brs. From 3 pm until around 6 pm. Listen to ABX for more details. And if nobody decides to have a football game there, this concert will take place.

FLEA MARKET Another Sunday of junk collecting and fun along lower Woodward. Free Concert at Kennedy Sq. at 3 pm. Flea Market runs from 11 am to 5:30 pm.

LAST SUMMER CONCERT by the Detroit Concert Band at Remick shell, Belle Isle FREE. 8:15

BYE BYE BIRDIE presented at 3 pm and Eddie Santini Musical Revue at 8 pm. Lafayette Park. E. Lafayette bet. Rivard/Orleans. FREE.

The 285 EAST COFFEEHOUSE has the Larry Nozero Quintet from 11 pm to morning. 285 E. Ferry St.

MON. AUG. 11

FREE MEDICAL HELP Open City at 4726 Third, Corner Forest 6-8 pm.

FLEA, FLY, FLO, another Flea Market, this time at the Northland shopping center, on the mall. 5-9 pm. FREE.

SUBVERSIVE FLICS courtesy of SDS. Films compliments of the Newsreel. St. Joe’s Episcopal Church. Woodward at Holbrook 7pm FREE.


JOAN BAEZ, peace lovin’ folksinger comes to Ann Arbor. U of M special events building. adm. $2.

LADY SOUL, Aretha Franklin in concert at Meadowbrook. 8:30 pm Baldwin Pavilion bring a picnic and blanket and campout on the grass. Take I-75 to University Drive.

MUSIC ON THE STEPS of the Art Institute. at 8-9:30 pm. FREE.

PSYCH OUT—Free psychiatric counseling at Open City. 4726 Third St. corner Forest from 6 to 8 pm.

WED. AUG. 13

POP SERIES pop concert with the Syrrup at Oakland Comm. College’s Ampithetre. Orchard Lk. Rd. & I-696. 50 cents adm.

A LITTLE RESPECT…Aretha Franklin in concert at Meadowbrook’s Baldwin Pavilion. 8: pm

THE FORMULAS entertain at Kennedy Square FREE rock concert part of Detroit Happening 5:30 pm.

LET OPEN CITY MAKE YOU WELL. Anyone in need of Free medical help can come down bet. 6 and 8 pm to 4726 Third St. corner Forest.

PETERSON PARK BAND CONCERT FREE at 8-9:30 pm. Greenfield Rd. bet. 6 & 7 Mile Rds.


THE SECOND GREATEST SEX musical comedy flic, starring Jeanne Crain. Shown at OCC, Orchard Lake Rd & I-696. 8:30 pm FREE

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA with Julus Rudel,guest conductor. An evening music under the stars, program of Barber, Beethoven and Shubert. Meadowbrook. 8:30 pm.

FREE PSYCH CLINIC at Open City. Counseling from 6 to 8 pm. 4726 Third St.

FRI. AUG. 15

MANIAC-A-DELIC fun with the Stooges and the Amboy Dukes at the Grande Ballroom Grand River & Beverly.

EASTOWN THEATRE. Call the tape recording at 571-5511 to find out who’s there.

PHIL ESSER & THE CHALK CIRCLE entertain at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. 388 N. Woodward. in Birmingham. $2.50.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA at Meadwbrook, Julius Rudel guest conductor. Soloist: Michael Rabin, violinist. Baldwin Pavilion 8:30

THE OHIO POWER Plays at Something Different. 12 Mile Rd. and Northwestern Hwy.

DAVE DURRAH entertains at the 285 East. Open from 11 pm until early morning. 285 E. Ferry.

RISE AND DECLINE OF THE CIO, Militant Labor Forum. Lecture by Don Upton on the political and social forces and figures that organized the CIO. 8 pm. 3737 Woodward.

SAT. AUG. 16

LOCAL GROUPS HEADLINE the evening of the Grande Ballroom. tonight it’s the Stooges & the Frost. Grand River 1 bl. so. of Joy Rd. CALL 571-5511 to find out who’s at the East-town Theatre. They weren’t too positive as to who it would be.

PHIL ESSER AND THE CHALK CIRCLE, Folky music at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse, 388 N. Woodward.

HUDSON, ESSEX, TERRAPLANE CLUB national meet, over 15 antique cars. Activities Field, Greenfield Village.

WOW! IT’S TEDDY at the Throttle! The Amboy Dukes and the Sunday Funnies at Wamplers Lake Pavilion. Take US 12 to Irish Hills.

THE OHIO POWER climb up Bald Mt. to Silver-bell. You can climb it too by taking I-75 to Lapeer Exit then find Bald Mt. Rd.

SUN. AUG. 17

ASSORTED JUNK hippy toys and old clothing at the Flee Market. along lower Woodward. Band Concert at Kennedy Sq. at 3 pm. Market open 11 am until 5:30 pm.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA at Meadowbrook. Julius Rudel guest conductor. 7:30

285 EAST COFFEEHOUSE. Dave Durrah entertains. 285 E. Ferry. 11 pm till morning.

SOCIALIST SUMMER SCHOOL—This week’s class is on the rise of the CIO and the Economic Crisis that produced it. 6 pm 3737 Woodward Call 831-6135 for more information.

MON. AUG. 18

SUBVERSIVE FLICS compliments of The Newsreel. St. Joe’s Episcopal Church, Woodward at Holbrook. 7 pm. Everyone is welcome.

GOT THAT RUN DOWN FEELING? Let Open City’s Medics help cure you. Free at 4726 Third, corner forest. 6 to 8 pm.

NORTHLAND FLEA MARKET at the mall, just incase you missed the Flea Market downtown, most of the same counters and more, will be set up for your flea marketing pleasure. 5 – 9 pm.


OUTDOOR MUSIC on the steps of the Art Inst. facing Woodward. 8-9:30 pm. FREE.

FLIPPED OUT? Open City gives Free Psychiatric counseling from 6 to 8 pm at 4726 Third St.

HELLO AND GOODBYE Folksinger Tim Buckley in concert at Meadowbrook. Other local bands also. Call Oakland U. for more details. 8:30 pm.

WED. AUG. 11

THOSE WERE THE DAYS… (They were) singer Mary Hopkin in concert at Meadowbrook. 8:30 pm. Baldwin Pavilion. Oakland U.

ALL THE LONELY PEOPLE make it down to O.C.C.’s Ampitheatre for a Wed. night concert. Adm. 50 cents, 8:30 pm.



AFRO-AMERICAN ARTISTS drawings, paintings and prints. Children’s Museum. Thur Aug.22

FIRE FIGHTING IN OLD DETROIT’ Special Exhibits Room, Det. Hist. Museum thru Aug.24

DOLLS AS A HOBBY. Children’s Museum. thru Aug. 31.

MIGRATION OF BIRDS. Cranbrook Inst. of Science. Thru Aug 31.

PERMANENT COLLECTION of the Willistead Art Gallery, Willistead Gallery, Windsor. Thru Aug. 31.

ANNUAL SUMMER STUDENT EXHIBITION best works from all departments. Cranbrook Academy of Art. Thru Sept. 14.

JOHN CLEM CLARKE, Laurence Calcagne, Ste-pen Green, and other contemporary artists in all mediums. Franklin Siden Gallery, 213 Whitney Building, Washington Blvd. Thru Aug. 31.

COLLECTORS CORNER: Cutglass and Its cousins, Kresge Hallway, Det. Hist, Mus. Thru Oct. 5.

CHALLENGE OF SPACE, NASA exhibit Industrial Hall, Detroit Hist. Mus. Thru Dec.

ATOMARIUM DEMONSTRATION Cranbrook Inst. of Science. Thru Aug. 31.

GORDON PARKS: A Poet and His Camera, photography and poetry. Adam Strohm Hall, Det. Public Lib. Thru Aug. 29

THE ARTISTRY OF BASIC RESEARCH, from the guys who brought you your favorite war-toys, Napalm. Education Corridor, Det. Inst. of Arts. Thru Sept. 7.

PETOSKY GALLERY. Regular graphics, contemporary painting plus Michigan pottery and jewelry. London Arts Gallery of Petosky, 313 Lake St. Petosky.


A TRIP TO CHINATOWN Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 8:30 pm. Aug. 9, 20, 25, 29.

ALLADDIN and his WONDERFUL LAMP, at Hilberry Theatre. Aug. 6-8, 12-15, 19-22, 25, 29. 1:30 pm.

CARNIVAL at U of D Ford Life Sciences Bldg. Theatre. 8:30 pm. Aug. 7-9,12-16, 20-21, 26-27.

HAROLD PINTER’s THE HOMECOMING Studio Theatre, 4743 Cass. 4:30 pm Aug. 8, 22

SHENANDOAH henry Ford Museum Theatre. 8:30 pm. Aug. 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22 & 27

LITTLE MARY SUNSHINE, a new musical about an old operetta. Presented by the U of D players. U of D Ford Life Sciences Building. 8:30 pm. July 24-26, 29-31, Aug. 1-10.

JEAN KERR’S MARY’ MARY presented by the Theatre Center. Univ of Windsor. Essex Hall Theatre. Patricia at Wyandotte, Windsor, 8:15 pm daylight July 29-31, Aug. 1-10

YOUR OWN THING a bright musical comedy success. Fisher Theatre, 8:30 pm. July 29-31. Aug. 1-30

DAVY CROCKETT presented at the Henry Fd. Museum Theatre. 8:30 pm. July 28-29, Aug. 1, 2, 6, 8, 14, 19, 23, 28.

THE SPORT OF MY MAD MOTHER by Ann Jellicoe presented at the Studio Theatre, 4743 Cass, downstairs at the Hilberry. 8:30 pm. runs: Aug. 1, 6, 8, 14, 20, 22.

Georges Feydau’s A FLEA IN HER EAR. at Hilberry Theatre, Cass at Hancock 8:30 pm. run: July 24, 25, 26, Aug. 1, 7, 13, 21, 25, 27, 29.

A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM Hilberry at 7:30 July 30 & 31, Aug. 2, 16, & 30.

HORIZON presented at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 8:30 pm. Aug. 4, 7, 13, 21, 26, 30.

PINTER PLUS a film. Harold Pinter’s one act plays along with Newsreel’s “Agit-Prop No. 505” at the Detroit Rep. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Every Thurs. Fri. and Sat, night low prices and student rates. Call 868-1347 for more info.


SAY YOU WANT A REVOLUTION? See IF at the Studio North. Woodward at 9 Mile.

MIDNIGHT COWBOY at the Studio 8, Greenfield at 8 Mile.

HELLS ANGELS ’69 At your local drive-in.