Editors’ Notes


Fifth Estate # 85, August 7-20, 1969

Recorder’s Court Judge Robert J. Colombo, the pig who sentenced John Sinclair to almost ten years in prison, recently renewed his subscription to this paper for two years. Because of the barbaric sentence he placed on John, we are cancelling his subscription, confiscating his money and donating it to the John Sinclair Defense Fund. Money is urgently needed for legal fees and we hope all brothers and sisters will contribute generously to his defense. Send donations to John Sinclair Defense Fund, 1510 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104.

Inflation strikes at the Fifth Estate. As of last issue our local price has been raised a nickel to 20 cents per copy. This increase was necessary due to the incredible rise in our operating costs and our desire to go weekly come the Fall. Subscriptions will be $3.75 a year; $6 for two years. We will still honor subscriptions at the previous rate if they are sent in on an old blank. So take advantage of this now.

The Fifth Estate was refused press credentials to cover the Newport Folk Festival. A form letter turning down our request was signed by one Charles Boureois—an appropriate name.

As we reported last issue, the upcoming Woodstock Music Festival had been cancelled out of its original site by the irate town council of Wallkill, N.Y. The Festival site has been moved to Bethel, N.Y. to what the promoters call “an even more ideal spot.” So, if you want to go, check the ad elsewhere in the issue.

In a future issue we hope to have a first-hand account from two of the people who traveled to Hanoi to accept the released American prisoners last week. Linda Evans and Diana Oughton from Detroit traveled with the group of seven to North Vietnam.

GI RAMBLINGS: Seems our application for a second class mailing permit is in question because too low a percentage of our subscriptions are paid for. These, of course, are the ones we gladly send free to our brothers in ‘Nam. We have almost 500 Vietnam subscriptions and plan to continue giving them free no matter what the Post Office does.

Thank you to the brothers who have been sending us Army, Navy, and Marine newspapers, literature and instructions. It is educational to say the least; keep the stuff coming.

To the brother who sent us “The Screaming Eagle” put out by the 101st Airborne Division: Why don’t you ask them to subscribe to Liberation News Service? It’s our press agency and has a man in ‘Nam. Might give them a different view of the war.