WSU Black Workers Move


Fifth Estate # 84, July 24-August 6, 1969

The League of Revolutionary Black Workers has moved onto the Wayne State University Campus.

In a move to combat racism in employment and bad working conditions, members of the League have organized a group of thirty to forty black secretaries into the Ad Hoc Committee to End Racism, Exploitation and Oppression at Wayne State University.

In the words of a committee spokesman, “Here we are and this is it!”

The committee is also organizing against poor fringe benefits, inconsistent pay scales, supervisory harassment of employees, and arbitrary hiring and firing.

“These conditions must be eliminated immediately, and we have pledged ourselves to this end. Any attacks upon us, individually or collectively, will be an obvious attempt to deny us our legitimate rights to organize as workers and as black people,” said the spokesman.

Anyone interested in further information may contact the Ad Hoc Committee through the League of Revolutionary Black Workers at 872-2828.