

Fifth Estate # 84, July 24-August 6, 1969

Unclassifieds cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Girls 18 and over who believe in free love. Pretty and sexy, come to 2641 E. Michigan Ave. Ask for California.

Single male wishes to share apartment with single females. 895-1215 after 7 pm.

1954 Packard hearse, 38,000 original miles clean 14001 Pierson Det. 48223. $300 after July 26, After 5:30 pm please.

French “ticklers! 95 cents each, 3-$2.50, 7-$5. (sold as novelty only) F. Kaleda, Box 134-fg, Kent, Ohio 44240.

Attention, women, secure educated gentleman bisexual service unlimited. Your desires my pleasure. Find relief with Shawn. WO1-5365 1 am to 5 pm.

Women, any race, experienced, hard-driving, primitive love-making. Call 935-3192, ask for Kongo; the Savage Pumper. Secrecy assured!

Couple, mid 20’s seeks same to swing. Occupant, P.O. Box 2, Ferndale, Mich. 48220.

I love Barb. Long hair forever. Give me freedom Uncle Sam. Make love not war says Jim.

Wanted to buy black lites posters incense new used; ruptured. Stay ahead write Phillip Conner, RR 6, Box 448 McDuffe Rd., Augusta Ga. 30906.

Male seeks pen pals. J.M., Box 182, Flint, Mich. 48501.

Goodlooking male 19 would like to meet older man with apt. who could teach me a few things. Box 1841, Det., Mich., 48231.

Mike is hopelessly insane.

I’m looking for a good looking intelligent gal to be my wife. I’m 36 decent looking make an acceptable living, have a good mentality, and know how to make a happy, natural relationship. Let’s meet and talk. Send name and phone number to Jim Perkins, c/o General Delivery, Detroit.

I am looking for guys who’d like to make $$$ by posing nude: strictly business. Send photo, info. to Bob, Box 2102, Det. Mich. 48231.

Experienced figure model available 12 to 9 pm. Call CL5-2465.

Coming to Canada—Read about the Toronto scene in Harbinger, Community Paper—For a sample copy send 15 cents to Harbinger, Box 751, Toronto, 285 Ontario.

Single male student has apartment to share with same. Likes music and literature. Call Ray at 831-1587.

Rock n rollers—get speaker cabinets like the UP, Stooges, MC5, Teagarden and Vanwinkle, and the Wilson Mower Pursuit use—and save money. We build to any manufacturers or custom design including the new Electro-Voice TB-1 and Eliminators. UP Rock and Roll Radiators, 761-3552, 1520 Hill st./ Ann Arbor.

VINYL LIFE SIZE DOLL 5’2”, 40-20-40. Brochures 25 cents. Hobbycraft, 7—10th Street, Greer, South Carolina, 29651

A-bee-ecks is groovy.

Female “spread” magazines, movies, paperbacks, free catalogues, Beaver, Box 2373-H, Phila. Pa.

Orch is spending his two week’s vacation in beautiful Clark Park, and getting high every night, with his friends.

I dig the Fifth Estate and the whole Detroit scene—Peace—M. Hayes.

Gals—daytime fun with loving, discreet pleasure minded guy. Paul Box 635 Warren,Mich. 48070

Dirty girles, write to Fred Thornton, 904 Sandusky St. Gerrysburg, Ohio 42551.

Wanted needed: for love, companionship, mind trips, body trips: an intelligent, aware, somewhat passive, but definitely mast (can you dig it) Movement oriented male type person to 30 by male (26) Write Box 631A, Det. Mich. 48232.

Bi guys, 18-30, must be head or in creative arts. Wanted by exceptionally gifted, personable, 27 yr. old. Professional for friendship ( not necessarily sex) Box 5063, Det. 48235.

J.D.—I contacted Liz, where were you?

PJC—I love you. Happy anniversary—JFB.

Rose—I love you. I’m sorry how your old man feels. I can only pray for him—love and peace.

Crib and mattress, $10. Bathenette free, 862-8135.

Nutmeg, snuffs and other little known highs. How to use and’ prepare them with details on their mind-bending effect. Rush $3 for your high to See Side, Box 1469, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90213.

Sandals that fit forever—$15-$16 a pair. John Stoddard, old sandal maker from the hills of Penn. fits each foot individually and guarantees his work to last at least 5 years. Also leather vests, pants, etc.—Ask for Frank, 7613552, Ann Arbor.

Clothes custom made by Bonnie Bach, designer, seamstress for the UP. Tailored shirts, any style—$8 and up. Pants that fit you—$10, 761-3552, Ann Arbor.

To all potential marines: 99% of all officers and lifers (staff and above) are chicken shit phoneys. They take credit for the blood, sweat and tears of the peons. MEM & RJM, 3/12.

Single male (22) wishes to share apartment with female (s), share expenses. Call will have to be 10 pm or later, 526-4063. Ask for John.

Congenial young guy to share lakeside home. Full privileges at low rent for good company. Write P.O. Box 1041, Det. 48231.

Make bread leading encounter groups. apply: Institute for the Development of Human Potential P.O. Box 161, Bloomfield Hills, Can you dig it?

Adding machine—Burroughs, excellent condition, used only for revolutionary addition. $30. Call Fifth Estate, 831-6800.

For sale: gas dryer, Konica camera, 7 piece outfit, table lamp, dining room table and 4 chairs. Call after 6 pm, VE6-0791.

MC5 photos. 8x10s, $1. MC5 poster 16×20 Mounted, $9. Saginaw Film fest here August. Will Wegner, 4373 Wayside S., Saginaw, Mich. 48603.

Toad Sound Studios demo sessions mixed and recorded to your specs in stereo after six—349-6141.

Any groovy couples seeking bi-guy who believes 2 is great but 3 is out of sight? Call Bob, 895-8211.

Fuck the lifers. Hi Honey. How’s things back home. I love you Evie—Steve M.

Hello Jeff (of YIPFUG). How’s camp? Miss you. Karin.

Jimbo, please write again with other suggestion.

Reid (in Colorado) I love you. Don’t forget—LDS.

The Fifth Estate needs a dicta-phone recording machine for use in doing revolutionary interview. Anyone who has one please contact us at 831-6800.

Young couple wishes to meet swinging bi-girls and bi-guys for fun. No phonies need to answer. Photo and phone no. a must. Write P.O. Box 692, Roseville, Mich. 48066.

Custom made harpsichords, clavichords and autoharps—Richard Alexander, 1281 Hearst St., Berkeley, Cal. 94702.

Support your brotherhood—a sister.

Your own groovy black lite photos. Red; yellow, green,8x10s, $1.50, 8x5s, $1.25 Send negative. P.O. Box 6453, Detroit’ Mich. 48234.

’65 Honda 90 with two helmets. Handyman’s dream. $70. 872-7983.