Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 84, July 24-August 6, 1969

in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure


HELP KEEP SONNY’S DADDY OUT OF JAIL. Legal Self Defense Benefit at the Grande Ballroom. MC5, Stooges, and Tate Blues Band. All proceeds to go to the John Sinclair Defense Fund 7 to 11 pm. Incase you are unable to attend please send any contributions to LSD, 1510 Hill Street, Ann Arbor.


MUSIC UNDER THE STARS. At Meadowbrook Henry Lewis,guest conductor; Marilyn Home, mezzo-soprano program of Haydn, Mahler, & Wagner. Baldwin Pavilion, Oakland U. 8:30 pm

HAROLD PINTER’S THE HOMECOMING presented in the Studio Theatre, 4743 Cass, downstairs at the Hilberry, 8:30 pm.

THE CLASSIC FRENCH FARCE, A Flea In Her Ear, presented at the Hilberry Theatre, Cass at Hancock 8 pm.

FOUR GIRLS IN TOWN, drama starring John Gavin shown as a part of OCC Film Festival. 8:30 pm. Free. Oakland Comm. College, Take I-696 to Orchard Lake Rd.


INGMAR BERGMAN’S first great comic triumph Secrets of Women (1961) Shown at Rackham Aud., 60 Farnsworth. Students, 75 cents, others $1. Air conditioned. 8:30 pm.

PLENTY OF GRASS to lay on while listening to a musical evening of Haydn, Mahler & Wagner, at Baldwin Pavilion, Oakland U. 8:30 pm.

Georges Feydeau’s A FLEA IN HER EAR, presented at the Hilberry Theatre, Cass at Hancock 8 pm.

THE HOMECOMING presented downstairs from the Hilberry Theatre, at 8:30 pm in the Studio Theatre.

THE MINORITY GROUP entertains at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse,388 N. Woodward in Birmingham, 8:30 pm. to 1:30 am. $1.50

JEFF BECK GROUP from England, new and improved (?) at the Grande Ballroom. Grand River 1 block so. of Joy.

GRAND FUNK RAILROAD make their first Detroit appearance at the Eastown Theatre. See Terry Knight’s latest great discovery. 8041 Harper at Van Dyke.

WHO IS CLAGHORN LEGHORN? The Catfish will tell ya—at Something Different along with The Madrigal. 12 Mile Rd. & Northwestern Hwy.


CELEBRATE THE CUBAN REVOLUTION. Newsreel presents films from Cuba. 7 pm, at Lower DeRoy Aud. WSU campus.

JETHRO TULL, Creedence Clearwater Revival The Box Tops, James Gang & The Savage Grace in their own mini pop festival at Olympia Sta. 8 pm.

BECK IS BACK (with a new group) see for yourself if they are as good as his old group, at the Grande Ballroom, Grand River & Beverly. Jeff Beck, plus two other bands. Call 834-9348 for price info.

MEADOWBROOK MUSIC with guest conductor Roger Wagner and Nancy Tatum, soprano. doing Verdi’s Requiem Mass. Baldwin Pavilion, 8:30 pm.

GRAND FUNK RAILROAD one of the only groups to get a standing ovation at the Atlanta Pop Festival, provide good vibrations at the Eastown Thaetre. Harper at Van Dyke.

THE BOB SEGER SYSTEM climbs up to Silver-bell along with the Stuart AVery Assemblage. 4358 Bald Mountain Rd. Take I-75 to Lapeer Ext.

TOO MUCH TO DREAM TONIGHT? See the Electric Prunes and the Blade at the Wamplers Lake Pavilion in the Irish Hills. Take US-12 to the Irish Hills, next to Hayes St. Park.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT provides outasight jams with Catfish, The Gold Bros., featuring little Johnnie Angelos, and the Everlon Never More (who?) 12 Mile Rd. and Northwestern Hwy in southfield.


FLEA MARKET, 10:30 am to 6 pm. along lower Woodward. A small assortment of antiques, ‘a bigger assortment of junk and an even bigger assortment of “head” shop counters. Plus a band concert at Kennedy Sq. If it’s a hot day, have a friend push you in the fountain, all this brought to you by the Detroit Happening Center.

VERDI’S REQUIEM MASS with Roger Wagner guest conductor at Meadowbrook, Baldwin Pav., Oakland U. 7:30 pm.

LOCAL GROUPS play at the Grande. Call Russ’ tape at 834-9348 to find out who. 7-11 pm. No age limit.


FREE MEDICAL HELP—Courtesy of Open City from 8-10 pm. 4726 Third St., at Forest.

GYORGY SANDER, pianist, in concert presented by the Univ. MusicalSociety at Rackham Aud., Ann Arbor, 8:30 pm.

DAVY CROCKETT, presented by the Greenfield Village Players. Henry Ford Museum Theatre, at 8:30 pm.

THE OUTSIDE “IN” featuring short, experimental plays. Outdoor courtyard, U of D Ford Life Sciences Bldg. 8:30 pm.

SUBVERSIVE UNDERGROUND FLICS will be shown sponsored by SDS—films compliments of The Newsreel. St. Joe’s Episcopal Church, Woodward and King. 7 St. All are invited.


STEPS, STEPS, STEPS…with music on them. Outdoor music sessions with Park Stage Band on the steps of the Art Institute, Woodward side. It’s free. Call 962-6570 to find out who will be playing. 8 – 9:30 pm.

DAVY CROCKETT presented at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 8:30 pm.

PETER NERO, in a piano concert at Meadow-brook Baldwin Pavilion, Oakland Univ. 8:30 pm


SICK? LET OPEN CITY HELP! Come down between 8 and 10 pm. 4726 Third St. corner of Forest.

IL TROVATORE, starring Richard Tucker, and Gabriella Tucci and others at Baldwin Pavilion. Oakland University. 8:30 pm.

A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM, a musical based on Farces of Plautus. Hilberry Theatre, Cass at Hancock 8 pm.

THE SKYE come down to OCC to play for OCC Wednesday night pop concerts. In the Ampitheatre. Orchard Ridge Campus. take I-696 to Orchard Lake Rd. 8:30 pm.

THE MILLER CRUSADERS play in a free rock concert at Kennedy Sq. at 5:30 pm. This is a part of the “Detroit is Happening” program. Remember only you can make Detroit Happen!!


THURSDAY NIGHT FILM series at Oakland Comm. College, presents “Raw Wind in Eden” drama starring Jeff Chandler. 8:30 pm. FREE. I-696 & Orchard Lake Rd. Orchard Ridge campus

FUN AT MEADOWBROOK. Ehrling conducts an exciting evening of works by different composers with Vladimir Ashkenazy, pianist. 8:30 pm. Baldwin Pavilion, Oakland Univ. Rochester

A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM. presented at Hilberry, Cass at Hancock. 8:30 pm.


AFTER THE FOX (1966)—directed by Vittorio De Sica, and with Peter Sellers at Rackham Aud. 60 Farnsworth. Students, 75 cents, Others, $1. Air Conditioned.

MEADOWBROOK CONCERT, Ehrling conducting Vladimir Ashkenazy, pianist. 8:30 pm at Baldwin Pavilion.

JOE COCKER is at the Grande with a little help from his friends and two other groups. Call 8349348 to find out more info.

GYPSY entertains at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. 388 N. Woodward in Birmingham. adm. $1.50.

BOB SEEGER and his Heavy Music at the Warn-piers Lake Pavilion. Take US-12 to Irish Hills.

THE SUNDAY FUNNIES and all the Lonely People merge their musical talents at Something Different. For an exciting evening see old-time flicks shown in between groups. 12 Mile Rd. & Northwestern Hwy.

ANN ARBOR BLUES FESTIVAL, the biggest and best blues fest. ever. Begins its first night with: JIMMY “Fast Fingers” DAWKINS, J.B. Hutto & the Hawks, B.B. King, Fred McDowell “St. Louis” JIMMY ODEN & JUNIOR WELLS. At festival field $5 per concert. $14 series.

PETOSKY ROCK CONCERT ‘N’ JIVE FEST From 3 pm til midnight with: John Mayall, Muddy Waters, Spencer Davis Group, Frost, Bob Seeger, Savage Grace, Red White & Blues Band, Big Mama Thornton, SRC, 3rd Power, MC5, Dutch Elm and more. At the Emmet County fairground. Charlevoix Rd. in Petosky. For more information call Pete Andrews in A2, 761-3670

HAVE FAITH WILL TRAVEL. Two parts Cream, one part Traffic, one part Family equal the Blind Faith. In concert at Olympia Stadium, 8 pm Tickets: $4, $5, and $6.


OPEN HOUSE AT MANY of the institutions in the Cultural Center (Art Inst., Hist. Museum, International Inst. etc.) Art exhibits, tours, films, children’s programs and special events. 10 am to 4 pm.

ANN ARBOR BLUES FESTIVAL with Luther Allison, Clifton Chenier, Sleepy John Estes, Roosevelt Sykes, Muddy Waters & Howlin’ Wolf. Festival Field, Ann Arbor.

PETOSKY ROCK CONCERT AND JIVE. 3 pm until midnight. Fireworks display & top local groups plus John Mayall’s band, Muddy Waters, and Spencer Davis Group. See Aug. 1 for info.

SPECIAL POPS FESTIVAL 8 pm to midnight presented by Oakland Community College with the fabulous Gold Bros., all the Lonely People, the Echo Tones, and the Syrup, and many more groups. Students $1, adults $2 at the amphitheatre. 12 Mile Rd. and Orchard Lake Rd.

JOE COCKER and his Grease Band, Rockin’ soul at the Grande Ballroom. Grand River and Beverly.

LET HER ENTERTAIN YOU Gypsy—at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse, 388 N. Woodward in Birmingham. $1.50.

THE RUMORS and THE SKYE play at Something Different, 12 Mile and Northwestern Hwy.


WABX FREE CONCERT IN PALMER PARK. Top local bands including the Gold Brothers. Listen to ABX for details. 2 – 6 pm.

FLEA MARKET along lower Woodward from 10:30 am to 6 pm. Old clothing, junk and hippie toys combine for a street filled with fun. There is also a counter where all top albums are $3 & double albums are $5. Band concert at Kennedy Sq. at 3pm.

ANN ARBOR BLUES FESTIVAL 2 shows, for the final day of the top blues entertainment. Afternoon: Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup, John Lee Hooker, Freddie King, St. Louis Jimmie Oden. Roosevelt Sykes, Big Mama Thornton, Night: 6 pm James Cotton, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Son House, Charly Musselwhite, T-Bone Walker. $5 individual concert. $14 for the series. Festival Field, Ann Arbor.

HAVE A (Stoned-Soul) PICNIC on the grass of the Baldwin Pavilion while Sexton Ehrling conducts a program of Barber, Mozart, & Ravel. 7:30 Oakland U. Rochester.

POP FESTIVAL with Cat Mother, Alice Cooper, Eric Burden, MC5, and other top local groups at Mt. Clemens Sportsman Park. Noon-midnight. For more info call Mike Quatro Inc.


OPEN CITY FREE MEDICAL CLINIC open from 8 to 10 pm. 4716 Third St. at Forest.

THE “OUTSIDE” IN, short experimental plays. Outdoor Courtyard, U of D Ford Life Sciences Building. 8:30 pm.

HORIZON presented by the Greenfield Village Players at Henry Ford Museum Theatre 8:30 pm

SUBVERSIVE FLICKS courtesy of SDS,films compliments of the Newsreel. St. Joe’s Episcopal Church. Woodward at Holbrook all invited.

A TRIP TO CHINATOWN presented at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 8:30 pm


MUSIC ON THE STEPS of the Art Institute facing Woodward. 8-9:30 pm. FREE

THE STANLEY QUARTET in a program of Beethoven, Brahms, and Gerhard, Lower DeRoy Aud. 8:30 pm.

MEADOWBROOK MUSIC FESTIVAL. American Ballet Theatre & The Det. Symphony Orchestra. in Grand Pas and “Coppelia.” Baldwin Pavilion Oakland U. 8:30;


OPEN CITY FREE MEDICAL CLINIC 8 – 10 pm 4726 Third at Forest.

FREE ROCK CONCERT with Pandora’s Dilemma at Kennedy Sq. 5:30 pm. sponsored by Detroit Happening.

THE SUN do their thing at OCC’s ampitheatre, Orchard Lake Rd. & 696 8;30 pm 50 cents



LITTLE MARY SUNSHINE, a new musical about an old operetta. Presented by the U of D players. U of D Ford Life Sciences Building. 8:30 pm. July 24-26, 29-31, Aug. 1-10.

JEAN KERR’S MARY’ MARY presented by the Theatre Center. Univ of Windsor. Essex Hall Theatre. Patricia at Wyandotte, Windsor, 8:15 pm daylight July 29-31, Aug.1-10

THE MOUSETRAP a chiller thriller melodrama by Agatha Christie. Thru July 27. Essex Hall 8:15 pm (daylight)

YOUR OWN THING a bright musical comedy success. Fisher Theatre, 8:30 pm. July 29-31. Aug. 1-30

DAVY CROCKETT presented at the Henry Fd. Museum Theatre. 8:30 pm. July 28-29, Aug. 1, 2, 6, 8, 14, 19, 23, 28.

THE SPORT OF MY MAD MOTHER by Ann Jellicoe presented at the Studio Theatre, 4743 Cass, downstairs at the Hilberry. 8:30 pm. runs: Aug. 1, 6, 8, 14, 20, 22.

Georges Feydau’s A FLEA IN HER EAR. at Hilberry Theatre, Cass at Hancock 8:30 pm. run: July 24, 25, 26, Aug. 1, 7, 13, 21, 25, 27, 29.

A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM Hilberry at 7:30 July 30 & 31, Aug. 2, 16, & 30.

HORIZON presented at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 8:30 pm. Aug. 4, 7, 13, 21, 26, 30.

PINTER PLUS a film. Harold Pinter’s one act plays along with Newsreel’s “Agit-Prop No. 505” at the Detroit Rep. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Every Thurs. Fri. and Sat night, low prices and student rates. Call 868-1347 for more info.


GROUP SHOW, works by Sue Brose, Peggy Midener, Walter Midener, Bill Antonow. Detroit Artists’ Market. July 1-31.

SOL GOLD RELIEF PAINTINGS, plus sci…„ture and crafts. International Art Center, 132 Madison. July 1-31.

TAPESTRIES by Arp, Leger, Miro and others. Donald MOrris Gallery, 20082 Livernois. July 1-31.

WATERCOLORS from the Permanent Collection Art Institute. Thur July.

FIRE FIGHTING in OLD DETROIT, Det. Hist. Museum. Thru July.

ANNUAL SUMMER STUDENT EXHIBITION, best works from all departments, Cranbrook Academy of Art. Thru July.

JOHN CLEM CLARK and other contemporary artists, in all mediums, Franklin Siden Gallery, 213 David Whitney Building. Thru July.

CUTGLASS and ITS COUSINS Kresge hallway, Detroit Historical Mus.

BUILDINGS OF DETROIT an exhibition based on the book by W. Hawkins Ferry, WsU Comm. Arts. Aud. Gallery.

GORDON PARKS: A Poet and His Camera, photography and poetry. Adam Strohm Hall, Det. Public Lib. thur July.

AFRO-AMERICAN ARTISTS, paintings, drawings & sculpture. Children’s museum. thru July.

MODERN MEDIUMS Ashley-Silk Screen on A luminum; Dunbar-Light and plastics; Kline-Fiberglass sculpture; Gertrude Kasle Gallery, 310 Fisher Building. Thru July.


DETROIT’S HAPPENING CENTER. dial a happening at 964-2720 Mon-Sat. 8:30 am to 8 pm.

OPEN CITY STORE open every day until 9 pm Corner of Third and Prentis. Open City needs your support, come in and buy.

TABATHA Coffee House, 19530 Warren near Evergreen is trying to keep the place from having to close. Lots of folky and hip music with Sue Palid, Jim Perkins, Stonewall Blues Band, Ron Brentz, Siddharthe, and Nichon. All Wknd. July 26-29. Make it out there, they’d appreciate the business. 8:30 to 12:30 pm.