

Fifth Estate # 84, July 24-August 6, 1969

Power To The People

Greet The Man!

Be the first in your commune, home, block, etc., to wear the latest in fashion—”All Power to the People” and fist on finest quality T-shirt; sizes S, M, L and X-Large. Send $2.50 to: T-Shirts, Box 1711, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48106. Also custom T-shirting for your group or club.

Blacks Quit

SAN FRANCISCO (LNS)—Four of the six black administrators at San Francisco State College quit their jobs last month, saying they were sick and tired of being “niggers in residence.”

“I am glad to see them go,” said acting president S.I. Hayakawa. “We can do without them.”

The four officials said they could not continue to work in an “atmosphere of racism,” and they predicted more conflict on the campus next fall.

Police Petition Drive
by Dena Clamage

The Ad Hoc Committee, a group dedicated to fighting racism and police abuses, has begun circulating a petition to create a Citizen’s Police Trial Board.

According to the petition, this Board would be composed of 13 members, elected on the basis of one per precinct for a four-year term.

The Board will have the power to “initiate proceedings, to investigate complaints against police action, to hold public hearings, to discipline the officers against whom a charge is sustained, and to recommend policy changes in the Department.”

If the required number of people sign the petition, the question will be placed on the ballot in the municipal election on November 4, 1969.

According to Sheila Murphy, chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee, “We think our campaign will not only raise a very important issue, but will also force the candidates in the mayoralty race to reveal exactly where they stand on the question of community control of the police.”

Copies of the Ad Hoc petition can be obtained at the group’s office, 5750 Woodward, Detroit, Michigan 48202 or phone 872-2828.