

Fifth Estate # 83, July 10-23, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Bi-guy Wants to go straight. Send suggestions to: L.P.G., 2152 Dorchester, apt. 104, Troy, Michigan 48084.

Single male wishes to share apartment with single females. 8951215 after 7 pm.

Martin S. Hayden and his Detroit News is like a bull. It eats & gives nothing but bullshit.

French Ticklers! 95 cents each, 3 for $2.50, 7 for $5. (sold as novelty only) F. Kaleda, Box 134-fg, Kent, Ohio 44240.

Girls needed to pose for pictures. Reasonable pay, call after 5 pm, 867-4978—Fred.

Groovy male photos for the gay at heart. $1 for sample and catalog to Box 7162, North End Station, Detroit, 48202.

Male sex freak would like to meet females. Have Polaroid. Call 331-9665, 7 pm. Ask for Cat.

Everyone wants to meet some new people. Little Black Book (Midwest) just happens to be the safest, simplest, and easiest way. Black Book (The dating magazine for straight singles)—deals in service, not sensation. For Free info write: Suite 203-D, 408 West Main St., Fairborn, Ohio 45324, or ring us up at 513-879-3681.

PSYCHEDELIC MDSE. Wholesale Only. Handmade earrings. All types of rings. Leather hats, bags, and watchbands. Incense. Jewelry. Papers. Pipes. Burners. B.L. tubes. Wire glasses. Strobes. You name it. Buy direct from: Platt Mfg. Co., 424 So. Los Angeles St., L.A., Cal. Phone: 628-1205 or 628-4065.

The time has come for the quiet type to see the light of the sun. A revelation awaits—Rap with Peg.

Bachelor, 28, have motorcycle and club house, will travel. Would like to meet girls for dates, etc. Call Bob after 5 pm, KE4-2385.

Accounting & Tax service for radical groups, hip concerns, etc. Call Bill Rowe at the Fifth Estate Office, 831-6800.

Uninhibited young male models! Profitable. Send description, photo if possible to Box 7162, North End Station, Detroit, Mich. 48202.

Female fig. models needed by WSU photo student. Send info to 2235 Orchard, Wyandotte. 48192. S. Johnson.

Floyd: Sweet Red gin pickles hamburgers coney islands zzzzz 6 am, alka-seltzer, I-94, Ypsilanti

Dominant young man desires submissive girl, Don, from 8 to 11:45 pm only. Females only. 964-8874

Michigan sophomore wants to take out girl with long blond hair and have straight relationship. Bruce, LI4-0576.

VINYL LIFE SIZE DOLL 5′ 2″, 40-20-40. Brochures 25¢. Hobbycraft, 7 – 10th Street, Greer, South Carolina, 29651

New management firm needs secretary who digs rock music. Must type. Call John Levy, 868-7677.

Female “spread” magazines, movies, paperbacks, free catalogues, Beaver, Box 2373-H, Phila. Pa.

Young graduate engineer desires financial sponsorship to grad school in exchange for companionship and personal services. Mature females need only apply. Call Rick, 651-5077.

Cathy—a few choice words—Pipco-Bolbus-it’s true-Hippie guru-Frank – you’re insane-marking your departure to Boston.

Women, let me serve you. After 6:30 pm. TR2-2228.

Man, 25, wants girl, 18-30, for swinging parties. Call 9 pm to 1 am only. Mel, 839-3657. Females only.

Shy, married businessman, 33, needs mistress. Without pay, must be 18-25, shy, under 5’5″ and properly proportioned. Place ad here “to Capt. Ahab” with number or address to contact.

Handsome male wishes to be sex slave to couples or females. Anything goes write to Box 12, Allen Pk. Send phone for fast res.

Picasso draws flies.

Rose— I love you. I’m sorry about how your old man feels. I can only pray for him. Love and Peace.

Crib and mattress. $10. Bathenette free. 862-8135.

Don Strachan sends greetings to Harvey and all his friends in Detroit.

Nutmeg, snuffs and other little known highs. How to use and prepare them with details on their mind-bending effect. Rush $3 for your high to See Side, Box 1469, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90213.

Write Don, 861 Lothrup; D-14, Detroit, Mich. 48202.

Male desires replies from men. Box 613, Flint, Mich. 48501.

Male wanted: who enjoys a daily hobby of reading many books, journals, pamphlets; who has writing experience, library research skills, and a major in social science or English. Call Ray, 831-1587.

Girls, married-single that dig French way. Day or nite dates. Satisfaction and discretion. Write Box 2212, Ft. Dbn. Sta., Dearborn, Mich. Photo, phone please.

Help a square turn on. I need a connection. VI1-8400, Ex. 275 After 6 pm. Ask for John.

Attention girls! 17-27, if you’re willing to give tender loving care to a teenage guy, call this number: KE3-9759 between 6:30 and 7 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. Must be well built and attractive.

Blues-blues rock band need singer and organist. Job waiting. Call 832-1865.

Single male wishes to share apartment with single females. 8951215 after 7.

Young couple wishes to meet swinging bi-girls and bi-guys for fun. No phonies need to answer. Photo and phone no. a must. Write P.O. Box 692, Roseville, Mich. 48066.

Husband, 25, loves wife but seeks enjoyable relationship with other married women. Utmost discretion. Contact me at P.O. Box 254, Detroit, Mich. 48231.

Lonely GI in Vietnam wishes to correspond with girl 16-20, who digs the psychedelic scene. Write Pfc. Peter Sciembra, US527686- 98, Co. D., 1/22 Inf., 4th Div., APO 96262 (Formerly from “East Village” NYC

For sale: ’66 Yamaha 250 scrambler. 3,000 miles $325 or best offer. Call 476-5944 after 5:30.

Your own groovy black lite photos. Red, yellow, green 8x10s, $1.50, 8x5s, $1.25 Send negative. P.O.Box 6453, Detroit Mich. 48234.

Girl poodle trimmer wanted. Reasonable pay & hours. Will also train right girl. Black owned. If you have hang-ups, don’t call 931-5830.

Girls needed to pose for pictures. Reasonable pay, after 5 pm. 867-4978, Fred.

MC5 photos. 8x10s, $1. MC5 poster 16×20 Mounted, $9. Saginaw Film fest here August. Will Wegner, 4373 Wayside S., Saginaw, Mich. 48603.

Gay male couple seeks other gay male couples who are interested in photography, and nudism and weekend outings, and swimming. Single gay males who won’t interfere in our marriage also welcome Write Don, 861 Lothrop, Apt. D-14, Detroit, Mich. 48202.

Wanted: male or female to share apartment expenses, must work. Prefer references. Call Dave, 4683339.

Over 21? Enrich your life! Join the Sexual Freedom League’s Detroit Chapter. for info. write Box 8205, Harper Station, Det. 48213.