Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 83, July 10-23, 1969

in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure


DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA at Meadowbrook, Ehrling conducting; Itzthak Perlman, violinist. 8:30 pm.

AUDITIONS FOR TALENT SHOW at the Rappa House See July 11.

FOLK MUSIC from 9 till midnight at the Red Roach Coffeehouse. Plum St., at Fifth.

DETROIT CONCERT BAND, Belle Isle Music Shell at 8:15 pm.


OPEN CITY PARTY to raise funds for Free Clinic and switchboard. At Alvin’s Finer Deli at Cassand Palmer on the WSU campus. 8:00 pm. food music donation is one dollar. Do this!!!

ANIMAL FARM (1955) a feature length cartoon version of George Orwell’s famous novel. And, Man in the White Suit (1952) an Alec Guinness classic. Rackham Aud. 60 Farnsworth, adm. $1:00, Students 75 cents air cond.

MUDDY WATERS, BIG MAMA THORNTON and the 3rd Power at the Eastown Theatre, 8041 Harper at Van Dyke.

THREE DOG NIGHT and Kaleidescope at the Grande Ballroom.

RAPPA HOUSE This week and every Friday night, Rappa House will have a talent show, open to anyone who does anything in the performing arts. People from Recording Co.s will be there and are interested in new talent. Remember, this is open to anyone who sings, acts, dances and also to bands. It may be the big break you’re waiting for. Auditions on Thurs. nights 96 E. Fisher Frwy. For more info call Mrs. Rogers at WO1-9846.

WHO IS CLAGHORN LEGHORN? See Cassilli’s new group Catfish tear up something different along with the 3rd Power. 12 Mile & Northwestern Hwy.

DETROIT CONCERT BAND, Belle Isle Music Shell, 8:15 pm. Leonard Smith conducting.

MEADOWBROOK CHAMBER ENSEMBLE, w/ James Levine conducting. Meadowbrook Theatre Oakland U., 8:30 pm. Adm. $2.

THE HEINZ JAEGER Blues Band at the Red Roach Coffeehouse from 9 pm to 2:30 am. $1.50 after hours jazz $1.00, 2:30 to 5 am. Plum St. & Fifth St


MIDWEST GRAND CLASSIC Car Meet, vintage luxury cars compete for national honors. Greenfield village activities field. Dearborn. 12 to 5 pm

ELECTRIC BLUES with MUDDY WATERS at the Eastown Theatre. And Big Mama Thornton and the 3rd Power. Jerry Younkins provides the light show. Plenty of seats and its air cond.

THREE DOG NIGHT and KALEIDESCOPE brought to you courtesy of Russ Gibb at the Grande Ballroom be sure and trip on over to the hippie bullshit counter.

EMANCIPATION SHOW A soul spectacular with Dee Dee Warwick, Chuck Jackson, Impressions, Intruders, Parliaments, Funkadelics,Capitols, & more. 8:30 pm. Cobo Hall.

THE BROWNSVILL STATION and the Wilson Mower Pursuit provide the jams at Wamplers Lake Pavillion in the Irish Hills. Take US-12 to Irish Hills, next to Hayes St. Park.

CATFISH along with 3rd POWER at Something Different, 12 Mile and Northwestern.

DETROIT POLICE FIELD DAY. Here’s your chance to see all of the Detroit Pigs on parade. They also have clowns, music & fireworks. State Fair Grounds. $1.00 1 pm and 8 pm.

RED ROACH COFFEEHOUSE has Heinz Jaeger Blues Band from 9 until 2:30 am, $1.50. After hours jazz 2:30 am until 5 am: $1.00 Plum St. and 5th.


FLEA MARKET. Try your hand at bargaining with the antique dealers as you wander through a unique array of old clothing & junk. Along lower Woodward. from 10am to 6 pm.

DETROIT JAZZ FESTIVAL with Nina Simone, Miles Davis, Newport All stars, Mongo Santamaria and his band and Sly and the Family Stone See Sly loose control as he gets “higher and higher.” Olympia Sta. 8 pm. Tickets: $6.50, 5.50, 4.50 and 3.50.

THREE DOG NIGHT and the Sunday Funnies at Wampers Lake Pavillion US-12 to Irish Hills

BENEFIT for LEGAL SELF-DEFENSE fund. Eastown Theatre, 7:30 – 11 pm. Also, in tribute to John Sinclair for his community service and People’s Trial—Ken Cockrel and Justin Ravitz will prosecute known narc for crimes against the people. MC5, Stooges, and the UP will provide the music.

Another night at MEADOWBROOK, with Itzhak Perlman, violinist, doing a program of Schumann, Paganini & Weinberger. Music under the stars. Take I-75 to University Dr., Rochester. 6:30 pm

FREE CONCERT and Street dancing from 7 pm to midnight at Red Roach, Plum and 5th.

DRAFT COUNSELING, Detroit Draft Counseling Center,Central Methodist Church, Woodwd. at Grand Circus Pk. 8 to 10 pm.

SOCIALIST SUMMER SCHOOL continues with discussion on Lenin’s book, “What Is To Be Done” and the need for a revolutionary party. 6:00 pm


FREE MEDICAL CLINIC provided by Open City, 4726 Third at Forest, from 6 to 8 pm.


SUPERFOLK GUITARIST & Singer Jose Feliciano in Concert at Meadowbrook and the New Christy Minstrels. Bring blankets and food and lay out on the lawn of the Baldwin Pavillion. at 8:30 pm. Take I-75 to University Dr. Rochester

GROSS POINTE Musical Festival, benefit for Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Grosse Pointe war memorial, 32 Lake Shore Dr., Grosse Pt. 8:00 pm.

MUSIC on the MUSEUM STEPS. Outdoor music sessions on the steps of the Art Inst. on Woodward Ave. Sponsored by Parks & Rec. & Det. Federation of Musicians. FREE 8 to 9:30 pm.

THE STANLEY QUARTET in program of Schubert, Bartok, & Mozart. WSU Lower DeRoy Aud. 8:30 pm.(


MIDNIGHT COWBOY opens at the Studio 8, Greenfield at 8 Mile Rd. See that clean cut graduate, Dustin Hoffman, as the dirty bad guy.

THE LITTER do it at Something Different, at 12 Mile Rd. & Northwestern.

OPEN CITY CURES YOUR ILLS at the Free Medical Clinic. From 8 to 10 pm. 4726 Third at Forest.

GALLERY TOUR. A first class tour of furniture silver and ceramics. Meet in the lobby, main building, Detroit Institute of Arts.

LECTURE, Topic: “The Invisible People,” Milton Covensky, Rackham Aud. 8:30 pm.


MEADOWBROOK CONCERT with cellist Myung Wha Chung, Music to relax by. Oakland U. Baldwin Pavillion. 8:30 pm.

THE MADRIGAL ENTERTAIN along with a new exciting group, the Mad Dog at Something Different, 12 Mile at Northwestern.

LEAONARD PENNARIO, pianist in concert at Rachkam Aud in Ann Arbor. 8:30 pm.


UP TO HIS EARS (1966) with jean paul belmondo. A comedy in the manner of Charlie Chaplin. and Jacques Tati. Rackham Aud. 60 Farnsworth 8:30 pm. Air cond. students 75 cents others $1.00

TEN YEARS AFTER, English blues and psychedelic soul with Spooky Tooth at the Grande Ballroom Grand River & Beverly, you must be 17.

HOWLIN’ WOLF real blues, Chicago style at the Eastown Theatre. Harper at Van Dyke, plenty of comfortable seats, and lights by Magic Veil.

RECORDING SESSION with the Brownsville Station and the Sunday Funnies. Come watch these two groups as they each record their first albums. At Something Different, 12 Mile Rd. & Northwestern Hwy.

MYUNG-WHA-CHUNG, cellist in a concert under the stars at Meadowbrook. Baldwin Pavillion Take I-75 to University Dr. 8:30

J.P. Douglas group at the RED ROACH, lights by Tamara, $1.50, 9 pm to 2:30am. After hours jazz, 2:30 to 5am. $1. Plum and Fifth.


ENGLISH GROUPS provide the music, Ten Years After and Spooky Tooth at the Grande.

HOWLIN’ WOLF Chicago blues at the Eastown Theatre. Harper at Van Dyke. Phone 571-5511 for more information.

THE BOX TOPS a little bit of soul music at the Wampers Lake Pavillion in Irish Hills. Take US-12 to get there.

LAST NITE of recording for THE BROWNSVILLE STATION and the Sunday Funnies at Something Different. 12 Mile and Northwestern

MEADOWBROOK Concert with Maurizio Pollini, pianist doing an evening of Bach, Nielsen & Prokofieff. 8:30 pm. Oakland U.

J.P. DOUGLES Group from 9 pm to 2:30 am $1.50 After hours jazz from 2:30 to 5 am at the Red Roach Coffeehouse. Plum & Fifth.


FLEA MARKET another Sunday of junk collecting and street shopping along lower Woodwd. 10 am to 6 pm.

FREE WABX CONCERT—with the Savage Grace and other top local groups. From 2 pm until dark. Listen to ABX or call to find out where. They have been getting the usual runaround from the city of Detroit.

DRAFT COUNSELING Detroit Draft Counseling Center at the Central Methodist Church, at Woodward and Grand Circus Pk. 8 to 10 pm.

STREET DANCING and a free concert from 7 ’til midnight. At the Red Roach Coffeehouse, Plum St, & Fifth.

SOCIALIST SUMMER SCHOOL topic of discussion at this class will be Lenin’s book “What Is To Be Done?” and the need for a revolutionary party. Debs Hall, 3737 Woodward. 6 pm.


FREE MEDICAL CLINIC. Advice and treatment provided by Open City. 4726 Third St. at Forest. 8 to 10 pm.

THE OUTSIDE “IN,” Featuring short experimental plays in the outdoor courtyard, U of D. Ford Life Sciences Bldg. (weather permitting) 8:30 pm.


GROSSE POINTE MUSICAL FESTIVAL, benefit for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Grosse Pt. Memorial, 32 Lake Shore Dr. 8 pm.

THE OUTSIDE “IN” experimental plays, at the courtyard of U of D Sciences Bldg.

STEP ON IT Music on the steps of the Art Inst. facing Woodward. 8 to 9:30 pm. FREE

MEADOWBROOK CHORUS in concert at the Meadowbrook Baldwin Pavilion. Oakland Univ. 8:30 pm.


OPEN CITY MEDICAL SERVICE, 4726 Third at Forest, 8 to 10 pm.

ALEXIS WEISENBERG, pianist in concert at Rackham Mem. Aud. in Ann Arbor. 8:30 pm.

A FLEA IN HER EAR by Georges Feydeau, a classic French farce. WSU Hilberry Theatre, at Cass and Hancock. 8 pm.


CHALLENGE OF SPACE, NASA Exhibit. Industrial Hall, Det. Hist. Museum.

THE ARTISTRY of BASIC RESEARCH, magnified photos of molecular structures from Dow Chemical. Ed. Corridor, Det. Inst. of Arts. Thru July.

MODERN MEDIUMS Ashley-Silk Screen on A luminum; Dunbar-Light and plastics; Kline-Fiberglass sculpture; Gertrude Kasle Gallery, 310 Fisher Building. Thru July.

SUPER BOYS NO. 2 an exhibit of art by the boys of the Boy’s Clubs of Metro. Detroit. Opening July 19, Detroit Artists’ Market, 1452 Randolph St. Thru July 27, 10am to 5 pm.


THE MOUSETRAP a chiller, thriller “whodunit” by Agatha Christie presented at the Essen; Hall Theatre, Patricia at Wyandotte, Windsor. July 15 to 27. 8:15 pm. (daylight time) no performance Mondays.

HORIZON presented by the Greenfield Village Players at Henry Ford Museum Theatre. Mon-Sat, at 8:30 pm. July 14, 15, 17, 19, 22.

PINTER PLUS A FILM Harold pinter’s one act plays along with Newsreel’s “Agit-Prop No. 505” at the Detroit Rep. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Begins July 17 at 8:00 pm and continues each succeeding Thurs. and Fri. and Sat. night. Low prices and student rates. Call 868-1347 for more info.

HAY FEVER by Noel Coward. This amusing comedy concerns a weekend in the country with a family of eccentrics. Presented at Essex Hall Theatre, Patricia at Wyandotte, Windsor. June 28 to July 13. 8:15 pm. (daylight time) No performance on Mondays.

PLAZA SUITE, starring Forrest Tucker in this play by Neil Simon. Comedy at the Fisher Theatre. Mon-Sat 8:30 pm Sun, 7:30 pm. Wed & Sat., 2 pm matinee Thru July 26.

A TRIP TO CHINATOWN at the American drama festival, presented by the Greenfield Village Players. Henry Ford Mus. Theatre., 8:30 pm. July 8 – 12.

ONCE UPON A MATTRESS presented by U of D. Players. U of D. Ford Life Science Building. July 10 to 19 at 8:30 pm.


TREASURES of the HENRY FORD MUSEUM Henry Fd. Mus. July 1 to 31.

GROUP SHOW, works by Sue Brose, Peggy Midener, Walter Midener, Bill Antonow. Detroit Artists’ Market. July 1 to 31.

SOL GOLD RELIEF PAINTINGS, plus sculpture and crafts. International Art Center, 132 Madison. July 1 to 31.

TAPESTRIES by Arp, Lgger, Miro and others. Donald MOrris Gallery, 20082 Livernois. July 1 to 31.

WATERCOLORS from the Permanent Collection Art Institute. Thru July.

FIRE FIGHTING in OLD DETROIT, Det. Hist. Museum. Thru July.

ANNUAL SUMMER STUDENT EXHIBITION, best works from all departments, Cranbrook Academy of Art. Thru July.

JOHN CLEM CLARK and other contemporary artists, in all mediums, Franklin Siden Gallery, 213 David Whitney Building. Thru July.

CUT GLASS and ITS COUSINS Kresge hallway, Detroit Historical Mus.

BUILDINGS OF DETROIT an exhibition based on the book by W. Hawkins Ferry, WsU Comm. Arts. Aud. Gallery.

GORDON PARKS: A Poet and His Camera, photography and poetry. Adam Strohm Hall, Det. Public Lib. thru July.

AFRO-AMERICAN ARTISTS, paintings, drawings & sculpture. Children’s museum. thru July.


KENNY BURRELL jazz quartet at Bakers Keyboard Lounge. Livernois at Eight Mile Rd. July 11 and 12.

DANNY COX, folksinger at the Raven Gallery Greenfield Rd. and 12 mile. through July 20.

TABATHA Coffee House, 19530 Warren near Evergreen is trying to keep the place from having to close. Lots of folky and hip music with Sue Palid, Jim Perkins, Stonewall Blues Band, Ron Brentz, Siddharthe, and Nichon. All Wknd. June 26 to 29. Make it out there, they’d appreciate the business. 8:30 to 12:30 pm.


DETROIT’S HAPPENING CENTER. Dial a happening at 964-2720 Mon- through Sat, 8:30 am-8 pm.