

Fifth Estate # 82, June 26-July 9, 1969

Unclassifieds cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

All unclassifieds must be paid for in advance.

Need a 2 bedroom apt. Occupancy in mid-Sept. below $220 mo. furnished in a decent neighborhood, within 20 min. of WSU. Don Auriett, 52 N. La. Vista, Battle Creek, Mich. 49015.

Need hip female to share apartment on campus. Call 831-8708 or see Sal at 665 Warren, Apt. 27.

I love talents and she and I and we are all together. Also my parents blow. Steve.

Guitarist trying to put together a group of musicians that are interested in experimenting with jazz and blues. Call 538-8367 after 9 pm.

Workers of All Countries Unite!—Karl Marx.

Crib and mattress, $10, bathenette free. 852-8135.

Open City party at Alvin’s Finer Deli (Cass at Palmer) Friday, July 11 at 8 pm. Donation $1.

KIT LEDER or HENRY WILHELM—Please contact Harriet, grandfather seriously ill.

Fairly handsome clean cut guy 24, wishes to meet pretty girl, 18-24 for dating. Only serious inquiries please. Call Lee, 294-6090, 3 to 9:30 pm.

PSYCHEDELIC MDSE. Wholesale Only. Handmade earrings. All types of rings. Leather hats, bags, and watchbands. Incense. Jewelry. Papers. Pipes. Burners. B.L. tubes. Wire glasses. Strobes. You name it. Buy direct from: Platt Mfg. Co., 424 So. Los Angeles St., L.A., Cal. Phone: 628-1205 or 6284065.

We need intelligent, good looking freaky people to participate in a new free form TV show. UHF (Ultra High Freak-uency) Contact Fred Saxon, 357-5652.

Bachelor, 28, have motorcycle and club house, will travel. Would like to meet girls for dates, etc. Call Bob after 5 pm, KE. 4-2385.

Accounting & Tax service for radical groups, hip concerns, etc. Call Bill Rowe at the Fifth Estate Office, 831-6800.

Male, 30, wishes to meet females 18-40, for swinging relationship. Single or married. Discretion assured. Write P.O. Box 94, Madison Hgts., Mich. 48071-hurry!

Peace and love to all brothers and sisters. And let all fuckin’ lifers die in; their war, it’s not ours. Larry McDonald & Jim Carmichael, USMC.

Open minded brother, 22, wants to hear from intelligent, but modern foxes. Write Laurence. McDonald, H&MS-27, MWSG27 (OSS), Cherry Pt., N.C.

Young male in Vietnam wishes girls to write to. Pfc. McElroy, B. Btry., 1/44 Arty., APO S.F. Calif. 96269.

Write Don, 861 Lothrop, Apt. D-14, Detroit, Mich. 48202.

Lifers are like flies, they eat shit and bother people. Pfc. Richard McKee, B. Co., 1/22 4th. APO S.F., Calif. 96262.

Wanted mamas or party girls for God’s Children M.C. No experience needed. Call 663-3997, ask for Big John.

Help, I’m stuck in Key West Florida. The asshole of the world. RLK. Fly with the J.A.

Female figure models wanted for photography. $10 per hour. Discretion assured. Experience unnecessary. Any age. Send statistics and photo to Box 3631, Detroit, 48203.

Girls, guys, couples waiting with your interests and desires. Detroit’s fastest growing Club. $1 to Box 3631, Detroit, Mich. 48203.

Want to meet neat looking and interesting male? 484-0968, ask for Jim.

Your own groovy black lite photos. Red, yellow, green 8x10s, $1.50, 8x5s, $1.25 Send negative. P.O.Box 6453, Detroit Mich. 48234.

For God sake please don’t screw up Santa Cruz (Calif.). I would like to raise my children there.

Women: Avoid the embarrassment of a visual confrontation by remaining anonymous. Free telephone advice on your emotional problems, secret desires, sex hangups, etc. 935-3192, eves. and Sundays—The voice of experience.

Ronnie Morris from WL—Barry’s back, phone 961-8836, 961 Plum St., Detroit. Freaks—Plum Street’s open.

Nutmeg, snuffs and other little known highs. How to use and prepare them with details on their mind-bending effect. Rush $3 for your high to See Side, Box 1469, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90213.

The Lodge will live forever and so will pot cause that is all we got. Ultimate Heads of ‘Nam 3/9.

Attention: Don Harris. I’ll take you up on Bahama Islands offer. Call me. Bonnie.

Couple want girl companion, must be bi. 872-/1/8.

Bass player needed for heavy rock group. Call 866-8590 or VE9-3715.

Male physique photographer needs good looking, muscular, uninhibited men to pose. 18-32. Good pay. Call 483-1492 or write Metecue Associates, Box 363, Ypsilanti, Mich. 48197.

Friends of Ralph Pickett! He was busted in Sept. and has been sitting in jail. Needs money to – pay $500 fine. Send contributions to: Ralph Pickett c/o Open City, LSD Fund, 4726 Third, Detroit, Mich. 48202.

Good position for right girl, typing & some keyline experience helpful, no squares. Write P.O. Box 8333, Detroit, Mich. 48213. Tell us about yourself.

“GAY” Mike, Call 562-4381. BFD

Sari—Please call Miss Schwartz.

Bunny—Call Bill, time and hedonism wait for no man. It can be a swinging Summer.

Husband, 25, loves wife but seeks enjoy relationship with other married women. Utmost discretion. Contact me at P.O. Box 254, Detroit, Mich. 48231.

There is a Detroit Chapter of the Sexual Freedom League! For info write SFL, Box 8205, Harper Station, Detroit, Mich. 48213.

The army is like a rubber. You get a secure feeling while you’re being fucked. Vietnam GIs.

This is Patty, back from Alaska, Love to all my friends, and I’m really digging it back here at home.

Apt. furnished, unfurnished, near East Side, real groovey. call 821-0032.

Girl poodle trimmer wanted. Reason pay & hours. Will also train right girl. Black owned. If you have hang-ups, don’t call 931-5830.

Girls needed to pose for pictures. Reason pay, after 5 pm. 867-4978, Fred.

Fifth Estate staff member wishes chick over 21 to go to Woodstock with. Ticket free, but must share expenses, Call Bill at FE office. 832-0262.

Gay male couple seeks other gay male couples who are interested in photography, and nudism and weekend outings, and swimming. Single gay males who won’t interfere in our marriage also welcome Write Don, 861 Lothrop, Det. 48214.

NUDE BOYS & MEN, all types, sizes and shapes. Photo sets & color slides. Get our new 27 picture catalog plus Big Sample. Send $1. and state in writing you are over 21. MIKE DIAMOND PRODUCTIONS, 7471 Melrose Avenue, Dept. FE, Hollywood, Calif. 90046.

Happy birthday, Chris. 7/9/52.

Male, 29, quiet type with money, wishes to freak out with quiet type female and follow the sun. write box 1204, Warren, Mich. 48092.

MC5 photos. 8x10s, $1. MC5 poster 16×20 Mounted, $9. Saginaw Film fest here August. Will Wegner, 4373 Wayside S., Saginaw, Mich. 48603.

Communicate with a male who likes to entertain males. Neat and discreet. P.O. Box 225, Centerline.

Gay male books, magazines, movies, free catalogues. Trojan, Box 2121-H, Phila. Pa.

VINYL LIFE SIZE DOLL 5’2″, 40-2040. Brochures 25 cents. Hobbycraft, 7—10th Street, Greer, South Carolina, 29651

Self employed bachelor age 47 wants women for swinging dates. Call Albert 368-0530 11 am til 11 pm.

Female “spread” magazines, movies, paperbacks, free catalogues, Beaver, Box 2373-H, Phila. Pa.