People’s Park in Detroit


Fifth Estate # 82, June 26-July 9, 1969

The spirit of liberation has swept across this freedom stoned land from Berkeley to our sister city, Ann Arbor, and now into Detroit.

Inner city people in the Warren-Forest area are demanding their right to the people’s land to use for the benefit of the people. The nation’s second People’s Park will be made this summer; a call is out for support from the community to everyone who believes in freedom.

A rally to bring people together and inform them of the plans is slated for Sunday, June 29 at 1:00. The plots of land on Leota Street between Third and Fourth and Prentis and Canfield will be the rally site and eventually the park. Speakers from the community will rap down their ideas and take suggestions.

People should bring food, blankets, and whatever else you need to make the day a together happening.

Hot nights and days bring people into the streets of the inner city, and that’s where they have to stay. Forbidden to sit on the thin green ribbons lining the concrete gutter running through the center of the community, polluting the acrid air with incessant noise and fumes, the people have no place to play, dance, or sing. They want these basic rights and demand a community place to enjoy them.

Community leaders stress that the park is not a political issue, but a people’s struggle for what belongs to them. Supporters for the People’s Park include this newspaper, The South End, The Metro, The Ann Arbor Argus, the White Panthers, and the local communes.

The land was originally ripped off from the Indians by Mad Anthony Wayne now the West Central Organization has the land.

Two years ago, the city promised a low-rent housing project would be built there. In the past months, people from the University have been using the plots for parking.

It is time for the people to fuck unfulfilled promises, get down, get together, and get a park.