

Fifth Estate # 81, June 12-25, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs are 35 cents per line.

Check one

I’m sending … lines at 50 cents per line for a one issue run.

I’m sending … lines at 35 cents per line for a five issue run.


Community Print Shop needs help—low pay, long hours, hard work. Call 833-5832.

Corky & Elaine—Call Al for your pay. 931-5830.

Girls needed to pose for pictures. Reasonable pay, after 5 pm. 867-4978, Fred.

Male, 29, quiet type with money, wishes to freak out with quiet type female and follow the sun. Write box 1204, Warren, Mich. 48092.

Communicate with a male who likes to entertain males. Neat and discreet. P.O. Box 225, Centerline.

’66 Triumph Bonne. ’68 Tank. Custom racing seat. Good cond. $700. 871-0093.

NUDE BOYS & MEN, all:types, sizes and shapes. Photo sets color slides. Get our new 27 picture catalog plus Big Sample. Send $1 and state in writing you are over 21. MIKE DIAMOND PRODUCTIONS, 7471 Melrose Avenue, Dept. FE, Hollywood, Calif. 90046.

Husband, 25, loves wife but seeks enjoyable relationship with other married women. Utmost discretion. Contact me at P.O. Box 254, Detroit, Mich. 48231.

DRAFT PROBLEMS?? ACT! Explore your alternatives at Detroit Draft Counseling Center, Methodist Church, Woodward at Grand Circus, Sundays 8 to 10 pm.

Two intelligent freethinking bachelors wish to meet girls interested in weekend love-ins and/or ? WO1-9500, ex. 505.

Sandy—Contact Archie Allen—about Monday night.

Roeper’s gifted children suck. One-hundred-and-twenty-nine is still better than gifted.

Travis McGee and my recruiter, please be frigged.

Musician needs bread, selling 1968 Super Bratle with four new electro-voice speakers. Make reasonable offer 531-5980.

Self employed bachelor age 47 wants women for swinging dates. Call Albert 368-0530 11 am til 11 pm.

Nursing exp. companion, confidante. Female, 37, part time to gentleman or lady. Utmost discretion. TY9-1938.

Girls who love to do it. Send pictures, Box 6453, Detroit, Mich. 48234.

Male secretary wanted parttime, with writing experience and research skill. Shorthand not required. Call Ray evenings at 8313429.

PSYCHEDELIC MDSE. Wholesale Only. Handmade earrings. All types of rings. Leather hats, bags, and watchbands. Incense. Jewelry. Papers. Pipes. Burners. B.L. tubes. Wire glasses. Strobes. You name it. Buy direct from: Platt Mfg. Co., 424 So. Los Angeles St, L.A., Cal. Phone: 628-1205 or 628-4065.

Pooh: You dance between 10 and 11 and I’ll watch the door at the pit. Love from sara ann rapp et al.

Let’s show “Wall Street” where it’s at! Groovy Detroit area gals with big big busts. No age limit. Just quantity. Send photo if possible, and inches and cup size. You need not be a beauty queen. Prizes for 3 top winners Mr. Phillips, 16483 Woodward, Highland Park, Mich. 48203.

Bisexual single man would like man 21-50 to share life’s pleasures full time. Also share job, travel and paint signs. Write: Horizon, 405 N. Main St. Louis, Mich.

Gay male books, magazines, movies, free catalogues. Trojan, Box 2121-H, Phila. Pa.

White male 21 seeking black or white chick (prefer student) between 18 and 35 to spend summer with. Call Keith at 538-2243.

Notice: The electronics curriculum at R.E.T.S. blows. Heini.

NUDE BOYS & MEN PHOTOS. Catalog $1. from Mike Diamond Productions, 7471 Melrose Ave., Dept.FE, Hollywood, Ca. 90046.

Need young males to model in single and dual figure photos. Success based on snap you submit. Bob, Box 2022, Detroit, 48231. Will travel.

Writer needs ride to Cal. or thereabouts around the 16th or 21st of June. Call Art J. at Fifth Estate, leave info. Thanks, brother.

Well-endowed male discreet; 26 wishes to meet couples and single girls. Call 1-242-6084 anytime

Couple near WSU with infant will exchange babysitting with same. Call Jo, 865-0647.

VINYL LIFE SIZE DOLL 5′ 2″, 40-20-40. Brochures 25 cents. Hobbycraft, 7 – 10th Street, Greer, South Carolina, 29651

’63 Ford Fal., radio, 4 new tires. stand.stick. $200. Call after 5 pm, 873-0071.

To: Michael from Mountains Love, Sin.

Girl poodle trimmer wanted. Reasonable pay and hours. Will also train right girl. 931-5830, Al

Gay male couple seeks other gay male couples who are interested in photography, and nudism and weekend outings, and swimming. Single gay males who won’t interfere in our marriage also welcome Write Don, 861 Lothrop, Det. 48214.

When the Thyme disbanded they left a gap.

Hi Johnny, Michael, Greggy, Nancy; Special Hi to “Lady of the Cans” Helen Bowdy; also Captain Squibb’s Jug Band. Lana.

Male physique & fashion models. Ages 16-26, natural & athletic builds. Excellent pay! Send photo and description to Zodiac, Box 8513, Det. 48224.

Wanted, posters of groups. Write-Larry Sharp, 806 Pleasant, Charlotte, Mich. 48813.

Denby is the greatest, Osbourn, Cass, Finney, and Pershing blow. Jan P. is crazy. Remember, the Free Press forever!—Jim B.

GI in Nam whose girl finked out wants to write to other girls. Pfc. R.J. Arthurs, Co. E., 1/52 198th. APO S.F., Cal. 96219.

Tony & Georgie—Don’t forget the Revival and us. Beverly, Gloria, Rebecca and Margaret—Highland Park.

MC5 photos. 8x10s, $1. MC5 poster 16×20 Mounted, $9. Saginaw Film fest here August. Will Wegner, 4373 Wayside S., Saginaw, Mich. 48603.

6 of the HOTTEST Underground Newspapers—$2.00. W. Dedo, 15596 Delaware, Det., 48239.

Experienced female, blonde, would like some daytime fun and games. Give particulars. Box 1062, Warren, Mi.

To Cowgirl who I met at the Detroit Rock’ Revival, call your lonely cowboy because I love you. Your ring speaks to me and to hell with Injun Lover. Dave, GA2-5278.

Farmington rooms, clean groovy above business. Private entrance, girls preferred. Call Ron, 8 am to 12 noon. 474-0890.

Suburban male looking for female to join as couple to attend parties for couples only. No kooks or wayouters. Very discreet. Call Dave, 10 am to 3 pm or after midnight, GR7-2393.

Mature, discreet, uninhibited frenchknan. Girls women or couples, let me serve you. Available anytime, age unimportant, Find relief with Morty. 925-0017

Berkeley People’s Park shotgun victim just out of hospital urgently needs funds. Write to Bob Carter, 1544 California, San Francisco, Ca. 94109

To my dearest Frankie, all my love on your birthday, Ruthie, June 12

Male sex freak would like to meet females. Have polaroid. Call ED1-7835, 6:30 pm. Ask for Cat.

Married sterile male, 30, desires to be single swinger at swinger affairs, need contacts and women. Tony M., 1307 Monroe, Apt. 15, Dbrn. Mich.

Girls-Wives-Couples swing with nice people you select. Confidential-no fees to girls. Box 635, Warren, Mich. 48090

Wanted, musicians to fill Michigan music gap. Must sing, should write also. Springfield, Hollies, Thyme, etc. Call Dave, 533-2782

Ronda—I love you.

Male, ex-collegian, colored, 30, tall; sophisticated, well-spoken, will share cozy West Chicago Apt. with a female saleslady, student, clerical worker, Any race, $35 mo. WE5-3192, eves. Don’t miss out!

Women—free telephone advice on your problems, hangups, etc. 935-3192, evenings.

Swinging couple want to meet other couples over 25. Write to GRANT, 1604 Hazelwood, Det. Apt. 1. All letters answered. Must be accompanied by appropriate photograph. Anything goes!

An old fashioned understanding paternal generous gentleman (a rose horticulturist) is seeking the companionship and affection of a radiantly healthy young lady, over 18, who is soundly one of US; one who likes flowers, books art and music and would enjoy an ultra private discreet relationship without any of the negative static of social censorship, disapproval or imposed penalty from THEM. Please call only if sincere. 933-3564.

LIFERS SUCK—Pvt. James R. Michael. F.T.A.

Francine—I love you—Brad Will.

Buck up Channel 56, keep ‘live from earth’ alive. Send money to, Channel 56, WTVS, Southfield.

Love, peace and happiness, Rick. Love, Linda.

For latest issue of America’s only homosexual magazine, send $1 to Tangents, 3473 and a half Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood Cal. 90028.

Groovy girls desperately needed for love, lust and lolling. Two friendly responsive males, 22, beseech you. Gary, 961-0093.

Bi-guys, join “plotinue circle mutual enjoyment and expression. Write, Occupant, P.O. Box 441, Roseville, Mich. 48066. Give name, age.

It’s nice to be nice. From all us heads in the 1 st/22 Inf. 4th Div. Sp/4 Robert Bellamy, P.S.: Grand Rapids, Mich. Peace.

Female “spread” magazines, movies, paperbacks, free catalogues, Beaver, Box 2373-H, Phila. Pa.